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India, France to jointly patrol Indian Ocean Region, says French Navy head


May 9, 2019
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United States
In a move aimed at strengthening the defence ties, French Navy Chief Admiral Christophe Prazuck announced on Monday that the navies of India and France will carry out joint patrolling in the Indian Ocean region next year.

Speaking to ANI on the sidelines of an event organised by the Observer Research Foundation here, Prazuck said that the joint patrolling could be carried out in the northwestern or southern Indian ocean around the island administered by France.


"Region could be the northwestern Indian Ocean or southern Indian ocean around the island which are part of France. The idea is that if you don't control an area then it will be pillaged and when it is pillaged then it can be contested," Prazuck said.

Prazuck noted that collaboration with allies in a region for patrolling increases efficiency."If we have exclusive economic zone which is under our sovereignty we have to patrol there and what's going on. The spaces are huge. If you have allies controlling in this area then you are more efficient. that is why we are working with the Indian navy."

Talking about Indo-French military cooperation, he said,"We have many reasons to cooperate. We cooperated last year during the Varuna exercise for aircraft carriers, special forces, and submarines. It was fruitful and learned a lot. I want to increase this cooperation because the Indian Ocean is crucial for France. It is crucial for security, prosperity and for the environment."

Prazuck also said that France is working closely with each member nation of the QUAD

I am guessing African part of Indian ocean? Otherwise France has no business in Indo-Pacific.
Historically speaking, France and India don’t make an “ideal couple” to produce “offsprings”....

Anyway, a great piece of news for Pak!!! In the Third Battle of Panipat the Maratha Hindu forces depended on the French trained and equipped forces!! The rest is history....
Only if it is going to be a sword fight. Lol.
Historically speaking, France and India don’t make an “ideal couple” to produce “offsprings”....

Anyway, a great piece of news for Pak!!! In the Third Battle of Panipat the Maratha Hindu forces depended on the French trained and equipped forces!! The rest is history....

The French guns and cannons you are talking about actually belonged to Nizam of Hyderabad. Just before Panipat, Marathas had fought a war with nizam for control of deccan. Though maratha were victorious they were impressed by French gunpowder weapons used by their enemies and know they needed them in coming wars with afghans and British. So as a war reparations they took most of the French trained forces and weapons of nizam and even asked the commander in chief of nizams army to Ibrahim Khan Gardi to join them in upcoming northern expedition. At Panipat theose soldiers and weapons proved their worth dealing maximum devastation in abdalis forces. Such was that carnage after the war Ibrahim khan was captured and brutally tortured and executed as a revenge.
The French guns and cannons you are talking about actually belonged to Nizam of Hyderabad. Just before Panipat, Marathas had fought a war with nizam for control of deccan. Though maratha were victorious they were impressed by French gunpowder weapons used by their enemies and know they needed them in coming wars with afghans and British. So as a war reparations they took most of the French trained forces and weapons of nizam and even asked the commander in chief of nizams army to Ibrahim Khan Gardi to join them in upcoming northern expedition. At Panipat theose soldiers and weapons proved their worth dealing maximum devastation in abdalis forces. Such was that carnage after the war Ibrahim khan was captured and brutally tortured and executed as a revenge.

Oh i c. those French guns didn't saves defeat of Nizams of Hyderabad from Maratha's and afterwards Maratha's too defeated by Afghans in the presence of these same French weapons.

Its only emphasize that whoever uses the French weapons in Indian subcontinent as a deciding factor always remains on the loosing side.
Oh i c. those French guns didn't saves defeat of Nizams of Hyderabad from Maratha's and afterwards Maratha's too defeated by Afghans in the presence of these same French weapons.

Its only emphasize that whoever uses the French weapons in Indian subcontinent as a deciding factor always remains on the loosing side.
The Marathas still recovered after Panipat within a decade and came to rule most of modern India, and even defeated the British in the first Angol-Maratha War. Both the British and the Marathas had previously defeated Tipu Sultan.

Obviously, the French supported anyone who was against the British at the time.

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