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Giving India the land?no way!the land issue is not negotiable.retreating amounts to admitting India's sovereinty over our territory and aggression in nature of our action.that'll deeply cut into our principles and hurt the feelings of our people.

Ladakh was never a part of Tibet, leave alone china.

Yes, Indo-Tibet border has never been demarkated in history .. but it can only done thru negotiations.

Neither china, not india, nor an independent Tibet can settle this by force .. it can only be by negotiations.

china tried in 1962 but failed.

And 2013 is hardly even an "attempt" compared to 1962, so far.

Even if china tries something funny, at best it will be waste of time for both china and india.

at worst, you'll see mushroom clouds over beijing and delhi.
Can you prove/provide a link about the concrete infrastructure mentioned in your post? Also, what you have to say about development on the Chinese side?

Here is the link


check out the location of Raki Nala. Its the Indian concrete structure that China is demanding to be removed before it withdraw the tents.
The immediate outcome would be India start firing at the Chinese. Anything after that would be anyone's guess. Chinese military is the wild card here. Can they still fight a battle after 30+ years of almost no warfare experience?

We should put the army to test in this war and prepare them for future bigger scale wars,former Soviet red army learned from their abysmal war against Finland before WW2 and that war helped them to be battle ready for bigger conflict.this time it can be an opportunity for PLA to test its ability and get a taste of real combat war.
best thing for me is to give Indian the land, with conditions.

China could support Indian seat in Permanent member of UN.

-India must accept Chinese hegemony in the south china sea and break off any military ties to the countries involved until the dispute is solved.

- India must never station troops too close to the new border and any infrastructure must be for economics and not have war waging capabilities.

- India accepts Chinese presents in Pakistan, and will not object to any relationship between China and the rest of Indian neighbors.

- India should allow Chinese weapons to be a competitor in weapons deals.

- India needs to banish all Tibetan government and actively promote Tibet being part of China.

now let me give an Indian point of view on these:

India must accept Chinese hegemony in the south china sea and break off any military ties to the countries involved until the dispute is solved.

The above point just conveyed what China really is a hegemony and most Chinese here complain of the US for its hegemony but in reality China is no different (And this came from your own mouth).

India must never station troops too close to the new border and any infrastructure must be for economics and not have war waging capabilities.

India is a sovereign country we will station troops where ever we want within our country.

India accepts Chinese presents in Pakistan, and will not object to any relationship between China and the rest of Indian neighbors.

India has no problem with China in Pakistan what we have a problem with is China in P-O-K

India accepts Chinese presents in Pakistan, and will not object to any relationship between China and the rest of Indian neighbors.

The answer to this is in your own first statement we do not entertain such relations because it will only increase Chinese hegemony.

India should allow Chinese weapons to be a competitor in weapons deals.

When we cant trust each others word how can we trust your weapons?

India needs to banish all Tibetan government and actively promote Tibet being part of China.

This is already done for your kind information.

BottomLine: We will die with honor rather than accept hegemony. 200 years of hegemony now no more of it.

We should put the army to test in this war and prepare them for future bigger scale wars,former Soviet red army learned from their abysmal war against Finland before WW2 and that war helped them to be battle ready for bigger conflict.this time it can be an opportunity for PLA to test its ability and get a taste of real combat war.

If we really go to war China will only sustain a greater loss both tactically and in Internationally.
Can you prove/provide a link about the concrete infrastructure mentioned in your post? Also, what you have to say about development on the Chinese side?

The Indian bunkers which are used for spying Chinese activities on the other side
I guess Chinese have learned to answer the Indians in the same language which Indians speak. Now Indians seem to be bitching about it...

Indians have bad relations with pretty much all their neighbors. Pakistan, Nepal, Kashmir, China, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka.
now they seem to be having a taste of their own medicine.
o my my.... u left grinding poverty, increasing rapes, improper hygiene (open air defecation), disintegration into 40 pieces, sagging economy, outdated equipment, low IQ, cow ****, chanakya/baniya mentality etc etc. Please keep in mind to raise these important points.
Salman Kurshit and the turbaned pansy is making us look bad in front of these jokers.
We should put the army to test in this war and prepare them for future bigger scale wars,former Soviet red army learned from their abysmal war against Finland before WW2 and that war helped them to be battle ready for bigger conflict.this time it can be an opportunity for PLA to test its ability and get a taste of real combat war.

So I guess India to China is Finland to USSR?
Here is the link


check out the location of Raki Nala. Its the Indian concrete structure that China is demanding to be removed before it withdraw the tents.

a little correction the map is showing the Chinese camp not the Indian u can ask xuxu1947 if u want a clarification of go through my comments in the thread from where u got the image.

also pls read the lines on the image they clearly mention that as the location of the Chinese camp.
The Indian bunkers which are used for spying Chinese activities on the other side

If India has put up a concrete structure in the dispute area, than India should withdraw it as well. The dispute area should not have any permanent structure as well as camps.
faster, serves no real purpose other than that.

faster or slower .. the thing is LAC is LAC ...and Indo-Tibet border has never been demarkated since history.

nobody except chinese forummers are losing sleep over hurriedly doing something about this.

Indian govt just says that its just a localised issue which will be resolved... there is no troop build up or anything remotely close.

fanboy fantasies don't play out in real world.
a little correction the map is showing the Chinese camp not the Indian u can as xuxu1947 if u want a clarification of go through my comments in the thread from where u got the image.

also pls read the lines on the image they clearly mention that as the location of the Chinese camp.

So is it correctly showing Raki Nala as a concrete structure in the dispute area?

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