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India Declares Sharia Courts/Laws as illegal

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Yeah right. Apart from the knee jerk reactions from the usual suspects (Pakistani posters etc) what the Supreme court has done is a passive affirmation.

They can declare Shariat courts and it's fatwas have no legal sanction, or Khap Panchayats have no legal sanction but the reality is, a lot of Kangaroo courts have enough social clout to carry out their diktats.

We have seen that in tribal areas where they order the rape of women, the sanctions of Khaps. If the shariat courts pass a ruling and the both the parties consent to it, how can the Indian legal and law enforcement agencies, as cumbersome and as inept as they are do anything?

The only thing I got worthwhile out of this thread was having a laugh at the Pakistani posters getting their knickers in a twist of Indian Supreme Court affirming, without the means to impose their ruling what should have always been.

That secular, evolving man made laws must reign supreme.

Otherwise, they should leave the western countries and go live in a country where Sharia is the law of the land. They won't, because they enjoy the fruits of a secular society. Bunch of hypocrites especially since Pakistan is under siege from forces wanting to impose Sharia.
what about the hindu sharia in your country,where conversion and cow slaughter is banned in a lot of states,where lower caste hindus and muslims are treated like second class citizens,where christians are forcefully converted,where village panchayats openly decree honour killings,looks like your shariat isn,t very good either:crazy:
what about the hindu sharia in your country,where conversion and cow slaughter is banned in a lot of states,where lower caste hindus and muslims are treated like second class citizens,where christians are forcefully converted,where village panchayats openly decree honour killings,looks like your shariat isn,t very good either:crazy:

didn't I just confirm what you said just now though?

If not, there are Khaps, Tribal councils who pass insane judgements. edicts on inter-caste marriages and such :tsk:

It's not like if the supreme court ruling can actually impact shariat courts, if the individuals involved, consent to it.
what about the hindu sharia in your country,where conversion and cow slaughter is banned in a lot of states,where lower caste hindus and muslims are treated like second class citizens,where christians are forcefully converted,where village panchayats openly decree honour killings,looks like your shariat isn,t very good either:crazy:

smoking charas is injurious to health !
what about the hindu sharia in your country,where conversion and cow slaughter is banned in a lot of states,where lower caste hindus and muslims are treated like second class citizens,where christians are forcefully converted,where village panchayats openly decree honour killings,looks like your shariat isn,t very good either:crazy:

India is a Hindu Nation, hence there is no place for Islamic Sharia in India.
smoking charas is injurious to health !

actually is not in the short run.
also its not addictive and is a natural pain alleviating substance.

in the long run though anything can happen :devil:

So your earlier comments about India being secular and all Indians being proud to be Indians is now out the window?

India is NOT the United States in terms of democracy by any measure.

oh its trying all right and in 30-40 years there may be hope.

but united states does not have 15% muslims who want sharia to be implemented so that they can remain superior to their wives at least.
simply because its generally not the case and i still say its most probably not yours.

but again if it is then i may not be able to debate with u effectively:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Why wont you be able to debate with my effectively?
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