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India dissects Pakistan in half, in mock battles?

It is strange for me personal that the world oldest democracy and superpower in progress is advocating military excersize to destroy its neighbour while that same neighbour wich is called military dictatorship is more intrested in nulcear free and army free regions. To me it is just another sign that India is playing arrogant attitude and aggressive towards others just when it is getting sponsored by another so called world power that exports "democracy" (USA). Somehow the democracy principle is quiet cool but when it is just a icing when the rest of the cake is capitalism and military arrogance then there is a dead cake. I think like USA we should remember that like Guantanomo India has its own Kashmir. Like US has still apartheid ideas in the south India has its Gujarat. How can these nations tell others how to behave? I think their should eb a UN led force and board that should rule. UN is history cause it is controlled by the one that has the most power. It bended without soap when Irac had weapons of mass destruction. Where the hell is the UN now? And how on earth can UN not compare Israel with democracy principles (occupying and forcing military rule on palestinians)?
Gents... Let me repeat. No oneliners. Get into parameters we can discuss...
Munir said:
To me it is just another sign that India is playing arrogant attitude and aggressive towards others just when it is getting sponsored by another so called world power that exports "democracy" (USA).
Well after getting a deal with US and the thought of emerging power, India had to behave arroganty specially when US is out this time to side with her :)

Munir said:
Somehow the democracy principle is quiet cool but when it is just a icing when the rest of the cake is capitalism and military arrogance then there is a dead cake.
Invading a country imposing puppet governments and thn conducting elections and calling it democracy:cool:
US dosnt know itslef wht democracy is how can it teaches others?

Munir said:
It bended without soap when Irac had weapons of mass destruction. Where the hell is the UN now? And how on earth can UN not compare Israel with democracy principles (occupying and forcing military rule on palestinians)?
UN has not supported the US in case of Iraq. futher more its a lame duck how can u expect anything reasonable from it.
It is strange for me personal that the world oldest democracy and superpower in progress is advocating military excersize to destroy its neighbour while that same neighbour wich is called military dictatorship is more intrested in nulcear free and army free regions.

Nothing strange here.This "dissecting" Pakistan into half was not a Official statement nor a policy announcement.Just some Commander talking to the Press.Such exercises are held regularly.

Much ado about nothing!

If you are looking to find out what the IA is truly planning to do, I suggest you take a hard look at the new Command created, its HQ location should gives us all a clue as to what the original plans are.

To me it is just another sign that India is playing arrogant attitude and aggressive towards others just when it is getting sponsored by another so called world power that exports "democracy" (USA).

Its rather funny to even imagine that the words of a Commander reflect the policies and intentions of India, that is when he talks "off the record".

Somehow the democracy principle is quiet cool but when it is just a icing when the rest of the cake is capitalism and military arrogance then there is a dead cake

How is this related to topic of this thread?
Well after getting a deal with US and the thought of emerging power, India had to behave arroganty specially when US is out this time to side with her :)

FYI, India and Pakistan always conduct such exercises at regular intervals.
Again, Much ado about nothing.

Invading a country imposing puppet governments and thn conducting elections and calling it democracy

US dosnt know itslef wht democracy is how can it teaches others?

UN has not supported the US in case of Iraq. futher more its a lame duck how can u expect anything reasonable from it.

You're not discussing about the topic.

Lady, if you want to discuss about US,Iraq,democracy and the UN please open a new thread.
Munir said:
It is strange for me personal that the world oldest democracy and superpower in progress is advocating military excersize to destroy its neighbour

Wasn't Pakistan tried to cut Leh from rest of the India and tried to block more than 200,000 IA army personnel out there?

You remember the year? Pakistan was ruled by a PM elected by people in democratic way.

while that same neighbour wich is called military dictatorship is more intrested in nulcear free and army free regions.

What makes you to explode the nukes in 1998 then? That too right after India exploded :mad:

To me it is just another sign that India is playing arrogant attitude and aggressive towards others just when it is getting sponsored by another so called world power that exports "democracy" (USA).

How was Pakistan's attitude back in 71 when the nation was sponsered by US and show you the carrot of its 7th fleet coming to help of PN?

I think like USA we should remember that like Guantanomo India has its own Kashmir. Like US has still apartheid ideas in the south India has its Gujarat.

Poor geography. Gujrat is in western India. south Indian states are Karnataka,Kerala,T.N and A.P. Between these states and Gujrat even there is huge Maharashtra.

How can these nations tell others how to behave?

What gives Pakistan a right to tell how to behave??????? PA didn't spared any Bangladeshi man or woman.

bottomline is it's not the time on lecture on Democracy. You are on a defence forum.

PAF itself has done many excersices to wipe out Western airfields of India and stop Gwalior and Lohegaon from reacting or defending the PAF planes.

60 years of enemity and 4 wars doesn't force the high command to think about democracy. Their prime objective is defending a country and teach a lession to the invader so that he won't dare to repeat his misadventure.

For decades our armed forces didn't have any doctorine. results of 48 and 65 wars are the result of political unwillingness and a proper strategy.

Now atleast the armed forces have their objectives and do's and don'ts.

So better we think about defence instead of democracy.


Hey don't worry,

India is not going to attack your country so soon.
There is no need bisect pakistan. The Baloochi's will do that.
Just watch your back.

Remember! one day the US will attack on Pak as its going to do soon on Iran.

In case, if India attacks Pakistan, it will be an Armageddon.............
It seem's that pakistan is not satisfied with its 3 times defeat.


Never underestimate your enemy,

First, study about Indian defence strength, Its twice as that of Pak.
There is no chance that Pak can defeat India......no matter how many time it tries.

Do you know why US is supporting Pak????

Us want pak to take over Siacnin from India..........

Then once day, its going to install its own defence base in Siachin.

Its a perfect place to keep an eye on Russia, China, India & middle east.

Think..............don't think like an idiot...........

And some one was takling about F-16s, the US Airforce is going to stops it very soon. The Lockhead is going to stop its assembly line once ist delivers F-16s to Pak.

The old stupid aircraft that cannot sustains MIGs attack.

So, get prepared for the
Samudra said:
You're not discussing about the topic.

Lady, if you want to discuss about US,Iraq,democracy and the UN please open a new thread.
Dear lady (oppsssss) Samudra please read my comments again with open eyes and heart u will come to know that i was replying to Munir's post just as Miro had or u had to the posts of others.
Hope u got it.:)
Rafale said:

Hey don't worry,

India is not going to attack your country so soon.
There is no need bisect pakistan. The Baloochi's will do that.
Just watch your back.

Hey we are not worried as far as few sick rebels supported by ur country are concerned well dont worry we gonna fix them, u may continue feeding them.

Rafale said:
In case, if India attacks Pakistan, it will be an Armageddon.............
It seem's that pakistan is not satisfied with its 3 times defeat.

First, study about Indian defence strength, Its twice as that of Pak.
There is no chance that Pak can defeat India......no matter how many time it tries.

Armagadon :laugh: well if only strength could have won by now u must had defeated the Helpless Kashmiries who have not sophisticated weapons and any air power like India. or Isreal might had crushed the helpless Palestinians so dear dont beat drum of strength.

Rafale said:
Never underestimate your enemy

:) than y are u under estimating us. first act ur self thn advice others.

Rafale said:
Do you know why US is supporting Pak????

Us want pak to take over Siacnin from India..........

Then once day, its going to install its own defence base in Siachin.

Its a perfect place to keep an eye on Russia, China, India & middle east.

if u have that much intelect man hurry tell ur government why it had recently agreed to demilitarise Siachin as well as Pakistan agreed to it? Man its seriouse hurry up do something.
BTW Siachin is not in complete control of any counrty both have a part in control so both must take this scenario serioulsy.

Rafale said:
Think..............don't think like an idiot...........

Dont worry we are not thinking like :buck:

Rafale said:
The old stupid aircraft that cannot sustains MIGs attack.
Who told u this? By the way we gonna redesign it :banana:
Rafale said:

Do you know why US is supporting Pak????

Us want pak to take over Siacnin from India..........

Then once day, its going to install its own defence base in Siachin.

Its a perfect place to keep an eye on Russia, China, India & middle east.

Whoa..from where did u get that
i ve got a better place for america to set up its base ....
How about south pole in the middle of Antartica..? then it can keep an eye on whole of the southern hemisphere and some floating base at north pole at the center of arctic ice cap.. then it will get the whole of the northern hemisphere covered......:crazy2:
right now india and pakistan are negotiating withdrwal from siachin because of its inhospitability.More soilders are killed there from frost bite than from enemy bullets.and now u think that america wants to set up a base there.how will they live there?.. in space suits..? :lol:

And u think US would like to set up a base in siachin,to counter china with the logistics supply thru pak...?
And pakistan will ditch its allweather friend china in favour of its fairweather friend US..??
Right now we have two very very genuine comments about the topic. One is" india dissects Pakistan in to two in mock battles" and the other one is USA will set up a base in Siachin Glacier to look after china and sub continent. U know rafale i had some advance information about this US siachin base news. that USA is planning to place some 300 STOVL (short take off and vertical landing) yet to roll out JSF planes on top of these three hundered mountain tops each.
Dear Webmaster: The purpose of writing this message is to convince ppl to stick to the topic.
no lols.
tahirkhely said:
Right now we have two very very genuine comments about the topic. One is" india dissects Pakistan in to two in mock battles" and the other one is USA will set up a base in Siachin Glacier to look after china and sub continent. U know rafale i had some advance information about this US siachin base news. that USA is planning to place some 300 STOVL (short take off and vertical landing) yet to roll out JSF planes on top of these three hundered mountain tops each.
Dear Webmaster: The purpose of writing this message is to convince ppl to stick to the topic.
no lols.

This "mock battles" are what is called "exercises".

These exercises are done by all armies worldwide to check the cohesion of its units to implement a doctrine and test it.

Dismembering Pakistan is a pipedream even when there was not the nuclear deterrent. If it were so possible, would it not have been done long ago when there was no nuclear deterrent?

This is purely media hype.

As with Pakistan, India too does not have permanent troops and commanders at an area. They are rotated. Therefore, commanders and the units change. Hence, it becomes essential to check if the commanders can implement doctrines and the units have the cohesion to do so.

In so far as the US wanting to establish a base in the Siachen, this also falls into the category of "dismembering Pakistan". It is another pipedream of whoever may have dreamt of it. Americans, without meaning any offence, are a gregarious people and may not be mentally attuned to take the combat isolation!

Where helicopters find take off and landing a problem, to imagine V/STOLs will do so with elan is a bit far fetched.

There is also no space on the hilltops to land a V/STOL.

If they are to be used for fighter support from AGLs, then why have a fuel guzzler like a V/STOL?

I have not understood the logic.
Munir said:
It is strange for me personal that the world oldest democracy and superpower in progress is advocating military excersize to destroy its neighbour while that same neighbour wich is called military dictatorship is more intrested in nulcear free and army free regions.
India is not the oldest democracy, infact its one of the youngest. Any nation with a military will conduct military exercises, only banana republics conduct show parades, rest of all DO conduct exercises based on their threat perception. Having CBM's or not, Pakistan is perceived as a threat and so the exercises. I will be pretty surprised if Pakistan hasnt conducted the same.

To me it is just another sign that India is playing arrogant attitude and aggressive towards others just when it is getting sponsored by another so called world power that exports "democracy" (USA).
So India is arrogant coz of the nuke deal it has with USA. For heavensakes that didnt even pass the Congress test yet. Its Pakistan which is receiving arms and sophistacted weapons from the US.

Somehow the democracy principle is quiet cool but when it is just a icing when the rest of the cake is capitalism and military arrogance then there is a dead cake.
Which part of democracy transpires to military arrogance? Infact in democracy, military is controlled by the government which is infact represented by the people. You bet its not the same in dictatorship.

I think like USA we should remember that like Guantanomo India has its own Kashmir.
Can you give more insights into why Guantanamo and Kashmir are similar?

Like US has still apartheid ideas in the south India has its Gujarat.
Gujarat is hardly South India and you are comparing apples and oranges here. Based on India rule of law and constitution there are no second rate citizens.

How can these nations tell others how to behave? I think their should eb a UN led force and board that should rule.
Thats hardly logical. UN is again controlled by the same nations that are asking you to behave.

UN is history cause it is controlled by the one that has the most power.
Turn back to history. Might always rules. Survival of the fittest. US is not doing charity with UN, now does any of the P5 members. Can you ask China to stop their human rights violations from the neutral side?

And how on earth can UN not compare Israel with democracy principles (occupying and forcing military rule on palestinians)?
A lot of water has passed thro, so you got to accept the fact and move on. Or if you prefer you can fight for a homeland all your lives, give hell to your kids and then die. Which would you choose? What will an ordinary Palestinan father wants today? A decent accomodation, a job and food for his family.
airbus said:
no use of such exercises......
Apparently the think tank on both sides is convinced of the importance of such expensive excersises.
I would appreciate balanced counter arguments to support your pov's rather than onliner responses from you. :rolleyes:
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