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India downplays Chinese incursion


Jun 24, 2012
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NEW DELHI: The government reacted cautiously to reports about the latest Chinese incursion into Ladakh, where Beijing is said to have erected tents 10 km into Indian territory, by recalling that the two countries have varying perceptions of the Line of Actual Control (LAC). Senior government sources said that the matter has been taken up with the Chinese through the working mechanism for consultation and coordination between the two nations for border affairs.

"This is an area where there have been differing perceptions of the Line of Actual Control. Incidents do occur and are resolved peacefully on the basis of bilateral agreements which exist and mechanisms provided for in these agreements," said a government source.

"Both sides are in touch on this availing the working mechanism for consultation and coordination on India-China border affairs which is headed by joint secretary (East Asia) in the ministry of external affairs and the director general border affairs of the Chinese ministry of foreign affairs. We are confident that the current incident too will also be peacefully resolved on this basis," he added.

A platoon-strength contingent of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) came 10 km inside the Indian territory in Burthe in DBO (Daulat Beg Oldi) sector, which is at an altitude of about 17,000 feet, on the night of April 15 and established a tented post there, according to highly-placed sources that said a PLA platoon usually consists of around 50 men.

A brainchild of former Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, the working mechanism was finalized last year at the conclusion of the 15th meeting of the Special Representatives (SR) on the boundary question between national security adviser Shiv Shankar Menon and Chinese state councillor Dai Bingguo.

Under the mechanism, the two sides "undertake other tasks that are mutually agreed upon by the two sides but will not discuss resolution of the boundary question or affect the Special Representatives mechanism."

Link - India downplays Chinese incursion - The Times of India
This new Chinese President is more hawkish than his predecessor. Expect more confrontation on the border this year compared to last year.
A PLA platoon usually consists of 30-38 men.
This new Chinese President is more hawkish than his predecessor. Expect more confrontation on the border this year compared to last year.

And reason for this assessment ???
AFAIK new Chinese President is pushing more for normalising the relations. One example of it would be both sides agreeing on NO TAILING border patrols.
this only goes to prove that the more economically and militarily powerful you are, the more india is scared of you.

When would Pakistan's incompetent leaders learn.
Its not about threats.

Italy has enough military and economic influence still it was on the receiving end.

It is about threats, countries react to threats. The fact is China is a threat to India, irrespective of the trade and the public surface level good-will gestures made between the two countries. Had country A (other than China) "strayed" off 10 km inside India and camped there, I'm sure the Indian reaction would be different, but the fact Chinese soldiers were involved India's reaction is much more cautious and frightened and downplays the event as "accidental", "misunderstandings", "strayed", and all this other rubbish. Why do this? Because the "threat" from China is far greater than the country of "Italy" as you're comparing. China is right next door and they are multiple times your power in nearly every field and criteria.

So reality is it is very much about fear and "threats".
It is about threats, countries react to threats. The fact is China is a threat to India, irrespective of the trade and the public surface level good-will gestures made between the two countries. Had country A (other than China) "strayed" off 10 km inside India and camped there, I'm sure the Indian reaction would be different, but the fact Chinese soldiers were involved India's reaction is much more cautious and frightened and downplays the event as "accidental", "misunderstandings", "strayed", and all this other rubbish. Why do this? Because the "threat" from China is far greater than the country of "Italy" as you're comparing. China is right next door and they are multiple times your power in nearly every field and criteria.

So reality is it is very much about fear and "threats".

I was replying to post #8.

One country does not bow down to another country "only" if it is economically or militarily superior.

India is militarily and economically superior, does Pakistan bow down to India ?

China is militarily and economically superior, does India bow down to China? (This border incident is no big deal, hundreds of such incidents happen every year, Indian troops also cross the border, just that most of the times, it does not get reported in the media...and I do accept that Indian media is fundamentally jingoistic).
It is about threats, countries react to threats. The fact is China is a threat to India, irrespective of the trade and the public surface level good-will gestures made between the two countries. Had country A (other than China) "strayed" off 10 km inside India and camped there, I'm sure the Indian reaction would be different, but the fact Chinese soldiers were involved India's reaction is much more cautious and frightened and downplays the event as "accidental", "misunderstandings", "strayed", and all this other rubbish. Why do this? Because the "threat" from China is far greater than the country of "Italy" as you're comparing. China is right next door and they are multiple times your power in nearly every field and criteria.

So reality is it is very much about fear and "threats".

Few years ago BD soilders killed 9 BSF personals in border clash. Please show me where did India avenge that. Matter was taken to BD forgine ministers and was solved on delopmatic level. Guilty BD personnel were punished in BD
It is about threats, countries react to threats. The fact is China is a threat to India, irrespective of the trade and the public surface level good-will gestures made between the two countries. Had country A (other than China) "strayed" off 10 km inside India and camped there, I'm sure the Indian reaction would be different, but the fact Chinese soldiers were involved India's reaction is much more cautious and frightened and downplays the event as "accidental", "misunderstandings", "strayed", and all this other rubbish. Why do this? Because the "threat" from China is far greater than the country of "Italy" as you're comparing. China is right next door and they are multiple times your power in nearly every field and criteria.

So reality is it is very much about fear and "threats".

italy or china..india always prefers diplomatic methods to solve its issues..it'll only prefer force when it is compelled to do so to defend itself
I would say india acted sanely here. its not time to make hue and cry, though its CHINA u r going to mess around, so cautiousness is good :)
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