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India decides to fight back aggressive China

We do all kind of business include Salt. Sure your GOI also been told to come for 13th round, your spinelss GOI dare not to say NO. And as expected you Indians are sneaky trying to invoking Japan into the debat, what Japanese hold the islands is not difference from what Korean or Russian hold those contest Island, there will be a settlement one day or another.
Are we scare of water cannon? No we're scare of dehydration:cool:
sucks to be you then :tup:
When we chinese argue with Indians, we don't need to bring Nuke as backup unlike Insecure Indians thinks that Nuke is the deterrent against Chinese :rofl: And what kind of freedom you have enjoy when you're struggle to find the way on how to survive.

Anyday it is better to be a poor man than to be a slave which obviously the chinese are , and were for generations.:lol:

lol who know what's happened in 1967 and 1987 beside some fictions that Indians are trying for self-comforting but the whole world knew what was happening in 1962 :rofl:

Everybody other than chinese knows because that will be censored in china. How could the chinese govt tell their citizens that their superior han soldiers had to cowardly run back scared from fights in 67 and 87.:lol:

barking dog seldom bites? :rofl: you Indians don't even know the barking-bites intention...that how you got owned in 1962, we don't buy your definition.

So much owning for somebody who even after having 1:8 superiority had to run back with tail between their legs in AP:wave:
Anyday it is better to be a poor man than to be a slave which obviously the chinese are , and were for generations.:lol:

Everybody other than chinese knows because that will be censored in china. How could the chinese govt tell their citizens that their superior han soldiers had to cowardly run back scared from fights in 67 and 87.:lol:

So much owning for somebody who even after having 1:8 superiority had to run back with tail between their legs in AP:wave:

usual Indian cheap consolation,
dead poor, -- because we want 'freedom' (yes freedom of raping and starving, plus freedom of politicans treating indians as cheap dirt)
lost argument--- becaus you chinese got 'censored' information (usual layman style)
we got humilated -- becasuse we lost to 1;8, 1:9, 1:10, or 1:XYZ superior number, (the fact is your lousy 'elite' army was humiliated by few thousands PLA board skirmish troops)

i think indian government really takes its citizens as some sort of guillble retards, and they do, because it seems they alays buy those nonsenses excuses for inability
usual Indian cheap consolation,
dead poor, -- because we want 'freedom' (yes freedom of raping and starving, plus freedom of politicans treating indians as cheap dirt)
lost argument--- becaus you chinese got 'censored' information (usual layman style)
we got humilated -- becasuse we lost to 1;8, 1:9, 1:10, or 1:XYZ superior number, (the fact is your lousy 'elite' army was humiliated by few thousands PLA board skirmish troops)

i think indian government really takes its citizens as some sort of guillble retards, and they do, because it seems they alays buy those nonsenses excuses for inability

We can't expect much from these self-comforting Indians :rofl:, most of these people will live with anger and sensitive over any sino-indian issue, any small movements of Chinese in the border will make them paranoid, they will feel like the end of world and Chineses will be labeled as agressor and threat to Indian nation so Indian have to fight back the evil Agressive China. :rofl:

A bunch on Insecures that like to self-comforting when lose the arguments against Chineses, and the funny thing is that they like to drag other nations such Japan, U.S, UN. Nation and the world as supernatural force to fight on their side in order to boost their moral...LMAO.
India acting like the neighborhood bully... looks like they are picking on the big boys this time... ;)
Who's gonna win the fight.

Sabre rattling is quite a useless thing... a waste of time and energy. Time spent in a productive manner would have greatly helped the Indians.
usual Indian cheap consolation,
dead poor, -- because we want 'freedom' (yes freedom of raping and starving, plus freedom of politicans treating indians as cheap dirt)
lost argument--- becaus you chinese got 'censored' information (usual layman style)
we got humilated -- becasuse we lost to 1;8, 1:9, 1:10, or 1:XYZ superior number, (the fact is your lousy 'elite' army was humiliated by few thousands PLA board skirmish troops)

i think indian government really takes its citizens as some sort of guillble retards, and they do, because it seems they alays buy those nonsenses excuses for inability

Anyday better than the chinese chest thumping full of hot air and no substance.

The only self comforting I am seeing here is by two chinese who are comforting each other for the spanking they got in Indian and then later by china.

Maybe you should add few of your megaton fart$ to your posts.

India acting like the neighborhood bully... looks like they are picking on the big boys this time... ;)
Who's gonna win the fight.

Sabre rattling is quite a useless thing... a waste of time and energy. Time spent in a productive manner would have greatly helped the Indians.

Maybe you should direct this advice to your govt.
minor needling aside, i don't see much happening in regards to sino-indo relations. each side will keep the land they have, and trade will continue.
both our nations have much to accomplish in terms of development, especially India. it is best to keep a low profile and continue to build our own nation.
the petty issues can wait.
minor needling aside, i don't see much happening in regards to sino-indo relations. each side will keep the land they have, and trade will continue.
both our nations have much to accomplish in terms of development, especially India. it is best to keep a low profile and continue to build our own nation.
the petty issues can wait.

Wrong...we still negociate the lands and boundaries at XX rounds, we don't easily sweept the issues under the carpet and let it be forgotten. and of course trade will continue since we can sell junk to India and still have trade surplus ;)
Wrong...we still negociate the lands and boundaries at XX rounds, we don't easily sweept the issues under the carpet and let it be forgotten. and of course trade will continue since we can sell junk to India and still have trade surplus ;)
sure, we'll happily say NO to chinese begging, the 13th time.
chinese boys keep begging chinese girls before getting dumped, pity to see their antics don't change even when they become leaders of the country.
Chinese friends. If a stone lands across the border from Ladakh... it means India is fighting back. :lol:

No offense guys... time to pack up and leave this thread alone. No one wins wars with rhetoric and Asian countries are champions at it. Only in Asia you will see a 1 meter dwarf talking aggressively to 20 meter giant.
Chinese friends. If a stone lands across the border from Ladakh... it means India is fighting back. :lol:

No offense guys... time to pack up and leave this thread alone. No one wins wars with rhetoric and Asian countries are champions at it. Only in Asia you will see a 1 meter dwarf talking aggressively to 20 meter giant.
true fact, but hey many of us enjoy the comedy show. :D
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