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India Developing, but still a long way to go


World Trade Center

Wow imposing building and suitable one for WTC...
The Best Building in India Right now has to be the Egg in the BKC. :lol:

it got a design award. James Law is the architect.

Follow James Law's profile on facebook, and that man has a ton of awesome pics, of projects here and elsewhere.

Another of his projects coming in Mumbai, is the Mumbai University's Convention Centre, lets hope it gets built!

Anyway the hottest architect in the country is from Hong Kong! Way to go!

i have been there. some of the pictures i took

lovely pictures! thanks!
Surely there should be some sort of nation-wide linkage ie Delhi-Mumbai-Bangalore-Kolkata-Delhi. As has been done with Indian motorway network. Maybe this can be done after intial phase?

I read that Delhi-Patna HSR will be extended to Kolkata via Dhanbad and Pune will be connected to Bangalore via Belgaum and Hubli in latter phases.
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