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India counters Chinese anti-missile test

Can you show me an article that speak about India's plan for mid course missile defence. From what I read the current and next generation Indian missile defence is aim to equal that of THAAD. Even though it might not achieve the capability of THAAD, the effort of Indian missile defence is toward that direction.

THAAD system contains missles that can track and engage both just outside of the atmosphere and inside the atmosphere. The following is from the article

THAAD Theatre High Altitude Area Defense - Missile System - Army Technology

"The THAAD system provides the upper tier of a 'layered defensive shield' to protect high value strategic or tactical sites such as airfields or populations centres. The THAAD missile intercepts exo-atmospheric and endo-atmospheric threats.

The sites would also be protected with lower and medium-tier defensive shield systems such as the Patriot PAC-3 which intercepts hostile incoming missiles at 20 to 100 times lower altitudes.

From what I understand, this is the type of ability that India is trying to achieve isn't it? If not, please correct me as I believe that India is achieve to THAAD capability. But from wikipedia on Indian missile defence, this is what is on there for the planned future of Indian defence.

Phase 2
Two new anti ballistic missiles that can intercept IRBM/ICBMs are being developed. These high speed missiles (AD-1 and AD-2) are being developed to intercept ballistic missiles with the range of 5000 km.[23] The test trials of these two systems is expected to take place in 2011.[24] The new missile will be similar to the THAAD missile deployed by the U.S.A. These missiles will have to travel at hypersonic speeds and will require radars with scan capability of over 1500 kilometers to successfully intercept the target.[25]


Well the comparison between THAAD and the Indian BMD is not wholly accurate. they do share some similarities such as they are both theater based defense shield. and both have a two tiered defense shield. But their objectives and purpose are different.

Most of India's threats are right next door. So most missiles launched are well in range of interception. By theater based systems.

Here is a breakdown of BMD systems.

Missile defense - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Missile defense categories

Missile defense can be divided into categories based on various characteristics: type/range of missile intercepted, the trajectory phase where the intercept occurs, and whether intercepted inside or outside the Earth's atmosphere:

Classified by type/range of missile intercepted

The types/ranges are strategic, theater and tactical. Each entails unique requirements for intercept, and a defensive system capable of intercepting one missile type frequently cannot intercept others; however there is sometimes overlap in capability.

*Strategic missile defense: Targets long-range ICBMs, which travel at about 7 km/s (15,700 mph). Example of currently active systems: Russian A-135 system which defends Moscow, and the U.S. Ground-Based Midcourse Defense system that defends the United States. Geographic range of strategic defense can be regional (Russian system) or national (U.S. system).

* Theater missile defense: Targets medium-range Theatre ballistic missile, which travel at about 3 km/s (6,700 mph) or less. In this context the term "theater" means the entire localized region for military operations, typically a radius of several hundred kilometers. Defense range of theater defensive systems is usually on this order. Examples of deployed or soon-to-be deployed theater missile defenses: THAAD, Airborne laser and Russian S-400 Triumf.

* Tactical missile defense: Targets short-range tactical ballistic missiles, which usually travel at less than 1.5 km/s (3,400 mph). Tactical ABMs have short ranges, typically 20-80 km (12-50 miles). Example of currently-deployed tactical ABM: MIM-104 Patriot, S-300V.

Classified by trajectory phase

Ballistic missiles can be intercepted in three regions of their trajectory: boost phase, midcourse phase or terminal phase.

* Boost phase: intercepting the missile while its rocket motors are firing, usually over the launch territory. Advantages: bright, hot rocket exhaust makes detection, discrimination and targeting easier. Decoys cannot be used during boost phase. Disadvantages: difficult to geographically position interceptors to intercept missiles in boost phase (not always possible without flying over hostile territory), short time for intercept (typically about 180 seconds). Example: aircraft-mounted laser weapon Boeing YAL-1 (under development).

* Mid-course phase: intercepting the missile in space after the rocket burns out. The coast period through space before reentering the atmosphere can be several minutes, up to 20 minutes for an ICBM. Advantages: extended decision/intercept time, very large geographic defensive coverage, potentially continental. Disadvantages: requires large/heavy anti-ballistic missiles, sophisticated powerful radar often augmented by space-based sensors, must handle potential space-based decoys.

* Terminal phase: intercepting the missile after it reenters the atmosphere. Advantages: smaller/lighter anti-ballistic missile required, balloon decoys won't work, smaller, less sophisticated radar required. Disadvantages: very short reaction time, possibly less than 30 seconds, less defended geographic coverage. Possible blanketing of target area with hazardous materials in the case of detonation of nuclear warhead(s).

Classified by intercept location relative to the atmosphere

Missile defense can take place either inside (endoatmospheric) or outside (exoatmospheric) the Earth's atmosphere. The trajectory of most ballistic missiles takes them inside and outside the Earth's atmosphere, and they can be intercepted either place. There are advantages and disadvantages to either intercept technique.

* Endoatmospheric anti-ballistic missiles are usually shorter ranged. Advantages: physically smaller/lighter, easier to move and deploy, endoatmospheric intercept means balloon-type decoys won't work. Disadvantages: limited range and defended area, and limited decision and tracking time for the incoming warhead. Example: MIM-104 Patriot and Advanced Air Defence.(Indian)

* Exoatmospheric anti-ballistic missiles are usually longer ranged. Advantages: more decision and tracking time, larger defended area with fewer missiles. Disadvantages: larger/heavier missiles required, more difficult to transport and emplace than smaller missiles, must handle decoys. Example: Ground-Based Midcourse Defense and Prithvi Air Defence.

Some missiles such as THAAD can intercept both inside and outside the Earth's atmosphere, giving two intercept opportunities.

The only difference between the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense
and PAD is the ranges by which they are supposed to operate.

Ground-Based Midcourse Defense is a strategic missile defense.

PAD is theater missile defense.
* Mid-course phase: intercepting the missile in space after the rocket burns out. The coast period through space before reentering the atmosphere can be several minutes, up to 20 minutes for an ICBM. Advantages: extended decision/intercept time, very large geographic defensive coverage, potentially continental. Disadvantages: requires large/heavy anti-ballistic missiles, sophisticated powerful radar often augmented by space-based sensors, must handle potential space-based decoys.

* Terminal phase: intercepting the missile after it reenters the atmosphere. Advantages: smaller/lighter anti-ballistic missile required, balloon decoys won't work, smaller, less sophisticated radar required. Disadvantages: very short reaction time, possibly less than 30 seconds, less defended geographic coverage. Possible blanketing of target area with hazardous materials in the case of detonation of nuclear warhead(s).

These high speed missiles (AD-1 and AD-2) are being developed to intercept ballistic missiles with the range of 5000 km.[23] The test trials of these two systems is expected to take place in 2011.

if everything goes according to the plan, india will got the missile ready in 2011,most likely base on Agni 3. but what about the second precondition, sophisticated powerful radar. as far as i konw, the "less sophisticated radar" being used is an Israel EL/M-2080 Green Pine. they must be making their own one, but no concrete information about the progress as now.

so, i assume its quite certain that
1)India has no Mid-course phase interception capability right now;
2)India has 50% (more or less ) of the Terminal phasephase interception capability as the "less sophisticated radar" is not ready yet.
if everything goes according to the plan, india will got the missile ready in 2011,most likely base on Agni 3. but what about the second precondition, sophisticated powerful radar. as far as i konw, the "less sophisticated radar" being used is an Israel EL/M-2080 Green Pine. they must be making their own one, but no concrete information about the progress as now.

so, i assume its quite certain that
1)India has no Mid-course phase interception capability right now;
2)India has 50% (more or less ) of the Terminal phasephase interception capability as the "less sophisticated radar" is not ready yet.

Good analysis.. Specially on radar.. I remember reading (but not where) about russians offering a JV on the lines of brahmos bundled with the mig 35 in the ongoing MMRCA bid. Anyone else remembers seeing that??
So why they are separate countries? And why do you not use a Chinese flag instead. What matters is official position not emotions.

This is such an uneducated post. Such uneducated posts only reflect the poor quality of education of the poster.

There is nothing known as Chinese flag. There are flags of People's Republic of China (PRC) and Republic of China (ROC).

The word Chinese stands for a particular civilization more than five thousand years old. The word Chinese stands for a particular way of life. Well in a narrower sense, Chinese stands for a nation, but not nation state or country at all.

:china: :china: :china: :china: :china: :china: :china: :china:
I guess you are not educated enough to comprehend the "narrower sense" of the post you are commenting upon.

Hey, welcome back, how was your two weeks break ?

Nice to see you back shooting trash again,

I think the title of this thread will be more interesting if ..

"India counters Chinese anti -missile test with her secret program=

First decent indigenous assault rifle and bullet" what do you think ?

BTW, just out of curiosity, is that you in your avatar ? what were you

sucking with your mouth ? Thats cute !:smitten::pakistan::china:


Oh, poor baby, don't cry, go ask your mom to kiss you better HaHa,

And please stop trolling, we are discussing the "India counters

Chinese anti-missile test" here, if you have nothing to contribute,

kindly go away please. :smitten::pakistan::china:
Oh, poor baby, don't cry, go ask your mom to kiss you better HaHa,

And please stop trolling, we are discussing the "India counters

Chinese anti-missile test" here, if you have nothing to contribute,

kindly go away please. :smitten::pakistan::china:

They understand only rough and tough language and thats what I gave.

:china: :pakistan:
And you are an ugly smelly @$$hole...m******r...

Please report my post.

Mods, if someone can use offensive insulting words to describe me, then I do have the right to retaliate, if you believe in equal rights.

As you have confessed in one of your post that you don't read the post and just reply, shows your intentions.

You always post troll and go off topic always.

Like you are discussing meaning of China is it the topic of discussion???

First you yourself defame a member and his education etc. when in return he asks a genuine question you get blasted because being caught red handed.

Plz, don't derail the topic and never abuse a member, we can teach you a lesson very well so don't test patience.

BTW, post reported to Mods.

All members are requested to report such post to maintain the decency and seriousness of the forum.
I alone can teach you a lesson.... the hardest one... lucky you are, not in front of me right now...

No, buddy, thats will not work, remember IQ 81? give it up,

Giving a donkey a dancing lesson just won't work.

BTW, whats your opinion on this crap article ?

Indian popaganda ? feeling insecure of Chinese anti-missile test ?

I alone can teach you a lesson.... the hardest one... lucky you are, not in front of me right now...

Dear Friend, just in this thread, the following is the summary of your posts.


Brother, should we pay attention to some people who do not deserve it?

I think, we should ignore them.

Anyway, always thank greyboy. Honestly speaking, I myself do not even read all the posts of my Chinese and Pakistani brothers, I just thank them, because I trust them. I know their posts will be in support of China and Pakistan, so why should I waste my time reading their posts? Its better to thank them always.

Brother, its getting monotonous...

I told you not to pay attention to them.

Lets have a different kind of discussion. Lets open a thread on historical places in China in the members' club section and discuss about it. Help me there to post photos. My net connection is not supporting the downloading and uploading of photos. So I need your help.

mastur... you *******... :angry:

Both of your posts have been reported.

This is such an uneducated post. Such uneducated posts only reflect the poor quality of education of the poster.

There is nothing known as Chinese flag. There are flags of People's Republic of China (PRC) and Republic of China (ROC).

The word Chinese stands for a particular civilization more than five thousand years old. The word Chinese stands for a particular way of life. Well in a narrower sense, Chinese stands for a nation, but not nation state or country at all.


And I do not have to guess, as I am quite sure that you are not educated at all to comprehend the difference between a nation and nation state/country.

Hope you read my above post hundred times more so that you can understand what I wanted to say.


Off topic posts are not allowed according to the forum rules. If you want to discuss, you can open a separate thread and ask me, I will reply there.

And you are an ugly smelly @$$hole...m******r...

Please report my post.

Mods, if someone can use offensive insulting words to describe me, then I do have the right to retaliate, if you believe in equal rights.

I would like to request the mods to kindly make some members aware of the fact that they should not impose imagined national, political, religious identities on other members, which is quite annoying and insulting.

I have been called Pakistani, then Taliban, then Bangladeshi Muslim, now local Nepali brand Maoist. Whats next? Am I going to be called a Jewish Israeli tomorrow?

How many times I have to tolerate this?

Thanks. I wanted you to do that for me.

They understand only rough and tough language and thats what I gave.

:china: :pakistan:

I alone can teach you a lesson.... the hardest one... lucky you are, not in front of me right now...

As is evident, you like me, know nothing about the technological prowess/handicap that PRC has exhibited with their test. All your posts are offtopic or inciting or abusive or bullying in nature and do not contribute in any way to the discussion. By the way, there has been some very good discourse on this thread about the prevalent missile technology and my request to you would be to please refrain from this behaviour. There is a very interesting discussion going on, why derail the thread Sir....
Dear Friend, just in this thread, the following is the summary of your posts.

As is evident, you like me, know nothing about the technological prowess/handicap that PRC has exhibited with their test. All your posts are offtopic or inciting or abusive or bullying in nature and do not contribute in any way to the discussion. By the way, there has been some very good discourse on this thread about the prevalent missile technology and my request to you would be to please refrain from this behaviour. There is a very interesting discussion going on, why derail the thread Sir....

Thank you for this useful post.
Well the comparison between THAAD and the Indian BMD is not wholly accurate. they do share some similarities such as they are both theater based defense shield. and both have a two tiered defense shield. But their objectives and purpose are different.

Most of India's threats are right next door. So most missiles launched are well in range of interception. By theater based systems.

Here is a breakdown of BMD systems.

Missile defense - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The only difference between the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense
and PAD is the ranges by which they are supposed to operate.

Ground-Based Midcourse Defense is a strategic missile defense.

PAD is theater missile defense.

I do see the confusion in your statements above. You mentioned that comparing THAAD and Indian ABM is inaccurate. However, you also said that PAD & AAD are theater missile defence, which is exactly what THAAD is, as oppose to mid course missile defence. So in terms of categorizing missile defence into national vs theater missile defence,

THAAD and PAD&AAD are theater missile defence. (against IRMB, MRBM or short range missiles)

Mid course missile defence are natianal missile defence (against ICBM)

What China had tested should be use to counter ICBMs. I do not believe that it is targeted for Indian missiles but rather to send a political message to the US. Even though US do respond to it, as this tet was meant for it, Indian media and public also make a fuss about it. That is why the bonehead article that create this thread is such a :taz:

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