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Featured India, China troops within shooting range at Spanggur Gap in Eastern Ladakh


Sep 26, 2018
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China has mobilised thousands of soldiers, tanks and howitzers within rifle range of Indian Army deployment at Spanggur Gap in the southern part of Pangong Tso in eastern Ladakh, sources said, even as Indian troops are on high alert.
The Chinese People’s Liberation Army made provocative military deployments at Spanggur Gap, which is between Gurung Hill and Magar Hill, from August 30 after Indian soldiers seized tactical heights on the ridge line on the southern bank of Pangong Tso near Chushul at the Line of Actual Control (LAC).
“Seeing the Chinese PLA troop and guns mobilisation, the Indian Army too made mirror deployments at Spanggur Gap. Both the countries’ troops and guns are within shooting range,” said a government official.


Further, sources said, China has deployed its militia squads to “consolidate the border” and “stabilise Tibet region”. They have been tasked to try and dislodge the Indian Army soldiers from the tactical heights.
The militia is an irregular mix of mountaineers, boxers, members of local fight clubs and others. Most of the members are raised from the local population.
“Militia is basically a a reserve force of the Chinese’s People Liberation Army. They are deployed during war time situations and to help the PLA in its military operations,” said a senior government officer.
The officer also said that Chinese militia also conducts independent operations and provides combat support and manpower replenishment to the PLA.
Indian Army has clearly reiterated that the forces will retaliate if Chinese troops make provocative military moves.
At the northern bank of Pangong Lake, sources said that even as PLA troops continue to occupy positions on Finger 4 mountain spur jutting into the lake, Indian soldiers have occupied some heights overlooking their positions.
“Our troops have occupied some heights overlooking the positions occupied by PLA,” said a source.
The north bank of the lake is divided into 8 ‘Fingers’ that are contested by both sides. India claims Line of Actual Control at finger 8 and had been holding on to area till Finger 4 but in a clear alteration of status quo the Chinese have been camping at Finger 4 and have set up fortifications between Finger 5 and 8.
Movement of Chinese troops, vehicles and new defence mechanisms of Chinese are visible in the north, south banks of Pangong Lake. In some places heavily armed troops are in close proximity.
To de-escalate the situation, armies of India and China are holding interaction daily.
India and China are engaged in a four-month-long standoff at the LAC in eastern Ladakh. Despite several levels of dialogue, there has not been any breakthrough and the deadlock continues.
What's the end game here? I don't understand why these two big developing countries are fighting over some bare rocks and mountains.
What's the end game here? I don't understand why these two big developing countries are fighting over some bare rocks and mountains.

Well according to PDF Chinese, the Indians are preparing to extinguish themselves against the might of China at the behest of evil Murica.

If you listen to the Pakistani's, China is opening up a second front that will eventually liberate Kashmir from Indian clutches - of course because China heart Pakistan, deeper than the Ocean etcetera ...:coffee:

The Indian's believe China wants to conquer her lands and subjugate the Indians to eternal servitude of the Han.

As a representative of the evil PDF Murican, I think its silly season in the Himalayas and hopefully winter will knock some sense into both sides. If not, its the end of the Asian century and the promise of China.
Well according to PDF Chinese, the Indians are preparing to extinguish themselves against the might of China at the behest of evil Murica.

If you listen to the Pakistani's, China is opening up a second front that will eventually liberate Kashmir from Indian clutches - of course because China heart Pakistan, deeper than the Ocean etcetera ...:coffee:

The Indian's believe China wants to conquer her lands and subjugate the Indians to eternal servitude of the Han.

As a representative of the evil PDF Murican, I think its silly season in the Himalayas and hopefully winter will knock some sense into both sides. If not, its the end of the Asian century and the promise of China.
ahahahah.......that's funny.
On a serious note though, it seems most countries in the region seem to be quite emotional and nationalistic when it comes to such issues so it's difficult for one to give in/make concessions. . Anyway, if they think fighting it out is the best thing to do, then they should just do it then. Will be good to watch a good fight between 2 big powers. :) 😁
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What's the end game here? I don't understand why these two big developing countries are fighting over some bare rocks and mountains.
Because all the lockdowns make people frustrated. if I were there I would also go out and fight.
Because all the lockdowns make people frustrated. if I were there I would also go out and fight.
😂😂 really? Will you brave those high mountains in the cold and will you want to stay there in freezing winter? 😁. All this because of some barren rocks which doesn't have any value whatsoever.
Seriously I don't understand why they are even quarrelling over this. This shouldn't be something they should even fight and die over. I can understand the strategic value of SCS dispute and the fact that it's also full of natural resources etc. However this few kilometres cold barren mountainous rocks of the Himalayas has no real value whatsoever. I don't see why or how they can't come to some sort of agreement and demarcate their territoires once and for all. Or do they think they can carry on like his forever? Sometimes I don't understand what these people are even thinking. 🤦🏾‍♂️
China is too defensive. All we did is march our forces up to our Chinese Claim Line and then demand the Indians "stop provoking". It does not look like China will proactively enter undisputed Indian territory to clear out a de-militarized zone. Instead, China merely reinforced all its positions along the Chinese Claim Line and now is leaving it up to the Indians to decide whether to escalate into a border skirmish or wait for the winter. If the winter comes, the Indian forward posture is unsustainable. They have too many people and too little / poor infrastructure.

If it was up to me, PLA would enter undisputed Indian territory to clear out a 100 km de-militarized zone but Beijing is just too peaceful.
China is too defensive. All we did is march our forces up to our Chinese Claim Line and then demand the Indians "stop provoking". It does not look like China will proactively enter undisputed Indian territory to clear out a de-militarized zone. Instead, China merely reinforced all its positions along the Chinese Claim Line and now is leaving it up to the Indians to decide whether to escalate into a border skirmish or wait for the winter. If the winter comes, the Indian forward posture is unsustainable. They have too many people and too little / poor infrastructure.

If it was up to me, PLA would enter undisputed Indian territory to clear out a 100 km de-militarized zone but Beijing is just too peaceful.

Unlike Indians, Chinese are naturally acclimatized to cold temperatures.

Onset of winter helps the PLA.
China is too defensive. All we did is march our forces up to our Chinese Claim Line and then demand the Indians "stop provoking". It does not look like China will proactively enter undisputed Indian territory to clear out a de-militarized zone. Instead, China merely reinforced all its positions along the Chinese Claim Line and now is leaving it up to the Indians to decide whether to escalate into a border skirmish or wait for the winter. If the winter comes, the Indian forward posture is unsustainable. They have too many people and too little / poor infrastructure.

If it was up to me, PLA would enter undisputed Indian territory to clear out a 100 km de-militarized zone but Beijing is just too peaceful.

Haha I hope you're being sarcastic. So after claiming india is toasted and all airports are going to be bombed within 1-2 days you have now changed to china too peaceful.
Frankly I like pakistan army better, atleast they never said they are peaceful when faced with indian army and got casualties.

You should read pak india conflicts, indian army or should I say Politicians are very slow to take decisions, but once the course is set its very diff for them to change their tune quickly.
I think you should brace yourself for casualties as I think China is going to find out a hard way that there's a limit to everything.
Unlike Indians, Chinese are naturally acclimatized to cold temperatures.

Onset of winter helps the PLA.
Omg that cracked me up

This is china's pop density distribution

and this is territorial elevation which matters the most in Ladakh. Low temps at sea level is very different from even mediocre temps at high elevations. Our forces have been continuously deployed along the highest elevated regions continuously to man our borders


but hey...who cares right as long as a 50 cent troll says they're naturally acclimatized. After all it's daddy china
Its funny to watch Indian mouthpiece flip flopping

"India prepared" , "India matching numbers" "India well prepared for verything", "Chinese are weak sissies"

5 minutes after getting their butt beaten

"unfair Chinese surprise attack", "Chinese outnumbering us unfair", "China not playing fair savage attack", "Chinese are brutal savages", "China bullying"

and then 5 days later all of them reset like some robots
What's the end game here? I don't understand why these two big developing countries are fighting over some bare rocks and mountains.
Countries have gone to war for much pettier things ... these are not merely rocks and mountains but of relatively high strategic importance. Especially since Aksai Chin is in a very strategic location (connection between Xinjiang and Tibet), while Ladakh is very important to the defense of Jammu and Kashmir from a possible two front assault. You only need to look at the geography of the area to see how vital it is for either country to gain even a small advantage over the other. Many times, a control of a certain geographic feature, whether it be a hill or a mountain pass can mean the difference between a victory and defeat.

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