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India Developing, but still a long way to go

India is looking crazy from these development pictures. I wish them a good luck and I hope indian govt works on two things urgently

1) Less spending on defence budget
2) Introduce policies to control population.

Also, indian govt needs to prioritize their tasks. Sending a satellite to moon or investing millions of dollars in space program is a good thing but India needs to invest that money in education and finance sector. India can have a joint venture in space with Russia, US or China, they dont need to work on their space program from scratch. Just my 2 cents. Same goes to pakistan. I like pakistan in this aspect, they dont do anything from scratch, they also partner with other people to initiate different programs. Their missile and space programs were partnered with China, their solar energy program is partnered with Germany and their natural gas program is partnered with Iran and Tajikistan.

I appreciate your concerns but its a major fallacy that people always make about high end scientific research.
Let me tell you a mantra "if investment in a sector has big enough returns that its worth procuring losses in other sectors for the short term then always go with that investment".
India spends just a meager $1.2 billion on ISRO(40x this amount is wasted in corruption scandals per year) ,but this amount gives huge returns in the form of scientific infrastructure it creates in the country.
Also India cannot joint venture with other countries because you see India has this goal of being another "space superpower" in the coming future.Ofcourse this dream will take a couple of decade to materialize but this is long thinking by India.
In the coming times this decision will pay huge dividend and make India a science powerhouse,it its own term.
I appreciate your concerns but its a major fallacy that people always make about high end scientific research.
Let me tell you a mantra "if investment in a sector has big enough returns that its worth procuring losses in other sectors for the short term then always go with that investment".
India spends just a meager $1.2 billion on ISRO(40x this amount is wasted in corruption scandals per year) ,but this amount gives huge returns in the form of scientific infrastructure it creates in the country.
Also India cannot joint venture with other countries because you see India has this goal of being another "space superpower" in the coming future.Ofcourse this dream will take a couple of decade to materialize but this is long thinking by India.
In the coming times this decision will pay huge dividend and make India a science powerhouse,it its own term.


All bs.

Reality is opposite of what you say so nonsensically.

  • To give credit where credit is due, it is an 'R&D' power, specially the 'D' part.
With a population like India, it is going to be 'super-power' in anything under the sun. It's a subjective thing this 'super-power'. India is not much of a science powerhouse either. Neither is it a tech. power. It cannot help but be one though, soon.


Hyderabad Metro pillars


Pre-casting works for the Hyderbad Metro done by L&T.


Jaipur Metro

All bs.

Reality is opposite of what you say so nonsensically.

  • To give credit where credit is due, it is an 'R&D' power, specially the 'D' part.
With a population like India, it is going to be 'super-power' in anything under the sun. It's a subjective thing this 'super-power'. India is not much of a science powerhouse either. Neither is it a tech. power. It cannot help but be one though, soon.

before writing your post be careful to read it
i didnt said that india is 'science superpower' but it will be and has to be in the future

All bs.

Reality is opposite of what you say so nonsensically.

  • To give credit where credit is due, it is an 'R&D' power, specially the 'D' part.
With a population like India, it is going to be 'super-power' in anything under the sun. It's a subjective thing this 'super-power'. India is not much of a science powerhouse either. Neither is it a tech. power. It cannot help but be one though, soon.

In space we are good at both 'R' and 'D'
Nice station. Quite neat and clean. But just after it, typical Indian scenario, chai thadi, autos and rickshaws. :D
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