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India demands Predator XP and Armed Avenger UAV’s from US to keep China in check

whoever came up with this word Demand.
US has no obligation to provide any military hardware bypassing any laws to meet any strategic requirement.
India too on its part is within its right to request for a specific weapon system, purely as a buyer.
We have money and requirement for a hardware, if US congress finds it acceptable, the sales will go through.
and Rustom II.
brother wake up indigenous projects failed miserably.

Technology from US and Israeli drones will no doubt be incorporated into the project until it is completed, so procuring such fancy tech India doesn't currently have ability to make right now would be a huge advantage for the indigenous programs. It would be much more worrying if there were no indigenous programs or future plans at all.
Hummmmm, Akash project failed (Order of Just 6 bn USD), Tejas failed (Order of just 150 planes), Prithiv,1-2-3 failed, AAD failed, Agni series failed.
Tejas failed (Order of just 150 planes)
Rustom i, ii
and many more quite a long list.
brother wake up indigenous projects failed miserably.

Do you even realize that it is a work in progress ?

Tejas failed (Order of just 150 planes)
Rustom i, ii

1.Order of just 150 :lol:
2.In service,with mk2 undergoing trials
3.Never meant to be a mass produced UAV
4.Work in progress
5.Already selected for AURA UCAV
Next time please rectify India defense section to India asks and demand section.

Even Saudi now buys UAV from China, the difference is we export and India imports.

whoever came up with this word Demand.
US has no obligation to provide any military hardware bypassing any laws to meet any strategic requirement.
India too on its part is within its right to request for a specific weapon system, purely as a buyer.
We have money and requirement for a hardware, if US congress finds it acceptable, the sales will go through.
Don't ask for TOT in every procurement, cause it doesn't work.even without ToT India has to buy.

You guys are taken for granted.

For each seller, TOT is the last thing they are willing to do as it cut out the future income.

Only hundred UAV wanna keep China in check? OP is out of mind.
plainly spoken and without breaking down your argument - india is no match for China

You have No idea about India's REAL though Hidden strength

That is why China has NOT put any efforts to Help you in Kargil conflict
OR why does not China take away Arunachal Pradesh which they call Southern Tibet
Only hundred UAV wanna keep China in check? OP is out of mind.
Some newspapers in India have a bad habit of sensationalizing everything.
If one looks at a larger picture, India and China are making concerted efforts of improving trade and commerce along with talks on border issues.
BRICS is being empowered by sincere efforts from both nations.
In this context war mongering by some media houses is only to increase sales and circulation and certainly doesn't reflect ground reality.
Few points from an old article from Flightglobal from early 2015 timeline (Export restrictions limit Predator potential

  1. When US President Barack Obama visited India in January, a request for a Predator XP purchase was expected, with New Delhi seeking an array of unmanned technologies.
  2. General Atomics confirms that the US government has granted it a DSP-5 export licence, enabling it “to engage in discussions with the government of India, as well as local industry, for the potential sale of Predator XP”.
  3. Sales to Jordan and India would also rock the boat between the USA and Israel. Jordanian sales would upset Israel politically, while India is a significant market for Israel’s UAV industry that it would be hesitant to lose.
I see potentially
  1. Far more advanced stuff coming from Israel due to this challenge and a potential of US armed drones
  2. A possible tie up of Neuron tech coming soon for us
  3. And Aura tie up overtly or covertly to amalgamate certain classified technology chiefly from Israel and France

@Abingdonboy @FrenchPilot @Aminroop : Tagging you folks, may love all this "new" development

Personally i would have loved the Real predator stuff


The laser pointer in original Predator movie with Arnold was awesome along with the cloaking technology. I can tell you seeing it first time sent shivers down my whole body . Imagining beings from a advanced civilization who may have more of warrior instincts is pretty scary especially as that basic tech of something what predator has is still not mastered completely for a hi tech soldier or next gen soldiers of any country including USA. The world has laser designation but not deployed laser to blast through especially portable laser guns. The cloaking (360 degree) is still a field under research, in true sense the real "stealth". and the various wavelengths with which the helmet allowed different spectrum of lights to ascertain and detect hostiles paved way to a real far reaching sights of a possible future tech.

Sorry if its off topic, but i love the name predator and the movie nuances.. To me its one of the first movie which i felt tilted me towrads learning science more..
No offense but it sounds something like this,

"Daddy daddy, china cuddling me in the back again, gimme some of your toys." :rofl:
Like the way you used to do it with your ex daddy?
No we don't do that.:no:

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