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India confirms presence of BLA chief Hyrbyair Marri in New Delhi


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India confirms presence of BLA chief Hyrbyair Marri in New Delhi

By Web Desk
Published: October 9, 2015


Baloch separatist leader and head of the Balochistan Liberation Army Nawabzada Hyrbyair Marri is present in New Delhi, India confirmed on Thursday.

India’s Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Vikas Swarup confirming Marri’s presence in India, said, “India has always been home to the persecuted people from all over the world.”

Indian newspaper, The Hindu, had reported that New Delhi-based Balaach Pardili, a representative of the Hyrbyair Marri-led Baloch Liberation Front/Free Balochistan Movement, has begun campaigning for the freedom of Balochistan from Pakistan.

Marri who has been living in London confirmed to The Hindu that Pardili has been assigned the task of representing him in public events in India.

“We deserve India’s support as India is the largest democracy and we believe India must shoulder the responsibility of upholding the tradition of democracy and human rights in the South Asian region,” Marri said.

Pardili, who made a public appearance on October 4 under the banner of Bhagat Singh Kranti Sena (BSKS), told the newspaper that he is ready to campaign under the banner of BSKS for separation of Balochistan from Pakistan.

Meanwhile, Pakistan said the presence of Pardili in Delhi proves India is fomenting trouble in Balochistan.

According to the report, a Pakistani diplomatic source said that in response, Pakistan might take up issues in India’s northeastern region.

Further, in July this year, the Balochistan government stepped up informal efforts to reach out to an estranged Baloch leader living in self-exile. A delegation comprising two influential tribal chieftains met’ with Khan of Kalat Prince Agha Mir Suleman Dawood. Prince Suleman, the 35th leader of the defunct Kalat royal family and the grandson of Beglar Begi Mir Ahmed Yar Khan, has been living in self-exile in London since the killing of Jamhoori Wattan Party chief Nawab Akbar Bugti in a military operation in 2006.

Balochistan has been wrecked by a bloody insurgency since 2004, which became bloodier since the killing of Nawab Akbar Bugti in 2006. Baloch leaders living in self-exile, Hyrbyair Marri and Brahamdagh Bugti, have been blamed for fueling the insurgency from abroad.

However, last month self-exiled Baloch Republican Army (BRA) leader Brahumdagh Bugti agreed to hold talks with the government on the Balochistan issue, hinting at the possibility of withdrawing demands of separation — provided that was what the people in the province wanted.

In August this year, the government decided to approach five countries and the United Nations to seek extradition of top Baloch insurgents accused of fomenting unrest in Balochistan which has been in the throes of a low-profile separatist insurgency since 2006.

“We are taking up the issue of Baloch insurgents with five countries (India, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Iran and Afghanistan),” said a top security official, who did not want to be named. Dr Allah Nazar, Hyrbyair Marri, Brahumdagh Bugti, Javed Mengal
and some other wanted insurgents are commanding their fighters in the province, he added.

Hyrbyair, the head of the BLA, has been living in self-exile in the United Kingdom, where he has been granted political asylum. The BLA has been responsible for most violence in Balochistan.

During the 70th United Nations General Assembly meeting earlier this month, Pakistan handed over three dossiers to the UN secretary general, cataloguing what officials in Islamabad say is ‘irrefutable’ evidence of India’s involvement in fomenting terrorism and instability in their country.

The dossiers included details of Indian interference and support for terrorism in Balochistan and Karachi, as well as its security and intelligence agencies’ link with the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), revealed Counsellor of the Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the UN Bilal Ahmad.

This article originally appeared on The Hindu.

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They'll still be in denial mode. India is showing its true colours. It was only a matter of time they admitted they're sponsoring terrorists.
India is behind Terrorist Attacks in Pakistan

Mehran and Kamra are proof. Why would terrorists target Maritime surveillance aircrafts or AWACs?
They'll still be in denial mode. India is showing its true colours. It was only a matter of time they admitted they're sponsoring terrorists.
Nobody denied it. Its not always white and black. Fact is, every country has proxies and other covert operators. After all we are enemies.

Our NSA chief has already said that another 26/11 like attack and Balochistan may be..... Thing is, it is a dirty game. Pakistan played in Kashmir and Punjab and failed in both.

India played in Bangladesh and succeeded. LTTE was a mixed ploy by India where some supported it and some (Rajiv Gandhi) died while opposing. Pakistan can't win a proxy war. Its better to stop using proxies in Kashmir and in return INDIA WILL HAVE TO STOP USING PROXIES AS OTHERWISE WE WILL BE LABELLED as an irresponsible state by the world.
Nobody denied it. Its not always white and black. Fact is, every country has proxies and other covert operators. After all we are enemies.

Our NSA chief has already said that another 26/11 like attack and Balochistan may be..... Thing is, it is a dirty game. Pakistan played in Kashmir and Punjab and failed in both.

India played in Bangladesh and succeeded. LTTE was a mixed ploy by India where some supported it and some (Rajiv Gandhi) died while opposing. Pakistan can't win a proxy war. Its better to stop using proxies in Kashmir and in return INDIA WILL HAVE TO STOP USING PROXIES AS OTHERWISE WE WILL BE LABELLED as an irresponsible state by the world.

Should I show your past posts where you were vehemently demanding proofs of indian involvement in Balochistan ?
Worse for India as it's already blamed for the unrest and now they have a direct link with this guy.

Anyway,he can be living on Mars for all I care as long as the army keep killing the last few rats.
Whatever Zaid Hamid was saying earlier.. All that statement is proven true..
We should recognise that all terrorism in Pakistan is directly or indirectly sponsored and supported by India. All that should be exposed to whole world.
Indian Hindu on one hand killing Muslims in the name of beef and temple and on other hand supporting traitor Muslims from Pakistan and Afghanistan..
Time has come to eliminate these rouge element from our soil..
Should I show your past posts where you were vehemently demanding proofs of indian involvement in Balochistan ?

Please do. Infact I am nobody to ask for anything. I merely posted my point of view :)

PS: Please tell me what I said is not true according to you....
No word from USA about supporting proxies in other countries? Of course why would there be. You bunch of moronic two faced *****.

India started supporting terrorist groups in Pakistan first but cries when Pakistan does the same. Afghanistan tried causing trouble in Pakistan through Pushtun nationalists first but now cries when Pakistan does it. Good.

Pakistan should use more proxies in both of these countries. And the silence of the world shows their hypcorisy, who cares what they say now.

As a person of partial Kashmiri origin, I implore Pakistan to arm more Kashmiri freedom fighters in Kashmir. India is the extension of illegal dogra tyrants, there will be no peace as long as there is occupation. More Proxies please.
@Oscar, I'd suggested on several occasions the steady, if slow build up of intelligence capabilities by India's alphabetical soup of agencies concerning Pakistan following the 26/11 incident. There was also a revamp of the extent and nature of operations permitted and the scope of activities to be prepped , in short the rules of engagement,

Given that the intelligence agencies are slowly being unshackled from their incapability, the fact that the current political dispensation is not as encumbered with holding the 'moral high ground', and the fact that GOI feels extraordinarily threatened by the military implications of the CPEC, you have a situation where GOI was always likely to precipitate a move, or maneuver to take advantage of a Pakistani move.

The GOI, the IA, the IB & RAW are convinced the recent surge in violence in Indian administered Kashmir are being plotted by PA/ISI. We may have a situation where India is positioning itself; if Kashmir begins to boil, so must Pakistan, or whatever we can lay our hands on. A return to the days of CIT-X and CIT-J perhaps?
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