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India faces threat from China, Pakistan: Jaswant


Mar 31, 2007
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India faces threat from China, Pakistan: Jaswant
6 Jul, 2008, 1944 hrs IST, IANS

KOLKATA: Criticising the Congress for its alleged failure on internal as well as external fronts, senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader and former foreign minister Jaswant Singh Sunday said India was facing a threat from China and Pakistan.

"Never in the last 40 years I have witnessed India so troubled and turbulent, both internally and externally," Singh said on the sidelines of a seminar on 'Challenges to National Identity and Security in 21st Century' here.

"Internally, the Maoists are splitting the country, and externally there is the threat from neighbouring countries like China and Pakistan," he said.

Singh said a country's geography determines its foreign policies. "But thanks to the Congress leaders, it's the reverse in our case."

"Mahatma Gandhi is responsible for India's troubled relations with Pakistan, while Jawaharlal Nehru is behind the Tibet and China issues. And the complexities we are facing from Sri Lanka and Bangladesh are because of Indira Gandhi's strategic errors," he added.

Singh said China had become the new emerging threat to India.

"China is aware that India has a soft government and hence it is pressurising us psychologically rather than giving a straight fight."

"India needs to be internally strong first to be able to arrange for solution and security. But, sadly, this sounds too nice to be true," he added
very much correct, whatever he has said. At least someone has spoken the truth.
very much correct, whatever he has said. At least someone has spoken the truth.
This is clearly a politically motivated attack at the opposition party with a twist of scare tactics. Good ol Mr. Jaswant Singh seems to be taking lessons from the Bush clan.

The threat level vis-a-vis Pakistan and China are far lower than during his tenure and the Maoist problem is really independent what he's saying.
I dont think that in its current situation Pakistan is any threat to anybody other than itself. Jaswant Singh,s statement is a political one with its own agenda. It reflects a typical behaviour of creating enemies outside to justify certain actions. It is not a novel technique and has been used by many including the erst while Mr Bush.and Israel. In fact this paranoid approach will cause more instability in the region than him keeping quiet. It will certainly not send good signals to the chinese Govtt. which wants to better its relations with India. I need say no more about Indo Pak relations as paranoia is exhibited day and night by members belonging to both the countries. I think, whereas there is no compromise on national security, politicians of Mr Singh,s calibre should be talking about peace and calm in the region rather than these paranoid statements.
I dont think that in its current situation Pakistan is any threat to anybody other than itself. Jaswant Singh,s statement is a political one with its own agenda. It reflects a typical behaviour of creating enemies outside to justify certain actions. It is not a novel technique and has been used by many including the erst while Mr Bush.and Israel. In fact this paranoid approach will cause more instability in the region than him keeping quiet. It will certainly not send good signals to the chinese Govtt. which wants to better its relations with India. I need say no more about Indo Pak relations as paranoia is exhibited day and night by members belonging to both the countries. I think, whereas there is no compromise on national security, politicians of Mr Singh,s calibre should be talking about peace and calm in the region rather than these paranoid statements.
His words have absloutely no bearing upon Indian foreign policy given that he isn't in any position of authority. This is more of an attack on his political opposition where he's trying to portray them as "weak" and "inattentive" in the face of threats that may or may not exist (certainly not of the magnitude he's making them sound here). He has one and one intention only, to make the opposition look bad so that his party can get elected into office the next time around.
I disagree.

Paksitan is facing a great threat from itself!

China can be handled.
I dont think that in its current situation Pakistan is any threat to anybody other than itself. Jaswant Singh,s statement is a political one with its own agenda. It reflects a typical behaviour of creating enemies outside to justify certain actions. It is not a novel technique and has been used by many including the erst while Mr Bush.and Israel. In fact this paranoid approach will cause more instability in the region than him keeping quiet. It will certainly not send good signals to the chinese Govtt. which wants to better its relations with India. I need say no more about Indo Pak relations as paranoia is exhibited day and night by members belonging to both the countries. I think, whereas there is no compromise on national security, politicians of Mr Singh,s calibre should be talking about peace and calm in the region rather than these paranoid statements.

Elections are coming. His eye is on the elections!
Elections are coming. His eye is on the elections!

Demonizing China and Pakistan and adopting hardline on war can be a winning slogan.
How congress plan to counter such initiative.
I think in the next general election congress has no chance of winning. BJP will get a majority to rule India next time.:agree:
Technically Mr. Jaswant is right however practically he is wrong. Pakistan is presently not in a position to pose threat to any one and China I believe is not interested, atleast not for the moment.
Technically Mr. Jaswant is right however practically he is wrong. Pakistan is presently not in a position to pose threat to any one and China I believe is not interested, atleast not for the moment.

I had a very intersting conversation with a retired Senior Armed forces person. Hetold me that there is a high likelihood of India and Pakistan putting up a joint front in response to American advancements in the region. Looking at our threat perception, the threat we face is not from China or even India.The threat is from outside forces. If we produce enough food for ourselves( once we stop all the smuggling!!!)our cumulative resources are a major threat to st elsewhere. The war in my view would not be over food but fuel and energy. You are all wise enough to see what is happenning in the region. It is high time aour politicians talked more about living together in peace than projecting each other as a source of threat. That is the view that I take which iswhy I have made these comments.
I had a very intersting conversation with a retired Senior Armed forces person. Hetold me that there is a high likelihood of India and Pakistan putting up a joint front in response to American advancements in the region. Looking at our threat perception, the threat we face is not from China or even India.The threat is from outside forces. If we produce enough food for ourselves( once we stop all the smuggling!!!)our cumulative resources are a major threat to st elsewhere. The war in my view would not be over food but fuel and energy. You are all wise enough to see what is happenning in the region. It is high time aour politicians talked more about living together in peace than projecting each other as a source of threat. That is the view that I take which iswhy I have made these comments.

While what Mr ( read Maj) Jaswant Singh has said is possibly with the next election in mind it does voice the opinion of most Indian ( if not all ) on how the Commies have subverted national interests on the behest of " their Master's voice". I am no lover of the BJP or any political party for that matter, but the fact that most jokers got together simply to " keep BJP out " shows how opportunistic & hollow they all were / are. This actually is only an ploy to cover their fear of going back to the electorate.

I am not sure how probable are the parts highlighted above. What is worth taking note of is the underlying theme behind such a thought. Notwithstanding all religious & regional ( patriotic) issues what we choose not to understand is the fact that the we all are are exactly where the Brits left us in '47. They left us devastated & divided. Our independence was pre - poned, borders were hurried drawn thoughtlessly, communal passions were stoked with the results we see today. We have no one to blame but ourselves for the mess we now are in. After so many wars, conflicts & nuclear explosions nothing has changed . In fact things have only got worse. Areas which were peaceful in '47 are now on fire. None of the wise men & women who led us changed anything ( or were there any who did ?).

We only have to look back from Aug '47 to date and assess for ourselves which leader left us in a condition better that things were when he / she took over.

Can we not see that our differences are what is getting business & jobs for so many in the West ? I for one am a firm believer that all the SAARC countries have immense potential & can collectively get a better deal for themselves if we could present a common front . We all are being systematically exploited while we feel pleased with ourselves on having secured an alliance here or some new equipment / toy which get obsolete before it is ever used.

Water & Energy are the two main issues we shall see as the major bones of contention in our times.

...but then when have politicians & dictators seen beyond their nose?
Hello India,

You don't have to worry either from China or Pakistan. China will never wage war with you as long you are silent on Tibet or directly in the path of Chinese interest. And Pakistan just can't. China will not gain anything from such wars with their neighbors esp. country like India. China wants to be stronger in every respect along with her neighbors.
When China is weak be certain India would be weak too. Someone wants you to be weak but it's not China. I hope you would understand who that 'someone' is.

Someone pretends to be your friend and and has been trying so many ways to pollute your soul with imaginative fear of China. India , you have produced brilliant politicians and extra ordinary diplomats over the years. Don't worry too much. Don't trust in those
baseless words of Jaswant Singh.

Work hard and be respectful of all your neighbors. Pay attention and listen to them. Extend your friendly arm (Ghandian arm) to solve all the disputes with your neighbors.
Every problem can be solved via good diplomacy and clear intention to solve 'em - in course of time, definitely.

Remember, in the time of crisis, your neighbors would be your best friend to come up with timely help.
A stronger Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar is good for India. A stronger Pakistan is even better for India. A stronger India is better for China. And a stonger China is always better for all her neighbors and rest of the world. As we all know China and India will never dictate or interfere in other nation's affairs which are the root causes of hate and followed by wars, famine, hunger and suffering of Mankind!

Finally Mr. J Singh, don't preach something which is not true at all. Open up your loving arms like Bapujee to all your neighbors and be a VICTOR in world politics. Don't be part of their game plan who doesn't want to see the Asians as the next SUPER POWER.

Long live! friendship among Indian and Chinese neighbors for next thousand years.
Indian friends, good advice is offered above - you are in a hurry and a faustian bargain is awaiting you from those who think that by derailing Asia and throwing it into conflict that can avert their own problems.

A SCO to Asean tied in peaceful and vigourous trade is a possiblity, if you will agree not be the tool of those who enslaved before and scheme to do it again.
Is it advice to politicians of India:woot:
Do you think Politicians listen or think rationally ? Take for eg. Pakistan politicians.
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