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India deploys Sindhu Netra satellite for keeping eye over Indian Ocean

Sindhu Netra won't find subs, Bay of Bengal is crawling with Chinese SSBN's, both 094 Jin class and 09 Tang class. Good luck with that.

You can cast your 'netra' all day and won't find any sign of China subs.

On top of that - their sub prop-wash technology is getting quieter by the day.

I see these BS spy sateliite and other stories as political hot air and hogwash, useful only for gullible Sanghi consumption.

Tell you what Sanghis, spend the money for the Sindhu Netra garbage on some proper latrines.

Give your people some dignity... when Indians go to the loo on the street, it reflects badly on all of us including Pakistanis and Bangladeshis too. Not fair.

Lol....Why you jumped in mate? Couldn't control the jealous eruption inside you?

Let them do what they want to do...and since you are so favouring China...ask them to lease you a satellite to locate fishes first in the Bay of Bengal.. that will help your economy, besides stitching underwears.
Sindhu Netra won't find subs, Bay of Bengal is crawling with Chinese SSBN's, both 094 Jin class and 09 Tang class. Good luck with that.

You can cast your 'netra' all day and won't find any sign of China subs.

On top of that - their sub prop-wash technology is getting quieter by the day.

I see these BS spy sateliite and other stories as political hot air and hogwash, useful only for gullible Sanghi consumption.

Tell you what Sanghis, spend the money for the Sindhu Netra garbage on some proper latrines.

Give your people some dignity... when Indians go to the loo on the street, it reflects badly on all of us including Pakistanis and Bangladeshis too. Not fair.
Any reason for this sting post? Do you have a personal enmity with India and Indians?
What sting post??

Stating facts.

Bangladesh plans to host PLAN subs.

Everyone knows this.
You can host whoever you want to. But when you mention toilets in a thread about satellites, I would have to call it a sting post out of some deep-rooted hatred of India. Let me hear your reasons for hate.
You can host whoever you want to. But when you mention toilets in a thread about satellites, I would have to call it a sting post out of some deep-rooted hatred of India. Let me hear your reasons for hate.

I don't hate Indians - I told you long ago. Don't care much about Sanghis and fascists - however.

I mentioned toilets because reasonable sane people solve their basic problems first, like food, housing, health, hygiene, education.

Your uneducated leaders you elect are getting more f*cked by the day.

These uneducated idiots have figured out what Sanghis want to see.

More 'showcase projects' like more big tanks. planes and satellites, almost 100% sourced from overseas. 'Prestige' Moon and Mars missions. Of zero value to the common Indian on the street.

While everyone globally knows what a $hithole India is, Sanghis are just plain happy about a long tin can placing projectiles in space - just to show 'at par' status with China. Which will not help solve (you guessed it) basic problems like food, housing, health, hygiene, education.

But solving basic problems don't make headlines unfortunately. Or get votes from glazy-eyed sub par idiots in India.

Got to feed Sanghis more of the Kool Aid I guess. This is what Indians deserve.
Lol....Why you jumped in mate? Couldn't control the jealous eruption inside you?

Let them do what they want to do...and since you are so favouring China...ask them to lease you a satellite to locate fishes first in the Bay of Bengal.. that will help your economy, besides stitching underwears.

We have our own satellite program and feed - Thank You.

There is more electronics that is made in Bangladesh now than India currently is capable of...in short.

I think you are talking about facts from two decades ago. What is this Bharti fascination with chaddis. :lol:
I don't hate Indians - I told you long ago. Don't care much about Sanghis and fascists - however.

I mentioned toilets because reasonable sane people solve their basic problems first, like food, housing, health, hygiene, education.

Your uneducated leaders you elect are getting more f*cked by the day.

These uneducated idiots have figured out what Sanghis want to see.

More 'showcase projects' like more big tanks. planes and satellites, almost 100% sourced from overseas. 'Prestige' Moon and Mars missions. Of zero value to the common Indian on the street.

While everyone globally knows what a $hithole India is, Sanghis are just plain happy about a long tin can placing projectiles in space - just to show 'at par' status with China. Which will not help solve (you guessed it) basic problems like food, housing, health, hygiene, education.

But solving basic problems don't make headlines unfortunately. Or get votes from glazy-eyed sub par idiots in India.

Got to feed Sanghis more of the Kool Aid I guess. This is what Indians deserve.
Good to hear that you dont hate Indians. The satellite launch was not done by a party but by the nation of India. So your hate is mis-directed and unfortunate.

Sensible countries work to progress on all areas. If we had not invested in satellite technology, we would have sustained many more loss of lives when cyclone hit our eastern coast. Satellite tracked the cyclone well in advance and saved lives both in India and BD. So you should be thankful that India did invest in satellites after all.

As you may have read, along with this launch, we also helped Brazilian satellites to enter orbit. This earned us money, so in fact we are making profit by these ventures.

Investing in satellite technology started much before BJP into picture. Its not as if BJP started this trend, so I am not sure where you are taking your info from.

We are a global vendor for low-cost satellite launches, thus earning valuable expertise, prestige and money.
Good to hear that you dont hate Indians. The satellite launch was not done by a party but by the nation of India. So your hate is mis-directed and unfortunate.

What hate??

If India launches satellites (and they don't blow up) then fine for Indians.

What I take issue with is a political party saffronizing everything in India, including development of arms and launch of satellites. Using it as political capital.

Again, how many measly dollars will the Brazilians give you, as satellite launch is a competitive industry? How is this satellite launch going to help the average Indian on the street?? When they don't have places to go do their business in the morning?? Or have ONE square meal a day?

In India open defecation rate is 65%, in Bangladesh it is close to zero. Fact.

Your per capita GDP, educational/health/HDI indicators, economic growth KPI's are all below those of Bangladesh. Is this shameful? Ask yourself.

What kind of piss poor performance is this for a supposed claimed 'superpower'? That your guy claims with a 56" chest??

We in Bangladesh had a cyclone warning system in Bangladesh (complete with shelter and training) three four decades ago. We got basic feeds then from NASA. still do.

Did not need a satellite program for this.

We made sure our people got fed, clothed, had shelter.

Nowadays even people in our remote villages have refrigerators and aircons, manufactured all by local companies.

More than 80% of our cellphones are made locally, from scratch (not China sub-assemblies like in India).

Your Sanghis and your fly-by-night Banya businesspeople are looting India as they feed you saffron kool-aid (don't ask me to explain).

But pardon us - we don't have a mars exploration program (to siphon away billions from).

I don't know why I'm complaining.

Let India go to the dogs, as it is destined to.
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What hate??

If India launches satellites (and they don't blow up) then fine for Indians.

What I take issue with is a political party saffronizing everything in India, including development of arms and launch of satellites. Using it as political capital.

Again, how many measly dollars will the Brazilians give you, as satellite launch is a competitive industry? How is this satellite launch going to help the average Indian on the street?? When they don't have places to go do their business in the morning?? Or have ONE square meal a day?

In India open defecation rate is 65%, in Bangladesh it is close to zero. Fact.

Your per capita GDP, educational/health/HDI indicators, economic growth KPI's are all below those of Bangladesh. Is this shameful? Ask yourself.

What kind of piss poor performance is this for a supposed claimed 'superpower'? That your guy claims with a 56" chest??

We in Bangladesh had a cyclone warning system in Bangladesh (complete with shelter and training) three four decades ago. We got basic feeds then from NASA. still do.

Did not need a satellite program for this.

We made sure our people got fed, clothed, had shelter.

Nowadays even people in our remote villages have refrigerators and aircons, manufactured all by local companies.

More than 80% of our cellphones are made locally, from scratch (not China sub-assemblies like in India).

Your Sanghis and your fly-by-night Banya businesspeople are looting India as they feed you saffron kool-aid (don't ask me to explain).

But pardon us - we don't have a mars exploration program (to siphon away billions from).

I don't know why I'm complaining.

Let India go to the dogs, as it is destined to.
I was thinking of responding to each of your points, but your last line 'Let India go to the dogs, as destined to' revealed that you have indeed hatred towards India. You are just trying to hide behind BJP to showcase your hate without any guilt. No use arguing with people like you having blind hate. You carry on, I wont have any dialogue with a person like you.
Impressive by Indians. I hope Pakistan will understand importance of aerospace engineering someday.
I don't hate Indians - I told you long ago. Don't care much about Sanghis and fascists - however.

I mentioned toilets because reasonable sane people solve their basic problems first, like food, housing, health, hygiene, education.

Your uneducated leaders you elect are getting more f*cked by the day.

These uneducated idiots have figured out what Sanghis want to see.

More 'showcase projects' like more big tanks. planes and satellites, almost 100% sourced from overseas. 'Prestige' Moon and Mars missions. Of zero value to the common Indian on the street.

While everyone globally knows what a $hithole India is, Sanghis are just plain happy about a long tin can placing projectiles in space - just to show 'at par' status with China. Which will not help solve (you guessed it) basic problems like food, housing, health, hygiene, education.

But solving basic problems don't make headlines unfortunately. Or get votes from glazy-eyed sub par idiots in India.

Got to feed Sanghis more of the Kool Aid I guess. This is what Indians deserve.
Why don't you stick to the damn topic and contribute positively to the thread instead of bringing up rape and toilets to derail every India related thread
Why don't you stick to the damn topic and contribute positively to the thread instead of bringing up rape and toilets to derail every India related thread
He is either a falseflagger or his hatred is beyond redemption. I tried to reason with him calmly but failed. Just hit 'Ignore' against his name.
He is either a falseflagger or his hatred is beyond redemption. I tried to reason with him calmly but failed. Just hit 'Ignore' against his name.


Typical of semi-educated andhbhakt Sanghi attitudes - can't tolerate constructive criticism based on logic.

Throw dissenters in jail, or worse - take their lives. :-)
I was thinking of responding to each of your points, but your last line 'Let India go to the dogs, as destined to' revealed that you have indeed hatred towards India. You are just trying to hide behind BJP to showcase your hate without any guilt. No use arguing with people like you having blind hate. You carry on, I wont have any dialogue with a person like you.

Whatever dude, suit yourself. Could care less about your laziness or you have no points to argue with anyway.

India's neighbors have seen Sanghi attitudes for the past couple of decades and made up their minds.

You have no friends left in the region.
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a bangldeshi trying tell us Bangladesh has better living standards than Indians


we saved their Arses in 71 he forgets quick
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