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India corona:an encouraging and inspiring post on Facebook

Dont agree with him on a lot of Pograms- But I have to tip my hat on how he has handled this epedemic- Kudos to his team and to the mostly Majority of Indians who are following the GOI protocols.

You are obviously oblivious to the plight of the daily wage workers and migrants to make statements like these. Most middle class and upper class India do not see them as well.
Compared to India, Pakistan, Chile, Japan and Australia are doing far better.
Compared to what?- Whats the population of India to Pakistan, Chile, Japan and Australia- Do the math and you will get your answer.

You are obviously oblivious to the plight of the daily wage workers and migrants to make statements like these. Most middle class and upper class India do not see them as well.
Yes to that as well- Unfortunately what else can anyone do- Even loved ones who are dying (ICU) due to Covid are unable to be be next to family members- what the solution....I am sure GOI is doing the best they can.
I live near the main institution handling this in Delhi.
Testing is being done for two kinds of people. Close contacts of the ones who have tested positive, and people with symptoms suggestive of the disease.
We have also locked down a few colonies which were emerging as new centres of infection.

The coming few weeks will give us a better picture of the final extent of the spread. But since these numbers are currently small, the healthcare system can easily cope with it. So mortality rate would continue to be low for a while.
Very few people are venturing out, so an exponential increase in cases seems unlikely.

Just my hunch, the virus for some reason, will not have a great effect on the country, regardless of the measures taken (or not taken).
Compared to what?- Whats the population of India to Pakistan, Chile, Japan and Australia- Do the math and you will get your answer.

Yes to that as well- Unfortunately what else can anyone do- Even loved ones who are dying (ICU) due to Covid are unable to be be next to family members- what the solution....I am sure GOI is doing the best they can.

Well, why is that out of 1.3 billion only few thousands are tested!!
Do your maths and you will get your answer.
Well, why is that out of 1.3 billion only few thousands are tested!!
Do your maths and you will get your answer.
Does your same logic apply to China as well- (I did my Math and does not add up from the assumption and logic provided by you)- Maybe My Vedic Math is inferior- I suppose.
Yes. Bottom line girls nowadays, especially of the standup kind, can curse as robustly as guys can.

In fact, they go out of their way to be a "dude" and end up embarrassing even hardcore guys.

It was a simpler time for us growing up.

We only had to deal with chicks smoking.
But the overwhelming majority of Indian women - especially the beautiful ones - are like before only viz conservative, close-minded. Will they ever become as open as Western? Like how Western women are on beaches, swimming pools etc?

But the overwhelming majority of Indian women - especially the beautiful ones - are like before only viz conservative, close-minded. Will they ever become as open as Western? Like how Western women are on beaches, swimming pools etc?


Thankfully no.

Our girls are really pretty and built round and soft
I am not talking about actresses or models, I wish the usual Indian women who work in offices do that. In West, they do.


You come across as very middle class with a very conservative upbringing.

Sort of like the typical will you do fraandship with me types.

I've been around girls in swimsuits since I was a kid. It's really no big deal.

And I grew up in a small town in India.
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