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India facing collapse as a nation : Amartya Sen

"Noble prize Genius". :lol:

If the United States regards India as its main competitor, India will surely collapse. Fortunately, there is China.The United States only needs to make a phone call to end India's oil trade with Iran.
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If you want to do a study on the socio-economic benefit of a temple (or hospital/college) among the lower middle class in its immediate vicinity, then you can apply for a grant from the government.

exactly, that's why I said we should build more temples for economic development. India needs more temples. afterall we don't want less temples stopping us from being super power.
exactly, that's why I said we should build more temples for economic development. India needs more temples. afterall we don't want less temples stopping us from being super power.

What are you thoughts on building more church's in NE to improve economic development ?

Indian Church is largest non-government landowner because of land grants since British times.

What are you views on fair redistribution of this land to the people of India ? You know , for economic development since you are such a strong proponent of that.
"Noble prize Genius". :lol:


These are socialist baboons, if you read the work of Abhijit Banerjee, the gist of his thesis is how to alleviate extreme poverty by handing out cash to families in below poverty level. I mean you do not need a high intellect to understand that 'extra cash' does eliminate extreme poverty. I have seen his interviews, where he proposed high inflation (say 12-15%) is good for India, and India should print Rupee to hand out monthly cash to BPL segment of population.

In our lab, me and few fellow Indians were reading his works and laughing about it. I mean how redundant is his inference.
India is nowhere near collapse. But the politics and media in the country are in need of a major overhaul. Never seen such gutter level discourse in my lifetime

Agent provocuters and brown sepoys sellouts has always been the bane of India.

You can see them in action in pdf itself. When they are so wide spread in society, how can you blame the Media ?
Agent provocuters and brown sepoys sellouts has always been the bane of India.

You can see them in action in pdf itself. When they are so wide spread in society, how can you blame the Media ?
Such people exist in all societies. Media should be held to absolute standards, not relative. There is shit media in the best of countries, but also sensible one. We have to deal with only one type
These are socialist baboons, if you read the work of Abhijit Banerjee, the gist of his thesis is how to alleviate extreme poverty by handing out cash to families in below poverty level. I mean you do not need a high intellect to understand that 'extra cash' does eliminate extreme poverty. I have seen his interviews, where he proposed high inflation (say 12-15%) is good for India, and India should print Rupee to hand out monthly cash to BPL segment of population.

In our lab, me and few fellow Indians were reading his works and laughing about it. I mean how redundant is his inference.

When even the common man can understand the absurdity of such ideas, why does the West promote and reward such thugs ?

Netherland just shot a 16 year old boy on a Tractor in the Farmers protest. Heard anything in the Media about that ? Now compare that to the Indian farmers protest and its media circus.

German journalist Alina Lipp is facing three years in prison in her home country for her reporting on crimes committed by Ukranian troops, but Germany is concerned about Zubair's arrest in India and has a German church funded lawyer to represent him in Supreme court.

It has always been this way. Unless we change it. Staring with changing ourselves.

Such people exist in all societies. Media should be held to absolute standards, not relative. There is shit media in the best of countries, but also sensible one. We have to deal with only one type

You are wrong. They don't exist in other societies in such large numbers.

And even then, they have good reasons.

But in India these people have no reason but just extreme HATE for Hindus and Hindu though and values. PDF Indians will give you a good example of that.
When even the common man can understand the absurdity of such ideas, why does the West promote and reward such thugs ?
Because its a political tool, and has been effectively used to fool the masses. That's why I always suggest people to read their work, and how it will impact your daily life. Some ideas are very good on paper, but will be disaster on the ground.

Now imagine a sustained 12-15% inflation in India, all the wealth of middle class will vanish within 2-3 years, zero credibility in the local currency and zero confidence in macro economics.
Because its a political tool, and has been effectively used to fool the masses. That's why I always suggest people to read their work, and how it will impact your daily life. Some ideas are very good on paper, but will be disaster on the ground.

Now imagine a sustained 12-15% inflation in India, all the wealth of middle class will vanish within 2-3 years, zero credibility in the local currency and zero confidence in macro economics.

The irony of recognizing Media as a Political tool destroys the idea of Media as the fourth pillar of democracy.

India has a non functional Judiciary.

So really, Indian democracy stands on two legs.
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