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India fails to supply wheat to Afghanistan

They will surely try to woo Taliban, or some faction therein, to use them against Pakistan, if possible. I am certain, they are exploring these possibilities. This wheat business is all about that.

I think they just want to pretend they are wealthier than they really are. lol

India was always Mother Teresa and Oxfam begging people around the world to help poor starving India. Now it wants to pretend they are well off and can give "aid" which of course doesn't materialize because they are as poor and incompetent as ever.
1000 death each day from which year?

BTW no one knows what happened after the pandamic.

A 2019 report by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) highlighted that India reported the most number of deaths — 882,000 — of children below five years in 2018. The report titled ‘State of the World’s Children 2019’, pointed out that malnutrition caused 69 per cent of under-five deaths in India.

India has 77 million tonnes of wheat and rice surplus The second highest in the world after China.

The output churned out by India's agricultural sector is absolutely gargantuan.

Anyways first batch of Indian wheat will reach Afghanistan next month.

After this we will use Iranian route to supply Afghanistan directly with wheat (100,000 tonnes). Iranian foreign minister will visit India soon for this.

LIke I said, It does not add up.....
I think they just want to pretend they are wealthier than they really are. lol

India was always Mother Teresa and Oxfam begging people around the world to help poor starving India. Now it wants to pretend they are well off and can give "aid" which of course doesn't materialize because they are as poor and incompetent as ever.
Nice joke
India is the largest exporter of rice in the world. Infact it is China which still has to be the largest importer of rice.

BTW no one knows what happened after the pandamic.

A 2019 report by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) highlighted that India reported the most number of deaths — 882,000 — of children below five years in 2018. The report titled ‘State of the World’s Children 2019’, pointed out that malnutrition caused 69 per cent of under-five deaths in India.

LIke I said, It does not add up.....
It’s more f*cked when you realise India is a net exporter of food. That’s right, a country who ranks low in food security and struggles to feed its people, exports more food than it imports.
I think they just want to pretend they are wealthier than they really are. lol
EcIndia was always Mother Teresa and Oxfam begging people around the world to help poor starving India. Now it wants to pretend they are well off and can give "aid" which of course doesn't materialize because they are as poor and incompetent as ever.
India has already donated 500,000 tonnes of wheat to Afghanistan since 2012.
Will give another 50K through Pakistan route and 100K through Iran route.
As the mightiest economy in South Asia it's out duty

It’s more f*cked when you realise India is a net exporter of food. That’s right, a country who ranks low in food security exports more food than it imports.
There is no shortage of food in India. Infact in terms of per capita food production India leads all South Asian countries.

India fails to supply wheat to Afghanistan​

By Muhammad Saleh Zaafir
January 24, 2022

India fails to supply wheat to Afghanistan

ISLAMABAD: Afghanistan is anxiously awaiting Indian wheat that has to reach Kabul via Pakistan but Indian authorities have failed to deliver the grain at the Pakistan border although Islamabad has generously offered facilitation to transit the grain in the interest of the Afghan people, who are suffering.

Reports said India has failed to give any schedule for the supplies so far, though the New Delhi had earlier indicated that the supply of 50,000 metric tonnes of its wheat would likely be transited from early next month. The offer was made in October last year.

Indian sources claimed that New Delhi has already signed contracts with Afghan transporters for thousands of trucks to pick up wheat from the Pakistan-India border and transport it to Afghanistan. The wheat would be then handed over to the United Nations (UN) agencies like the World Food Programme (WFP) for distribution in the country.

However, complicated logistics still needed to be streamedlined, which included ensuring a steady supply of wheat to the Pakistani border from Indian storage facilities. New Delhi is hopeful that these preparations are in the final stages, with the first supply about to start in early February.

The indication of an imminent commencement of the supply came against the backdrop of Pakistan re-stating that it was still awaiting a response from India on the modalities to start the deliveries.

“We have conveyed to India necessary details of arrangements put in place by Pakistan, and for about three weeks now, are awaiting further response from India on the date of dispatch and other information regarding the first consignment,” said Pakistan Foreign Office spokesperson two days ago.

India had sent a proposal to Pakistan on October 07, 2021, seeking a transit facility to send 50,000 tonnes of wheat and life-saving medicines to Afghanistan via Pakistani route. Pakistan on November 24, 2021, agreed to allow Afghan trucks to pick up wheat from the Wagah border.

Islamabad’s permission was necessary as Pakistan does not allow two-way trade between Afghanistan and India through its territory. Pakistan and India continue to have a tense relationship, with the lowest point in recent years being the cross-border airstrikes in 2019.

Is this even surprising?
The only time India goes running to Afghanistan is when someone wants to murder the Afghan people.

India supported the USSR in a war that killed nearly 1 million Afghans, and made half the population homeless.

Again, India supported the Americans in a war that killed nearly 200,000 Afghans.
reminds me of the British exporting food produced from Bengal, while Bengalis dying of hunger due to a famine.
Again a lot of big talk but no walk from India.

And India is one of the most malnourished countries in the world:

What is India trying to prove?
A friend in need is friend indeed .
Better to ship things to Afghanistan via Iran. Pakistan would rather Afghanistan suffer than let them have Indian wheat.
India has 77 million tonnes of wheat and rice surplus The second highest in the world after China.

The output churned out by India's agricultural sector is absolutely gargantuan.

Anyways first batch of Indian wheat will reach Afghanistan next month.

After this we will use Iranian route to supply Afghanistan directly with wheat (100,000 tonnes). Iranian foreign minister will visit India soon for this.
on papers you are super power but reality is something

Coronavirus in India: Shocking video of a hungry man eating a dead dog's carcass on the road sparks outrage​

A man driving on a highway from Rajasthan to Delhi took the video

Published: May 21, 2020 16:19 Falah Gulzar, Social Media Reporter

Man eats dog carcass
Hungry man feeds on dog carcass in India, video sparks outrage online Image Credit: YouTube/ Pradhuman Singh Naruka


Only fools will become mercenary of america for dollars , zia opted that path and employed own citizens in american war with russia . Now see the result , religious extremist snakes living in your backyard are coming to bite you . We never offered our citizens for fighting in others war .

So you are admitting India is a big fat fool. Well done, son.

You shameless idiots, you went begging to America and Britain crying for help in 1962, they supplied your soldiers at the front lines, you don't even have the guts to defend yourself. You bunch of cowards.

Nehru wrote nicey nicey letter to President Ayub, in the hope he wouldn't attack, you shameless beggars.

After 9/11 you were begging to offer your bases, facilities and anything they wanted to the Americans, you died of shame when America went to Pakistan for help.

You people have no shame,
Get in bed with the Russians, Americans, the British and anyone who will have you, do as they wish, as long as you are given safety, there is a name for that kind of person, A RANDI, a shameless whore.

Regarding extremism, your society invented extremism, through the caste system, when you declare an entire group to be sub-human, create a class where the minority has God like benefits, and the majority low castes are nothing better then animals.

You took the same extremism approach against the minorities, you fools, you murdered over 200,000 in Jammu in 1947, over 100,000 in Hyderabad in 1948, another 100,000 in Kashmir over the past few decades, 20,000 Sikhs in 1984, and tens of thousands in other riots.

There have been tens of thousands of riots in India, resulting in a mass bloodbath of minority groups in India, killing and murdering Christians, Sikhs, Buddhist, Dalits and especially Muslims.

You should take lessons from Pakistan, you fools, none of that happens in Pakistan. Since independence Pakistan has only had barely a few riots, India has had tens of thousands, you shameless fools.
Beta learn history of bangladesh and manslaughter during those days from independent sources , then read history of MQM movement and violence done on them , learn why terrorism is so common in pakistan, learn about baloch movement then go learn about persecution of masihis , hindus , sikhs , hazaras .

Do you know about those pakistani men who were eating human flesh after digging graves from grave yard , google it , there are many mentally deranged people who dont know what they are eating .

Beta? aren't you the son, don't you consider yourself as the the progeny of the Indus people, that's us, beta.

What are you talking about you fool, those issues are fictions of an Indian imagination, blown out of proportion.

If you want to discuss political issues then looks at the oppression of Bihari people all over India, they are oppressed to the extreme.
The North Indians call the South Indians Kalia's, blacks, you racist creatures.
The North east India is on fire, fighting for freedom.
There is a massive rebellion by the Maoist covering nearly half of India.

You don't have a country, you have groups forced to live together, a nation born out of oppression, and existing purely because of continuous oppression.

Political issues aside, you society is sick, and actively killing and murdering it's minorities. on a regular basis, you shameless creatures. How can you call yourself a nation when you are constantly killing your own people in an organised manner.
Son, you need to behave.

And, stop killing your minorities in their tens of thousands, forced murder of minority groups in India must stop.
Only fools will become mercenary of america for dollars , zia opted that path and employed own citizens in american war with russia . Now see the result , religious extremist snakes living in your backyard are coming to bite you . We never offered our citizens for fighting in others war .
They are no fools. They got a lot in return.
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