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India deploys Heavy infantry and moves heavy artillery near LOC

Cold Start means 2-3 of their strike corps (they call them IBG's or integrated battle groups), integrated with dedicated strike and intercept units of the IAF squadrons (like a mini army by itself). Their goal is to primarily Thrust quickly into enemy's territory with dedicated strike and interception support from the IAF. Primarily focused on Punjab and Kashmir. So the offenses will come from these places. More than likely, starting from heavy shelling from the LOC.

Totally incorrect @Viper0011. There is no Corps level IBG .... not implemented.
whatever happens you'll fully deserve it, that much is clear. Guess anyway it was time for you face the music. Forget Kashmir etc., you can't handle your own country.
This 200 million will make ur floor hot to see ur kathak..
Or phir na radha ko thaknay daingay na tail khatam ho ga..
If I was to guess watching this getting unfold, Modi is going to use heavy artillery from within the Indian side for a few days to shell whatever he perceives are the "targets" across the border. Heavy artillery has good range, some in excess of 40 km's, so theoretically they can shell for a few days and say "we destroyed our targets" and you may see a few close incursions on the border. But a full scale attack won't be done. Unless some general or air-force commander makes a mistake of crossing into Pakistan. That is their red line.

So the might flex the muscles from distance, use artillery from within India for a few days and life will go back to normal. But the reports aren't of any cool off of anything. In fact, this is the first time since 2002 that the Indian side has ordered evacs out to 50 KM's (estimated range of Pakistani artillery). You only issue such orders when you expect these areas to be hit, and there are war marking flags all across the region. So something is about to go down. I just hope its blowing off steam from distance and not actually attacking or crossing the border. That would for sure turn into a full scale war.
Considering past experiences your above projections look to be true as about a year ago IA faced some casualties on border then they indiscriminately targeted civilians in Sialkot/ Narowal sectors causing many deaths as well as destruction of houses.

Further cold start doctrine is also based on limited strikes. However IA will retaliate not now when PA is ready they will strike once stand off ends. They know very well that despite limited number of jets PAF is now ready and in better shape as compared to Kargill era as now they have much capable BVRs and F16 are also operational.
Modi will realize now that bhonkna is easy but katna is hard and it has consequences ..
Yes get ready :devil::D

Man just stop with these rants already and learn to accept your mistakes.

when have you actually achieved anything man? You're always getting kicked around by everyone everywhere. How do you think this'll end up differently?
No, the Cold Start doesn't consider Karachi immediately. That's a full scale war scenario for the Indian planners as they'll have to mobilize the IN and that takes weeks.

Cold Start means 2-3 of their strike corps (they call them IBG's or integrated battle groups), integrated with dedicated strike and intercept units of the IAF squadrons (like a mini army by itself). Their goal is to primarily Thrust quickly into enemy's territory with dedicated strike and interception support from the IAF. Primarily focused on Punjab and Kashmir. So the offenses will come from these places. More than likely, starting from heavy shelling from the LOC.

But IN is also part of cold start, may be in phase 2 for now (if attack occurs), but Pakistan is also ready to face Indian aggression, if it happens it will be bloody for both sides. Hope cool heads prevails on both sides leaderships.
The air-force exercises don't call for the defense readiness status to be changed to DEFCON-2 (Pakistani version is limited to conventional war only). DEFCON-1 means the war has started. The jump from 5 (peacetime) to 2 (imminent war) isn't due to any exercise. This is real stuff and real dangerous for millions of poor people of this region!!
I wish the war does not happen but both sides have to make attempt.
Exactly According to Express News Pakistan Daftar-e-Kharja also confirms the BBC Reports about the movement of heavy ammunition across the LOC in IOK(Indian Occupied Kashmir). Missiles are also been fitted in some parts as well.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday spent his day at a military operation room where he monitored his army’s movement along the LoC.

India deployed heavy infantry to front posts along the Line of Control (LoC),
Top Indian defence officials told BBC on condition of anonymity that Indian Army has deployed heavy and light infantry along LoC. As of now, officials said, the army has deployed canons in Uri sector.
India, however, denies the reports that such weapons have been deployed to tackle any military escalation with Pakistan. According to Indian Army, the development is a part of routine exercise ahead of winter season.

Please post news link.

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