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India fares poorly in global learning study

i see the "high IQ chinese" cant use their IQ to understand that IQ without support of other traits is worthless so you can be happy with your IQ scores
and secondly pakistanis hyping the issue of indias poor performance,where does it stand?i know the all mighty madrassas provide education equal to harvard
This is what I'd call as ignorance by folks that don't live here, you see the number of people who have access to PC(including shared ones in public places) is nearly four to five times than that who have atleast one at home. You said that only about 10% of the total pop have access to internet(excluding mobile devices) so that claim is laughable, then onto the mobile phone related query - I'd say that people that can afford an internet enabled phone(~4K rupees) have every chance that they'll hook it up to a low end PC(~10K rupees) hence my reference to this particular point.

The 10 % was a hyperbole from my side, regardless Chinese or Indian. ;)
A study that doesn't even cover 10% of the IND pop guesstimates IMHO !
The study estimates less than five per cent of the Indian population speaks English :rofl:
There are well over a thousand schools in my district out of which nearly ~90% cover English before the 12th standard so whatever else you get your stuff from I can safely assume that my knowledge in this field is far more reliable than any wannabe group spouting whatever their masters paid them for !
Götterdämmerung;2410697 said:
The 10 % was a hyperbole from my side, regardless Chinese or Indian. ;)
Its pretty hard to conduct a survey or study in detail examining finer aspects(wrt economy) of nations the size of IND/CN so alot of it is guesswork hence nowhere near as reliable as one would like it to be :laugh:
Interesting fact:

China's economy, is bigger than the rest of the BRIC countries combined (Russia, India and Brazil).

India's economy meanwhile... is smaller than Brazil's alone.
Is it only me or someone else noticed the statistical stupidity of this study?

This study compares shanghai which is a city with Tamil Nadu which is a state.Even if we discount for the fact that cities attract the best and brightest of its populace,how could you compare something that has twice an area and thrice a population of the entity to which it is compared.

Why not compare Union Territory of Chandigarh with China.after all even domestic helps in Chandigarh have better living standard than average chinese.This comparision could be made but it would be as absurd as the one in report,i.e. comparing oranges with watermelons.This is an statistical absurdity due to bias in sampling.
Actually the average IQ of shanghainese is 109,and hongkongnese is 108,Korean is 106,Singapore Chinese is 107.
Is it only me or someone else noticed the statistical stupidity of this study?

This study compares shanghai which is a city with Tamil Nadu which is a state.Even if we discount for the fact that cities attract the best and brightest of its populace,how could you compare something that has twice an area and thrice a population of the entity to which it is compared.

Why not compare Union Territory of Chandigarh with China.after all even domestic helps in Chandigarh have better living standard than average chinese.This comparision could be made but it would be as absurd as the one in report,i.e. comparing oranges with watermelons.This is an statistical absurdity due to bias in sampling.

How is 1,900 US$ per capita in Chandigarh higher than the average of 4,400 US$ in China?
The ones who can't decipher a simple post :P
Do I need to remind you that you can access internet through your mobile phone connected to a PC ? I have three ways to access net at home or away; mobile broadband aka 3G USB dongles, then Ethernet & lastly mobile handsets with data cable, wifi or bluetooth.
I was referring to the fact that around 700~800 mil(roughly) Indians know English so around ~10% of them i.e. not more than ~100 mil in China would be fluent in English btw this number in INDIA is not more than ~300 mil which is still thrice or more than that of China :cool:
I am assuming alot of things here but the fact that IND is following the same official language for over a hundred yrs & CN only recently opened up(since 2K) its population to large scale English teaching centers makes me believe that they're relatively safe wrt accuracy.

wake up and smell the coffee india can never better than china dont make a fool of yourself
i see the "high IQ chinese" cant use their IQ to understand that IQ without support of other traits is worthless so you can be happy with your IQ scores
and secondly pakistanis hyping the issue of indias poor performance,where does it stand?i know the all mighty madrassas provide education equal to harvard

Belive me we dont need indian tell us what to do with our iq, china is ahead of india in almost everything may be we use our iq better than india no?
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