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India Developing, but still a long way to go

India is not even as developed as Brazil. How sad. I think south asia is the least developed region in the world after sub saharan africa. No matter how fast India is developing, it will be one of the last countries in the world to be be considered developed. That makes me uncomfortable :hitwall:

Well British ruined your country... Not much you can do
Well British ruined your country... Not much you can do ( and this guy is from Pakistan)

the perfect time to use this meme has come


India is looking crazy from these development pictures. I wish them a good luck and I hope indian govt works on two things urgently

1) Less spending on defence budget
2) Introduce policies to control population.

Also, indian govt needs to prioritize their tasks. Sending a satellite to moon or investing millions of dollars in space program is a good thing but India needs to invest that money in education and finance sector. India can have a joint venture in space with Russia, US or China, they dont need to work on their space program from scratch. Just my 2 cents. Same goes to pakistan. I like pakistan in this aspect, they dont do anything from scratch, they also partner with other people to initiate different programs. Their missile and space programs were partnered with China, their solar energy program is partnered with Germany and their natural gas program is partnered with Iran and Tajikistan.
India is looking crazy from these development pictures. I wish them a good luck and I hope indian govt works on two things urgently

1) Less spending on defence budget
2) Introduce policies to control population.

Also, indian govt needs to prioritize their tasks. Sending a satellite to moon or investing millions of dollars in space program is a good thing but India needs to invest that money in education and finance sector. India can have a joint venture in space with Russia, US or China, they dont need to work on their space program from scratch. Just my 2 cents. Same goes to pakistan. I like pakistan in this aspect, they dont do anything from scratch, they also partner with other people to initiate different programs. Their missile and space programs were partnered with China, their solar energy program is partnered with Germany and their natural gas program is partnered with Iran and Tajikistan.

India spends like 2.5% of it's GDP on the military. India will not stop spending on it's military as long as it's neighborhood is the way it is. India isn't in a nice location like Switzerland.

space program is a good thing but India needs to invest that money in education and finance sector

ISRO gets like $1 billion dollars a year. What will that do for the education and finance sector? I would NEVER stop investing in an organization that's actually putting in work like ISRO.

ISRO puts into orbit satellites that are useful for the education, agricultural, etc sectors of India.

And ISRO is co-operating with many other nations. ISRO have worked with the Russians, Europeans, Americans, and many more.
India is looking crazy from these development pictures. I wish them a good luck and I hope indian govt works on two things urgently

1) Less spending on defence budget
2) Introduce policies to control population.

Also, indian govt needs to prioritize their tasks. Sending a satellite to moon or investing millions of dollars in space program is a good thing but India needs to invest that money in education and finance sector. India can have a joint venture in space with Russia, US or China, they dont need to work on their space program from scratch. Just my 2 cents. Same goes to pakistan. I like pakistan in this aspect, they dont do anything from scratch, they also partner with other people to initiate different programs. Their missile and space programs were partnered with China, their solar energy program is partnered with Germany and their natural gas program is partnered with Iran and Tajikistan.


Trolling, wot?

India don't spend $hit on defence.

  1. Defence

    After 2 generations of 2'nd hand British and Russian junk, they started to throw some parts together.

    Global consultants and systems integrators jumped in on the game and play fixit. Deal making is on and India wins from Globalisation. Off-the-shelf commodity-fication, and collaborative model of the defence business is established. Indians pretend to 'indigenise' and suppliers play along with industry-academia partnerships, collaborations, off-shoring, bilateral treaties blah ...blah ... blah. There's hardly any holy-grails left in the defence business. For eg. predators drones are the latest in air warfare and are made or under development in 100's of Co.'s in dozens of countries.

    Everything is sub-system, modular, scalable etc. 1 word - Globalisation.

    If you want concrete, emotional examples; just compare India Army Vs. Pak. Army's transport vehicles, where the Indians use Made-in-India stuff Vs. Pak. which uses Global imports.
  2. Population

    Already, southern India is registering near 0 pop. growth, deaths=births.

    North is also coming down. Some may argue India's Muslim population is mostly in North who make larger families. Pop. planning is an open, public issue for generations in India.

    However, Pak. population is admittedly out of control, many even Hasan Nisar say so.
    180 Million, going on 200 Million is nothing to be jumping up and down about. Pak. is yet to wake-up to it's time bomb.

Both armies abuse expensive imported fuel and equipment, Inidians go with cheaper home made diesel Vs. Pak.'s expensive, imported petrol. Not sure, this may have changed. All ISRO, HAL, NAL etc. collaborate with their peers French, Russian, Canadian US, EU peers Globally.

I speak form 1'st hand, professional experience. You?
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