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India fares poorly in global learning study

The thread was opened before by a chinese and the topic was discussed to death but the never dying troll urge forced chinese to come back again with the same topic (True sign of High IQ)

It got closed after Chinese IQ troll brigade struck it with their usual trash comments(or I must say high IQ comments as per their standards).. Some of those Chinese who commented on that thread are back here again and crying river about bashing threads being opened against China.. how sad :(

LOL, you guys love to flame about "IQ"... but you end up making yourselves look bad.

China IQ = 105

India IQ = 79

IQ and Global Inequality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Any correlation to the OECD test scores?
LOL, you guys love to flame about "IQ"... but you end up making yourselves look bad.

China IQ = 105

India IQ = 79

IQ and Global Inequality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Any correlation to the OECD test scores?

Impossible to accept on the basis of your posts & those of your fellow countrymen on this forum. Either you guys didn't make the honour lists or we chaps here are brilliant considering we regularly hand you guys your backsides on a plate. Never thought much about it when I thought that the average IQ's were roughly the same; to do it on a supposed IQ of 79, we guys must be special, really special!....or you guys totally not representative of your country's "high IQ".:D
Impossible to accept on the basis of your posts & those of your fellow countrymen on this forum. Either you guys didn't make the honour lists or we chaps here are brilliant considering we regularly hand you guys your backsides on a plate. Never thought much about it when I thought that the average IQ's were roughly the same; to do it on a supposed IQ of 79, we guys must be special, really special!....or you guys totally not representative of your country's "high IQ".:D

Maybe the average Chinese guy has the money to buy a computer, speak decent English to communicate with the outside world and the elite is busy building up the country to bother with us on PDF, while in India only the 10% elite have the mean to be online instead of making progress for their country. :D
Götterdämmerung;2410419 said:
Maybe the average Chinese guy has the money to buy a computer, speak decent English to communicate with the outside world and the elite is busy building up the country to bother with us on PDF, while in India only the 10% elite have the mean to be online instead of making progress for their country. :D
That isn't more than 10% of the total number of people who know English here, similarly an avg Chinese guy is dumb enough to think that nearly half of the ~800 mil+ mobile connections in IND aren't internet enabled so then leaving the math part to you I'd say we aren't half as bad as the dumbos next door !
did we achieve some thing i did not know about recently? a lot of insecurity from certain members here. reflected in threads recently started.:D
That isn't more than 10% of the total number of people who know English here, similarly an avg Chinese guy is dumb enough to think that nearly half of the ~800 mil+ mobile connections in IND aren't internet enabled so then leaving the math part to you I'd say we aren't half as bad as the dumbos next door !

Have you ever tried to write a lengthly text on a mobile device? It's a pain in the arse, I tell you, not to mention to copy news articles, pics and edit the post! It's almost impossible.

What do you mean by not more than 10 % not knowing English? In India or in China? In China, I would say by far less than 10 % who are anywhere near fluent in English. Who are the dumbos next door?
did we achieve some thing i did not know about recently? a lot of insecurity from certain members here. reflected in threads recently started.:D

No, the only thing you achieved was to bash China and Pakistan enough, that now everyone wants to get their own back against shining India.
Götterdämmerung;2410551 said:
Have you ever tried to write a lengthly text on a mobile device? It's a pain in the arse, I tell you, not to mention to copy news articles, pics and edit the post! It's almost impossible.

What do you mean by not more than 10 % not knowing English? In India or in China? In China, I would say by far less than 10 % who are anywhere near fluent in English. Who are the dumbos next door?
The ones who can't decipher a simple post :P
Do I need to remind you that you can access internet through your mobile phone connected to a PC ? I have three ways to access net at home or away; mobile broadband aka 3G USB dongles, then Ethernet & lastly mobile handsets with data cable, wifi or bluetooth.
I was referring to the fact that around 700~800 mil(roughly) Indians know English so around ~10% of them i.e. not more than ~100 mil in China would be fluent in English btw this number in INDIA is not more than ~300 mil which is still thrice or more than that of China :cool:
I am assuming alot of things here but the fact that IND is following the same official language for over a hundred yrs & CN only recently opened up(since 2K) its population to large scale English teaching centers makes me believe that they're relatively safe wrt accuracy.
compare to a country of similar size ie china india is doing very poorly.


Both paksiatn and india should learn from china

but i think educating masses should be duty of govts you see. Thats why i think pak and indian leaders failed us

I think its the system in india. we have the same problem corrupt political leaders dont want people to be educated. feudals control is loosend by education. Look in pakistan we are left as slaves to 23 year old bhutto. And indians well they have a white woman who look after them. We should look to china and try learn from them
haha,this guy is trying his best to put India and Pakistan in the same club.
I caught you;)

---------- Post added at 05:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:52 PM ----------

compare to a country of similar size ie china india is doing very poorly.


Both paksiatn and india should learn from china

but i think educating masses should be duty of govts you see. Thats why i think pak and indian leaders failed us

I think its the system in india. we have the same problem corrupt political leaders dont want people to be educated. feudals control is loosend by education. Look in pakistan we are left as slaves to 23 year old bhutto. And indians well they have a white woman who look after them. We should look to china and try learn from them

It is a GLOBAL OECD study.
Threat centres around India..too much for the High IQ to understand!
^^^^^^ so sorry forgot you have pretentions of being a super power. i could have just said india is or has failed compared to china in educating its masses. But then you would have rightly come back and said that pakistans just as bad which it is. If I was that interested in india I would go on an indian forum.

BTW Pakistan and India are in the same club our leaders unlike chinas have failed in educating our masses.
In any event well done china. The neighbourhood shood follow chinas lead on this
The ones who can't decipher a simple post :P
Do I need to remind you that you can access internet through your mobile phone connected to a PC ? I have three ways to access net at home or away; mobile broadband aka 3G USB dongles, then Ethernet & lastly mobile handsets with data cable, wifi or bluetooth.
I was referring to the fact that around 700~800 mil(roughly) Indians know English so around ~10% of them i.e. not more than ~100 mil in China would be fluent in English btw this number in INDIA is not more than ~300 mil which is still thrice or more than that of China :cool:
I am assuming alot of things here but the fact that IND is following the same official language for over a hundred yrs & CN only recently opened up(since 2K) its population to large scale English teaching centers makes me believe that they're relatively safe wrt accuracy.

I know, I do it quite often when travelling. But most Indians just cannot afford to have a mobile device and a PC at the same time. The numbers of computers sold in India says it.

Of course you guys are more proficient in English than the Chinese, you guys were dominated by the Brits for a few centuries. On the other hand, I don't see much advantage for the majority of Chinese to master a language they propably will never have use of, as the internal market is big enough to never deal with a foreigner. But it's still necessary to have some grasp of a foreign language - any foreign language - to broaden the horizon.

Most Germans have a basic understanding of German and French (Spanish and Mandarin are growing rapidly), but are far from being fluent. Still, we are doing very well. :)
I think i read somewhere that in the english language chinese are overtaking india as well
Götterdämmerung;2410621 said:
I know, I do it quite often when travelling. But most Indians just cannot afford to have a mobile device and a PC at the same time. The numbers of computers sold in India says it.

Of course you guys are more proficient in English than the Chinese, you guys were dominated by the Brits for a few centuries. On the other hand, I don't see much advantage for the majority of Chinese to master a language they propably will never have use of, as the internal market is big enough to never deal with a foreigner. But it's still necessary to have some grasp of a foreign language - any foreign language - to broaden the horizon.

Most Germans have a basic understanding of German and French (Spanish and Mandarin are growing rapidly), but are far from being fluent. Still, we are doing very well. :)
This is what I'd call as ignorance by folks that don't live here, you see the number of people who have access to PC(including shared ones in public places) is nearly four to five times than that who have atleast one at home. You said that only about 10% of the total pop have access to internet(excluding mobile devices) so that claim is laughable, then onto the mobile phone related query - I'd say that people that can afford an internet enabled phone(~4K rupees) have every chance that they'll hook it up to a low end PC(~10K rupees) hence my reference to this particular point.
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