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India demands that US drop case against diplomat

I'm flattered, but the key differences are (1) Davis had diplomatic immunity (Pakistan's FM was notified of the request and filed no objection with the U.S.) whereas Khobragade only has consular (they're 2 different Conventions),

That was a cook up. The state department initially declared him as a staff member which wouldn't give him full diplomatic immunity, but later they realized it and then declared that he was a admin staff member. It's not very hard for the US to get the Pakistani govt say yes to their claims. In any case a Pakistani court at that time did rule that Mr. Davis didn't enjoy diplomatic immunity.

and (2) Khobragade's relationship to her alleged victim was that of abusive employer/human trafficker, whereas Davis' was killer-in-self-defense.

Murder is a more severe crime than visa fraud in my eyes. Whether he killed those men in self defense or in cold blood was something we can only assume. However the fact that he had to pay blood money to get out of Pakistan suggests otherwise.

Anyways it's not for me to decide whether the diplomat in question is guilty or not. She probably is. However what I'm concerned about is the way this case has been handled. Diplomacy is a game of reciprocity and the US govt is setting a bad precedence here which might come back to bite them in the future.
No we would complain as our diplomat is innocent and US is a big cheat and fraud. We would let the whole world know the double standards of US.

and when we have to put your diplomat in jail we would do that also.:sick:

Doubt its about her so called innocence and more about how she was treated.
Raymond davis was not a full diplomate to begin with. AMericans lied through their teeth -
As I discussed at the time, by the Diplomatic Convention Davis' diplomatic immunity was established when Pakistan's Foreign Ministry received the diplomatic note from the U.S. requesting it and the PFM did not respond with an objection.
Let's see how india exploit the Gay Diplomatic couple of US embassy.
Doubt its about her so called innocence and more about how she was treated.

she is innocent. If she is guilty then 70% of consular persons posted in US would be guilty too.

As evident and patently obvious that 99% of the maids working for consular people across the board are underpaid.
As I discussed at the time, by the Diplomatic Convention Davis' diplomatic immunity was established when Pakistan's Foreign Ministry received the diplomatic note from the U.S. requesting it and the PFM did not respond with an objection.

PFM Shah Qureshi resigned instead of compiling with US demand to declare Davis a diplomate. Jugglery of words can not change the fact raymond davis didn ot enjoy full diplomatic immunity just like Indian diplomate lady
PFM Shah Qureshi resigned instead of compiling with US demand to declare Davis a diplomate. Jugglery of words can not change the fact raymond davis didn ot enjoy full diplomatic immunity just like Indian diplomate lady

thanks bro for unmasking the lies of the well, not so surprisingly, US folks. (well known for big big lies).
As per Vienna Convention Article 41 (1) which says: Consular officers shall not be liable to arrest or detention pending trial, except in the case of a grave crime and pursuant to a decision by the competent judicial authority"
In essence the RD episode and payment of blood money proved that the Pakistan stance was right and in a way US respected the local law and got him out by following legal procedure and paying the blood money. So the same should be the case now and law should take it's course I think:)

There was no immunity and US basically dropped the stance and followed the blood money clause instead.
That was a cook up. The state department initially declared him as a staff member which wouldn't give him full diplomatic immunity, but later they realized it and then declared that he was a admin staff member. It's not very hard for the US to get the Pakistani govt say yes to their claims. In any case a Pakistani court at that time did rule that Mr. Davis didn't enjoy diplomatic immunity.
The problem, as I noted at the time, was that by Convention such a determination wasn't up to an erring spokesperson or Pakistan's courts but to Pakistan's foreign ministry - and the FM refused to give a straight answer.

Diplomacy is a game of reciprocity and the US govt is setting a bad precedence here which might come back to bite them in the future.
We'll see.
she is innocent. If she is guilty then 70% of consular persons posted in US would be guilty too.

As evident and patently obvious that 99% of the maids working for consular people across the board are underpaid.

Well then go arrest them if they have violated your laws.
Burning of american flags in the street ? Really India ? :disagree:

I'm shocked too to see Indians burning US flags.. & shouting anti-US slogans. Quite expected scenes in certain countries... but India? Just goes to show that US has a unique knack of turning public opinion against them within no time. Maybe something for US to ponder upon...
As per Vienna Convention Article 41 (1) which says: Consular officers shall not be liable to arrest or detention pending trial, except in the case of a grave crime and pursuant to a decision by the competent judicial authority"
Yup. And both the U.S. and the U.N. consider human trafficking a "grave crime". Which means the Secretary-General will now have a say as to whether he accepts the former DC's status as a member of India's permanent U.N. mission.
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