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India doing propaganda against CPEC to divert attention from Kashmir


Nov 26, 2016
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India doing propaganda against CPEC to divert attention from Kashmir-Pakistan and the United States are committed to remain engaged on war against terrorism.

12:04 PM, 9 Oct, 2017
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• India is unleashing baseless propaganda against China Pakistan Economic Corridor and nothing good is expected from New Delhi.

• Pakistan is ready for meaningful dialogue with India, despite the fact that nothing good is expected from New Delhi.
• The Prime Minister said that New Delhi is using negative tactics to divert attention of the international community form the Kashmir issue.
• About Kashmir issue: Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi says Pakistan will continue its moral, political and diplomatic support to Kashmiris in their just struggle for right to self-determination.
• In an interview with a private TV channel on Sunday night, he said that Kashmir issue should be resolved according to the aspirations of Kashmiris in line with United Nations Security Council resolutions.
• About Afghanistan: To a question, the Prime Minister said that no country in the world other than Pakistan is more desirous of peace in Afghanistan.
• Ties between Pakistan and the United States are based upon decades old diplomatic, political and historic affinities and could not be defined with the sole issue of Afghanistan.
• Leaders of terrorist groups are hiding in Afghanistan from where they carry out their activities in Pakistan.
• He said border management between Pakistan and Afghanistan is vital to check cross border movement of terrorists.

Analysts on telephone:


Dr. Hasan Askari Rizvi (Senior Analyst): “ If it is the stance of the United States that China Pakistan Economic Corridor is passing through conflicted areas, then India was also constructing dams in Occupied Kashmir, why the US does not arise questions over it. India is the country which also criticizes One Belt One Road (OBOR). Pakistan is always in the favor of dialogue process while India always rejected the dialogue process; India is pursing the policy of atrocities in Occupied Kashmir and violating human rights over there. India is always in try to create hurdles before the CPEC project. India and the United States do not want stable relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan, he maintained.

Topic: India has created a “mess” in Kashmir in the past 15 months- Only dialogue can resolve Kashmir issue,' concur former ISI, RAW

Analysts on telephone:


Brigadier (retd) Saeed Nazir, Defence Analyst: “Indian people and its think tanks are on the same page that dialogue is the only solution of Kashmir Issue. Meanwhile, the Indian government neither wants comprehensive nor composite dialogue on the issues. Indian government always levels baseless allegations on Pakistan. The sacrifices of innocent Kasmiris will not go in vain; one day their wishes would be fruitful and will get independence from India.

Han toh hata le apni fauj Bajwa , Pakistani occupied Kashmir se .. hum phir baat karenge.
UN says the same.
Han toh hata le apni fauj Bajwa , Pakistani occupied Kashmir se .. hum phir baat karenge.
UN says the same.

Azad Kashmir is a muslim majority state part of a muslim majority country as per partition

Indian occupied Kashmir is a Muslim majority state forced under a hindutva banana republic against the wishes of the people
Azad Kashmir is a muslim majority state part of a muslim majority country as per partition

Indian occupied Kashmir is a Muslim majority state forced under a hindutva banana republic against the wishes of the people

Toh jahan muslims hongey who automatical Pakistan ka part ho jayega kya ..

halwa hai na BC!!

Dum hai akar le le hawai batein mat kar.
Toh jahan muslims hongey who automatical Pakistan ka part ho jayega kya ..

halwa hai na BC!!

Dum hai akar le le hawai batein mat kar.

Write in English you bharti clown.

The whole point of Partition was that muslim majority areas and states would become part of a muslim Pakistan as opposed to a hindu india
Write in English you bharti clown.

The whole point of Partition was that muslim majority areas and states would become part of a muslim Pakistan as opposed to a hindu india

chup kar Pakistani bhikmange...

you have strength come and get Kashmir

stop this R**** Rona
Seriously, this phase 'divert attention from Kashmir' is becoming like broken gramophone record. Any question you ask to Pakistanis regarding India these days, they will say 'divert attention from Kashmir' :lol:

First, there is no world's attention on Kashmir to start with. Second it looks like Pakistan is short on words regarding India.
chup kar Pakistani bhikmange...

you have strength come and get Kashmir

stop this R**** Rona

Listen you monkey worshipping turd,

We have taken azad kashmir, blocked you from central asia, Afghanistan and beyond. Opened a direct link to China through which we are now building CPEC

These are all muslim majority areas, you are occupying a muslim majority state against the will of the people who do not wish to be part of a hindutva india

It is unfinished business and your indian greed is why we have conflict in South Asia
Listen you monkey worshipping turd,

We have taken azad kashmir, blocked you from central asia, Afghanistan and beyond. Opened a direct link to China through which we are now building CPEC

These are all muslim majority areas, you are occupying a muslim majority state against the will of the people who do not wish to be part of a hindutva india

It is unfinished business and your indian greed is why we have conflict in South Asia

Listen you Muslim, who worships a man as everything makes him idol for nothing.

You are retard , the water flows into Pak Ocpd Kashmir from India...

We are sitting in Siachen and mind it.. the way we took away Dhaka soon your Athmuqam and Quetta will be away from you.

And coming to central Asia we have full fledge access to it.

A begger country has no means to block a potential super power.. If India can't go to central Asia, the central Asia comes to India for business...

you low IQ retard Pakistani...
go get some education before posting like a donkey and embarrassing yourself and your community
Seriously, this phase 'divert attention from Kashmir' is becoming like broken gramophone record. Any question you ask to Pakistanis regarding India these days, they will say 'divert attention from Kashmir' :lol:

First, there is no world's attention on Kashmir to start with. Second it looks like Pakistan is short on words regarding India.
Your comment "First, there is no world's attention on Kashmir to start with"..shows you are still trying to deliberately..divert attention. The whole UN knows about the Kashmir atrocities and more recently the use of pellet gun by Terrorist army in kashmir,,..the whole world has given attention to it..but u don't have the courage to accept facts..no one can help you.
Secondly for your comment " it looks like Pakistan is short on words regarding India."
Again Pakistan has shown the terrorist face of india in front of whole world...your dear monkey KY's life hangs in balance and entire world knows he is a state sponsored terrorist...Even our foriegn minister..for the very first time, has shown the true face of TerrorMata in USA..and the world is listening to him
Again if u wanna deny it..no one can help u

India has often accused Pakistan of interfering in its internal affairs and supporting armed groups But Bhardwaj's film largely stays away from the rivalry of the neighbors, focusing instead on the alleged human rights abuses in the state.Jason Burke writes in the Guardian that "Haider includes graphic scenes of torture in Indian army camps and other human rights abuses by Indian officials"

Bhardwaj is also facing some backlash over what many describe as his "unfair" portrayal of the armed forces.
But he has defended the plot of his film.
"I'm also an Indian, I'm also a patriot, I also love my nation. So I won't do anything which is anti-national. But what is anti-human, I will definitely comment on it," he said.
CPEC hurting Indians back and once it's completed they will cry like babies. Just a matter of time.

India has often accused Pakistan of interfering in its internal affairs and supporting armed groups But Bhardwaj's film largely stays away from the rivalry of the neighbors, focusing instead on the alleged human rights abuses in the state.Jason Burke writes in the Guardian that "Haider includes graphic scenes of torture in Indian army camps and other human rights abuses by Indian officials"

Bhardwaj is also facing some backlash over what many describe as his "unfair" portrayal of the armed forces.
But he has defended the plot of his film.
"I'm also an Indian, I'm also a patriot, I also love my nation. So I won't do anything which is anti-national. But what is anti-human, I will definitely comment on it," he said.

You are using that movie poster which was passed by GOI to be put on theatres.
Such a retard post.

CPEC hurting Indians back and once it's completed they will cry like babies. Just a matter of time.

India has already invested 120 Billion dollars in port upgradation , 20 billion dollars more than CPEC and another 41 Billion dollars for road infrastructure in just 3 states. LOL total 160 Billion dollars, lol... cpec is just 100 haha

Does Pakistan has capability to even invest even 10 Billion dollars in any projects? Unless until some other country invests? LOL

Oh man you guys are so innocent.
Your comment "First, there is no world's attention on Kashmir to start with"..shows you are still trying to deliberately..divert attention. The whole UN knows about the Kashmir atrocities and more recently the use of pellet gun by Terrorist army in kashmir,,..the whole world has given attention to it..but u don't have the courage to accept facts..no one can help you.
Secondly for your comment " it looks like Pakistan is short on words regarding India."
Again Pakistan has shown the terrorist face of india in front of whole world...your dear monkey KY's life hangs in balance and entire world knows he is a state sponsored terrorist...Even our foriegn minister..for the very first time, has shown the true face of TerrorMata in USA..and the world is listening to him
Again if u wanna deny it..no one can help u

Simply you people are living in denial. Geo politically, things are moving too fast, and Pakistan seem not to take cognizance of that fact. In other words you people are living in the past.

All I can say is there is no possibility of India coming to tables in near future. Forget Kashmir, even water treaty is in jeopardy.
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