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India condemns OIC remarks on Jammu and Kashmir

how about this ground reality?


Kashmiri Protesters for Azadi (freedom) from Indian occupation carry the flag of Pakistan


Is this Pakistani flag, where is the white bar in the flag.
India-Pakistan: Pakistani occupation of parts of Jammu and Kashmir state is illegal and needs to be resolved, Indian Defense Minister A.K. Antony said on 13 August, according to Indian media. The entire state is an integral part of India, Antony said, adding that India remains committed to resolving all outstanding issues with Pakistan in accordance with the Simla Agreement and the Lahore Declaration.

Comment: Antony - arguably the most able minister in the cabinet -- seldom speaks in public about highly-charged foreign policy issues, especially the legal status of Pakistani-occupied Kashmir, which the Pakistanis call Azad (Free) Kashmir. Azad Kashmir is a narrow strip of territory, adjacent to Pakistan which belonged to the princely state of Kashmir and Jammu that acceded to India in 1947. It was occupied by Pakistani troops at the time of partition and the UN ceasefire that created the Line of Control.

A recent surge in Islamic militant attacks in Indian Kashmir, with Pakistani intelligence and army artillery support, seems to have contributed to Antony's decision to speak out. Indian officials very seldom assert India's claim of ownership of western Kashmir against Pakistan.

Pakistan has created an artificial entity in Azad Kashmir, which maintains the fiction of running an independent state, but which in fact is completely controlled by authorities in Islamabad, and defended by the Pakistan Army and Pakistani intelligence.

Readers should know that Pakistan has no interest in supporting an independent Islamic state in Indian Kashmir because it would be uncontrollable by the Pakistanis. Nor does Pakistan want to annex the restive Kashmiris, who look more to India by tradition and history than to Pakistan. An independent Muslim state of Kashmir would almost inexorably become a new source of regional instability as it sought to define itself.

Pakistan's main interest in Kashmir is that the dispute justifies a 500,000-man Pakistan Army and other forces that Pakistan really cannot afford. All other issues in dispute with India have been resolved through talks. In short, the Pakistan Army has no other reason to be so large or influential in Pakistani government decisions. The irony is that in a conventional war the Pakistan Army is no match for the Indian Army.

As for India, the Indian constitution identifies Jammu and Kashmir State as an integral part of the state of India. That means that Indian leaders have no authority to compromise Indian sovereignty of that state, including the Pakistani occupied part, known as Azad Kashmir. And they will never do so.

NightWatch 20120813 - KGS
How about you just click the link??

Why should I? That's the job of the poster making the argument. Not my problem if he can't recognise his country's flag.

Btw, if you want to click links....you could always start with the newspapers of the world & the ground realities for Pakistan would soon become apparent.
Its a good statement and it shows that may be OIC is toothless but not dead. Occupation of any land is reprehensible act and must at least be opposed in words. Unfortunately many muslim lands are occupied - Kashmir, Chechnya,Afghanistan and Iraq.

Kashmir never was a part of India. It was through typical Indian dishonesty and mischief that it was acceded to India through a fake document. India was the country which took the issue of occupation to UN in 1948 and came back with the promise of plebiscite. So India itself accepted it as a dispute.

A little primer on history is not out place seeing 5 pages of verbal diarrhea of Indian posters.
Its a good statement and it shows that may be OIC is toothless but not dead. Occupation of any land is reprehensible act and must at least be opposed in words. Unfortunately many muslim lands are occupied - Kashmir, Chechnya,Afghanistan and Iraq.

I m pleased to Indian pain on this thread.

wet dreams...he he why you include Uighur muslims???

China once again bans Uighur Muslims from fasting - MuslimVillage.com | MuslimVillage.com

why don't you raise your voice against this???
I think india over reacts like china wrt remarks on tibet as in case of kashmir.Whats the use of issuing statement.Pm narasimha rao's strategy was to keep quite on such remarks of all sundary and then quietly pass the bill in the parliament.
By reacting to these remarks from OIC or some toothless XYZ organisation or country GoI gives a sort of importance to them.Think aout USA never use to react in words to the blabber of Col.Gaddafi or that of Chavez in UNO session
By reacting to these remarks from OIC or some toothless XYZ organisation or country GoI gives a sort of importance to them.Think aout USA never use to react in words to the blabber of Col.Gaddafi or that of Chavez in UNO session

today ajtr wind flows against them:rofl:
Its a good statement and it shows that may be OIC is toothless but not dead. Occupation of any land is reprehensible act and must at least be opposed in words.
OIC is entitled to its opinion as long as it does not act as Arbitrator. OIC has crossed its boundaries this time by commenting over a subject over which it has not authority and neither has it bothered to hear out INDIA. But then again, they made the intent clear by disallowing INDIA into membership of OIC. Well, Arabic is a criteria i guess!

By reacting to these remarks from OIC or some toothless XYZ organisation or country GoI gives a sort of importance to them.Think aout USA never use to react in words to the blabber of Col.Gaddafi or that of Chavez in UNO session
Then, look at China. They fiercely defend what others think and say about Tibet or Aurnachal Pradesh.
GoI is correct and should be harsh and severe in its reaction, taking OIC to internal court if needed.
In group they are barking when it comes to personal agenda everyone wants to be friend with India
today ajtr wind flows against them:rofl:
hawa hoon hawa main basanti hawa hoon,suno baat meri anokhi hawa hoon( I'M like a spring wind flowing everywhere)

Basanti gaali health kosam chala manchi aaootundi( basanti hawa is is good for health)
Annual OIC meeting schedule:

  • Tea & snacks.
  • Cultural programs
  • Condemning few places and countries.
  • Talking about oil and oil massage.
  • Talks about new luxury items of shieks.
  • Conclusion of meeting.
  • Promise of meeting again neXt year.
  • Good bye and Take care hugs and kisses.

Pakistan: :victory: India ::sick:
Then, look at China. They fiercely defend what others think and say about Tibet or Aurnachal Pradesh.
GoI is correct and should be harsh and severe in its reaction, taking OIC to internal court if needed.
GoI's or even china's reaction shows how immature they are and they arent even sure about the sovereignty of there country which can be questioned just by passing resolution or mere statement.

Their reactions to such statements looks like the reaction of a child caught stealing....:rofl:
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