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India dissects Pakistan in half, in mock battles?

Pakistan’s Military Blast Indian War Game Comments

:sniper: :crazy2:

A Pakistani military official criticized an Indian commander’s comments May 4 after he said an ongoing military exercise was aimed at dismembering its arch-rival in the event of a war.
The “irresponsible” statement did not bode well for the ongoing peace process between Pakistan and India, the official said.
”An army of the size of India does not require to brag about its capabilities; these are well-known to the military analysts,” said the official from the Pakistani military’s Inter-Services Public Relations who did not want to be named.
On May 3, officials in New Delhi said India’s top military strike force backed by aircraft were practicing war games aimed at slicing Pakistan in half in the event of actual war.
An Indian commander had told AFP: “This will put to test our 2004 war doctrine to dismember a not-so-friendly nation effectively and at the shortest possible time, but since my statement is not politically friendly I would not like to be identified.”
The three-week exercises involving 40,000 Indian soldiers are being held near the Pakistan border and will end on May 19.
The Pakistani official noted that such war games were routine and said Pakistan also conducts such exercises periodically.
”Pakistan’s military strategy is based on defensive deterrence and it has the capability to blunt enemy offensives,” the official said. “This is what would deter any aggressor from undertaking misadventure or aggression against Pakistan.”
However, he hit back at the Indian commander’s comments.
”These statements can best be termed as a psychological effort to boost the sagging morale of Indian army that has gone probably so low fighting internal strife and separatist movements,” the official said.
Pakistan and India went to war in 1947, 1965 and 1971.
The neighbors conducted tit-for-tat nuclear weapons tests in 1998 and four years later came dangerously close to a fourth war when India blamed Pakistan for an armed attack on its parliament by Muslim gunmen.
I agree with the Pakistani official's comments. The Indian commander's alleged comments are stupid and jingoistic that serve no purpose.
sword9 said:
I agree with the Pakistani official's comments. The Indian commander's alleged comments are stupid and jingoistic that serve no purpose.

Especially when trade and cultural contacts between the two
Subcontinental neighbours are exploding.

India's cold start strategy is deadly indeed. Let us keep the rhetoric aside and understand what india wants to do to pakistan.

The biggest enemy of pakistan is its doctrine of a defencive posture-----defencive postures are never successful. Take an example of a criminal-----he has picked up a victim and he has made of choice striking at his own discretion. Most of the time he will succeed initially------now here is the clincher-----how much damage he can do in the initial stage----that will make or break the assault.

If pakistani forces had not lived through sanctions for so many years----they would have been above par with the indians and would have handled the initial on-slaight very successfully, but now it is different story.

India is going to do the same thing the egypt did to Israel in the 1973 war----they played their war games twice, the third time the israelis got bored and the egyptians struck.

India will attack the same manner-----they will be playing their war games in east punjab or rajasthan-----there will come a time when their ground forces would simulate an attack on the opposing force with an air strike group at its heals, this air strike force would break away from the ground support attack mode and head towards their deisignated targets across the border.

As these planes are already playing war games, the real weapons load would go un-noticed---just a sharp turn and within less than two minutes they would be within pakistani territory.

As the war games comprised of a 100 thousand plus troops, it would not be a surprise that planes from atleast 3 to 5 air bases might be participating. As the pakistani army and higher brass would be anticipating a troops assault either from ground or airborne, they will be taken by surprise at the speed and the ferocity of the air- assault on its industrial, communication, transportation and water reservoirs. Before the sun comes up for the next morning, Indian strike airforce would have done what the indian army could not do for more than 50 plus years. Pakistani industrial backbone would have been crushed, railroad communication destroyed, a nation cut off in different sections without a single ground force indian soldier setting foot on the pakistani soil.

My pakistani countrymen are living in a------paradise-----defensive posturing will never help and niether the threat of nuclear strike. Pakistan needs an air sentry and deep strike capable air craft. Threat of nuclear strike makes a pariah nation of pakistan------and making statements that we are not afraid of india doesnot help any bit either in the world forum.

In the world forum, pakistan needs to cry loud that indians are ready to tear us apart and we are weak and small and need help----the big bad wolf wants to devouver the little red riding hood. Stop talking loud that we know how to defend ourselves----and we will take the eyes out of anyone who looks at us bad----what a stupid thing to say------pakistani leadership and people really need some lessons in common sense strategy.
Keep a lid on ur ____ mouth, Mastan. Let them do what they want to. Ok.Let them get out of their frusteration. Certainly they cant do anything. its a proven Fact.
There is no danger of the Indian exercise becoming a sudden attack on Pakistan, simply becasue whenever these exercises are conducted the other country is informed and that nation too carries out it own exercises, so Pakistani troops are on readiness when ever Indian are on exercise and vise-versa.

The cold start doctrine was introduced after 2002, when India had deployed its troops on the border after the Parliament attack. The Indian army is based on holding formations and strike formations and the deployment of these strike formations took about 1 1/2 months, which takes away surprise and enables Pakistan to be ready and waiting. There was no war in 2002 due to this aspect. By the time the troops were deployed, tempers had cooled down and foreign diplomatic pressure further reduced the probability of war. The terror attack in Kaluchack again did not permit an attack as there was no surprise and Pakistan was ready for any Indian attack.

But with cold start, in the event of a major terrorist attack, mobilisation will be within hours, quick strikes will be launched. This will not permit change of decision of the politicians or foreign diplomatic pressure. The time frame of achieving results is 10 days or less, and strike troops will be withdrawn by then. The aim and objective is to avoid reaching a nuclear threshold stage, and be able to cause damage.

The idea of cold start is not to dismember Pakistan, but to be able to respond militarily in the event of major terrorist strikes.
sword9 said:
I agree with the Pakistani official's comments. The Indian commander's alleged comments are stupid and jingoistic that serve no purpose.

sword very well said and a very unbiased comment well appreciated..
Now as far as new cold war strategy is concerned, yes it is very much there and instead of criticising it the Pakistani agencies specially the ISI should come out of its slumber and should take some counter measures as we can see clrealy that India is now more emphasising on cold war tactics and these tactics have realy harmed us and the damage we are facing on western front, apart from Balochistan and at international level is the result of this very cold war strategy.
Mastan, please avoid posting such bullshit. You've already posted 2 bullshit posts and if the trend continues then you'll be outta here by the time you reach 20 posts. Take this scenario seriously? You gotta be kidding me. Do these guys have all the missiles, nukes, Alkhalid, F-16, JF-17, J-10, Agostas added into their scenario? No they don't. Most of all, do these guys take nukes into serious consideration when they do this scenario? There is no serious taking of this scenario, its just to give the indian soldiers some physcological help.
It also could be a morale boosting excercise for the indians after the testing of the satellite guided Shaheen ll missile with a 2,500km range.
Hi Ahsan-R,

Are you the person incharge of this website? If so, then I understand that I am not welcome----somebody misled me to this site. The person who invited me here knew very well what I wrote.

Now these two posts are not bullshit. If you donot have the comprehension to understand the scenario, the choke points of pakistan's arteries, don't be mad at me---they are the function of our geography--I know that in your pride, it is very difficult to admit what cold start can do to pakistan----but then you are not the first pakistani that I have come across who feels like you.

Webmaster, we can stop here and start posting the lovey-dovey pakistan invincible stuff----if that is what you chose!

First, I am Canadian and one of my hobbies is studying military doctrines. Cold Start is not like anything you've written.

1) This is an Army doctrine. The Air Force wants nothing to do with it.
2) For a stated time period of 10 days means the action is performed by a division at most; not corps level as in this exercise
3) The initial immediate thrust is almost certain to be brigade level
4) I have seen nothing to indicate what is the TOE of the Integrated Battle Groups which is stated to be the primary force for Cold Start

I think you're over-reacting given the limited open source materials that is available for Cold Start.
MastanKhan said:
Hi Ahsan-R,

Are you the person incharge of this website? If so, then I understand that I am not welcome----somebody misled me to this site. The person who invited me here knew very well what I wrote.

Now these two posts are not bullshit. If you donot have the comprehension to understand the scenario, the choke points of pakistan's arteries, don't be mad at me---they are the function of our geography--I know that in your pride, it is very difficult to admit what cold start can do to pakistan----but then you are not the first pakistani that I have come across who feels like you.

Webmaster, we can stop here and start posting the lovey-dovey pakistan invincible stuff----if that is what you chose!

Whoever invited you probably looked at you before you were invited.

You have your opinion, keep it, share it. If we got a problem with it, we will indulge in the discussion and will correct you if needed. Also dont tell us the lovely lovely pakistani discussion or what to do and what not to do. You do what your suppose to do, follow the rules, keep it cool and your good.

Its simple as that.
this is a classic example where piggy headed journalist can take its readers for ride.India disecting the enemy nation into two...while the whole army doctorine is to inflict wounds and not to cut deep.

RAPTOR said:
It also could be a morale boosting excercise for the indians after the testing of the satellite guided Shaheen ll missile with a 2,500km range.

Having said that,from wher did u get his info,raptor???
tahirkhely said:
Keep a lid on ur ____ mouth, Mastan. Let them do what they want to. Ok.Let them get out of their frusteration. Certainly they cant do anything. its a proven Fact.

I think he has some pretty valid points. India will attack Pakistan in a second if they knew Pakistan wouldnt hit them back so hard they'd be eating horse dung to survive.

Admin Edit: See the reason.
RAPTOR said:
I think he has some pretty valid points. India will attack Pakistan in a second if they knew Pakistan wouldnt hit them back so hard they'd be eating horse dung to survive.

Admin Edit: See the reason.

MasterWeb, dont get so emotional, it was just a metaphor...(like eating grass but will build nukes) . Also i didnt want to say "Cow Dung" because it would offend the hindu members on here for religious purposes.

Admin Edit: See the reason.
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