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India confirms presence of BLA chief Hyrbyair Marri in New Delhi

So this guy is going to lead Indian version of "Hurriyat Conference"??

Good Good.. :enjoy:

as they say,You mess with the Bull,you'll get the horns. :partay:
Yap, he will get assassinated in silence and soon Pakistan will have 11 different types of Hurriyat Conferences going on in Islamabad, groups from all corners of Indian. Remember, Pakistan is the master of proxy wars. :smokin:
"People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" :welcome:
Ok,then why you're crying now??

You harm us,we'll reward you something back.aint that expected??

By the way,India is not funding Balochis as of now.else,we'd see another Mukti Bahini,not these poorly trained fighters.

and Baloch Independence Struggle is going on like 65 years now.Pakistan couldn't crush it and they're blaming over a dozen countries for this

Dont act cute now you've been funding training balochs through Afghanistan since a decade. Before your support there was no insurgency in Baluchistan and it was peaceful for like 20 years. Get your facts straight. There was no insurgency for 65 years and we only accuse Afghanistan and India for Baloch and TTP insurgency. Not Dozen countries.

We don't cry. We dont do randi rona like India . Do you see any official response from Pakistan yet ? Yeah this is how timid our Government are.
Pakistan's dossier to UN regarding Indian involvement makes MUCH more sense now. First it was BBC report and now India had to admit after compelling evidence provided by Pakistani authorities to UN and US. Today its Baluchistan tomorrow it will be Indian involvement in FATA and Afghanistan.

Good thing is, even Indians here in the forum have started to acknowledge their alleged involvement in terror activities in Pakistan.
Also India should confirm now the presence of their intelligence offices in Afghanistan and their links with TTP being a typical "beghairut" and liar nation.
India has no where to run now Modi and his fellows are caught pants down and their clown columnists are trying to cover it up by fabricating a so called offensive strategy . Such news are making Pakitsani concerns all the more valid and at the same time revealing true face of worlds largest economy the sickular India.
This is a diplomatic coup of sorts...
This makes whole indian propoganda about pakistan hosting 26/11 culprits irrelevant as they them selves are hosting terrorists
Yap, he will get assassinated in silence and soon Pakistan will have 11 different types of Hurriyat Conferences going on in Islamabad, groups from all corners of Indian. Remember, Pakistan is the master of proxy wars. :smokin:
"People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" :welcome:

"Master of Proxy Wars" who couldn't execute a successful "Proxy War against India"?? :rofl:

Afghanistan is the limit of Pakistan's proxy,accept it.
dont cry when china began to support Maoists and northern rebels.

They already do.

Btw, which international agency has declared this man a terrorist? United Nations?
Dont act cute now you've been funding training balochs through Afghanistan since a decade. Before your support there was no insurgency in Baluchistan and it was peaceful for like 20 years. Get your facts straight. There was no insurgency for 65 years and we only accuse Afghanistan and India for Baloch and TTP insurgency. Not Dozen countries.

We don't cry. We dont do randi rona like India . Do you see any official response from Pakistan yet ? Yeah this is how timid our Government are.

Damn..you don't even know your own history??And you're a TT??

Balochistan conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I really doubt what kind of information Pakistan is feeding you guys...

Balochistan's this conflict post 2000 is their 5th conflict against Pakistan.

First conflict 1948
Balochistan conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balochistan_conflict#Second_conflict_1958.E2.80.9359']Second conflict 1958–59[/URL]
[URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balochistan_conflict#Second_conflict_1958.E2.80.9359'][URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balochistan_conflict#Third_conflict_1963.E2.80.9369']Third conflict 1963–69[/URL][/URL]
[URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balochistan_conflict#Second_conflict_1958.E2.80.9359'][URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balochistan_conflict#Third_conflict_1963.E2.80.9369'][URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balochistan_conflict#Fourth_conflict_1973.E2.80.9377']Fourth conflict 1973–77[/URL][/URL][/URL]
Balochistan conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balochistan_conflict#Second_conflict_1958.E2.80.9359'][URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balochistan_conflict#Third_conflict_1963.E2.80.9369'][URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balochistan_conflict#Fourth_conflict_1973.E2.80.9377'][URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balochistan_conflict#Fifth_conflict_2004.E2.80.93to_date']Fifth conflict 2004–to date[/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL]
[URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balochistan_conflict#Second_conflict_1958.E2.80.9359'][URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balochistan_conflict#Third_conflict_1963.E2.80.9369'][URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balochistan_conflict#Fourth_conflict_1973.E2.80.9377'][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balochistan_conflict#Fifth_conflict_2004.E2.80.93to_date"]Balochistan conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL]

you can easily find a pattern.They start a conflict and then lie quite for over 10 years or more.Between 4th and 5th ,time frame is a bit more,thats all.

meanwhile,Pakistan has blamed India,Russia,USA,Iran,Afghanistan,UAE,Iraq and what not for Balochistan.
It's all open now.
Time to start insurgency in Kashmir at higher level.
Restart Khalistan moment again.
Use Sikh, use Muslims, use Christians in India.

Taste them the taste of their own medicine.

Or come back on peace table and solve issues.
Both India and Pakistan can rip each other apart by proxy wars, and it's too risky. India need to get rid of their Terrorist PM first if it want a clear passage to talks. Mature Indian scholars and politicians want same.

Do it, other wise that crazy Butcher will bring war in this region....... another Kashmir war
They already do.

Btw, which international agency has declared this man a terrorist? United Nations?

No worries, the day is not far when Khalsa and Khapalang factions would get support of Internation agencies.

Damn..you don't even know your own history??And you're a TT??

Balochistan conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I really doubt what kind of information Pakistan is feeding you guys...

Balochistan's this conflict post 2000 is their 5th conflict against Pakistan.

First conflict 1948
Balochistan conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Second conflict 1958–59
Third conflict 1963–69

Fourth conflict 1973–77
Balochistan conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fifth conflict 2004–to date
Balochistan conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

you can easily find a pattern.They start a conflict and then lie quite for over 10 years or more.Between 4th and 5th ,time frame is a bit more,thats all.

meanwhile,Pakistan has blamed India,Russia,USA,Iran,Afghanistan,UAE,Iraq and what not for Balochistan.

Are you retard or something. start counting years from 77 to 2004 and read my post once again.

And dont repeat some stupid arguments again and again. We officially blamed afghanistan and India for this mess.

Baluchistan would have been peaceful if you had not instigated trouble
No worries, the day is not far when Khalsa and Khapalang factions would get support of Internation agencies.

Are you retard or something. start counting years from 77 to 2004 and read my post once again.

And dont repeat some stupid arguments again and again. We officially blamed afghanistan and India for this mess.

Baluchistan would have been peaceful if you had not instigated trouble

Pakistan officially blamed all those countries I've mentioned.As of calling me "Retard",you should rather read your argument to decide who is that.adios.
Pakistan officially blamed all those countries I've mentioned.As of calling me "Retard",you should rather read your argument to decide who is that.adios.

Yeah give me the link which says Pakistan officially blamed all those countries. Go take some time off. It will help you recover back your senses
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