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India Developing, but still a long way to go

Bharati Antarctic Research Station



Doesn't look like its made out of shipping containers does it?



research station in antarctica built from 134 shipping containers

Punjabis are awesome!

If they can get this bookish Southie to loosen up a bit, You now they have something going for them :-)
How would you define "real"? Is the fantastic side of Mumbai (which is most of it) less real than its ugly side? Which is only 6% of the land mass even though it cotains 35% of the population.

I think this Dholera SIR stuff is a scam of monumental proportions. Cannot see this happening in the next 2 decades, if at all. Financially completely nonviable. Many many giant cash rich mega corporations will have to go totally bankrupt to build this for sure. Ain't happenin'

It will build in public private partnership. e.g Government will build infrastructure and private people will build offices, Moles and residences as it is done in Amadavad etc.
Managerially speaking, PPP is the govt. capitulation on
  1. Socialism! Govt. is saying forget history, let's call it PPP and go with Capitalism. Pvt. Co.'s do everything better, but being Indian, the govt. must coin a new acronym - PPP.
  2. Most important, Co.'s hand-hold, guide, lead, facilitate and champion projects and take the govt. dept.'s along cajoling, pressuring and prodding them along to do their part.
  3. This is reversal of policy ... Nehruvian Socialism Vs. PPP Capitalism.
  • Kochi Oceanarium, Proposed PPP Project


  • Hyderabad PPP Metro
Policy about-turn is what is PPP!

This is how bureaucracy somersaults in reverse, admits past shortcomings, gets out of the way of others who can deliver. Some call it face-saving.

Also, capacity building in the pvt. sector needed to be factored-in re: the past, no more.

Others take up from where it left. The new age, new century acronym - the mighty PPP.
  • PPP Globally
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Managerially speaking, PPP is the govt. capitulation on
  1. Socialism! Govt. is saying forget history, let's call it PPP and go with Capitalism. Pvt. Co.'s do everything better, but being Indian, the govt. must coin a new acronym - PPP.
  2. Most important, Co.'s hand-hold, guide, lead, faciklitate and champion projects and take the govt. dept.'s along cajoling, pressuring and prodding them along to do their part.
  3. This is the reversal of policy ... Nehruvian Socialism Vs. PPP Capitalism.
Brave of the govt. to admit it's shortcomings and let others take up from where it left.

I think from 1992 itself it's been a long saga of abandoning solialism, plus it has delivered.

I want inside the airport and outside the airport to look one and the same.

Vote AAP then....:D
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