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India faces threat from China, Pakistan: Jaswant


You feel Indians of Islamic faith are disloyal?

Head Omar Abdullah?
Unfortunately the threat that is most immediate for Indians is internal. However; it is clear they not prepared to acknowledge it and this attitude may be as dangerous as the threats it faces to the economic performance and cohesion we all wish will grow

Muse, I am curious.

Why do you think that Indians are not prepared to acknowledge the challenge? What is that internal challenge? Are you talking of communal strife or the danger of terror?

Yes, all reasonable people should wish for the growth of our region as a whole. Give this region 2-3 decades of peace and see it become the most happening place in the world.

But the first condition would be to start looking ahead and not to imagined past glories.
Not quite.

There are many who think the BJP is lousy. But sadly, the others appear lousier!!

I like the BJP for initiating peace with Pakistan and other nationalistic agenda, even though I don't vote since politics is a refuge for scoundrels. But I dislike their appendages like the VHP and other fools. If I had a chance, I would shove the Trishul they carry up their orifice.

Good one. I am too against any religious fundamentalists. Be it Hindu or Muslim.
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