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India elbowed out of Afghanistan peace talks

Not a problem. India doesn't work as a gun for hire, unlike others. Neither are we a war monger.

I see two positives when Afghan Taliban comes in power-
1. The liberal /secular world gets more ammo to criticise faith.
2. It sort of guarantees that the US will be back, in the future.
3. More liberal Afghans will leave Afghanistan for the rest of the world. And they are fabulous people.

you were being used as Gun for hire to destabilize Afghanistan and Pakistan and India failed in it miserably and one the on other hand got *** whopped, you cannot destabilize a country who whoops your a$$. So, finally US came to their sense that its not Pakistan but India who is responsible for their 100s of billions of wasted dollars in Afg.
What have the Indians been thinking?!?! Isn’t it Afganistan which was reminiscent with the conquests of India?!?! The world has seen Pak is ready to go any length to secure Afganistan in her terms for she considers it a mortal threat to her existence...
you were being used as Gun for hire to destabilize Afghanistan and Pakistan and India failed in it miserably and one the on other hand got *** whopped, you cannot destabilize a country who whoops your a$$. So, finally US came to their sense that its not Pakistan but India who is responsible for their 100s of billions of wasted dollars in Afg.
A mercenary gets paid. India was there for its own interest.
Do you think anyone was paying India for its presence in Afghanistan?
I wouldn't call it elbowed out. I would term it as punched in the face and kicked in the butt out of Afghanistan.
Off course Indians would call it being "elbowed out", we call it "Fucked out" like "get the **** out of here", like "shut the **** up and get the **** out of here", like "suck it motherfuckers and never show your ugly face again".

Yep suck that lollipop if you don't like the lulli we gave you you to suck on.

US envoy Khalilzad has informed India that Indian Govt will be one of the twelve international guarantors of Afghan peace deal.
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