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Featured India-China Poised On A Razor’s Edge

Why does it take a long drawn calculations for China to take the territories it claims? Is it so tough for superpower Chinese to deal with Indians?

What China wants now, what China wants in future. Long term goals. Short term goals. 55 years wait for Ladakh clashes. Why doesn't China simply finish it quickly and be done with it? China is a hyperpower, isn't it? So why so much planning and delays? @PAKISTANFOREVER @Mangus Ortus Novem @saiyan0321 @Sal12 @CriticalThought @ARMalik @Indus Pakistan

Why don't India simply finish it quickly and attack Aksai Chin like what BIG MOUTH Amit Shah have shouted bravely.
Tough Amit Shah said willing to die for it, but now LOST HIS BALLS?
Indians say one Indian can kill 20 Chinese alone.
China is waiting for attack from MARTIAL RACE LOW MUSCLE MASS India.

India is not a insignificant country.
Best if can cooperate and be friendly.
Unfortunately, India is stirring up trouble over essentially barren land not worth fighting and dying for.
India started this trouble by unilaterally revoking article 370 and announcing that India will forcefully take over Aksai Chin that is of utmost importance to China.
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India was feeling STRONK after kicking out European Power Portugal from Goa in December 1961 brushing aside warnings from the US and UK.

India so confident that famine stricken China don't dare retaliate.
Unfortunately, Indians didn't know then that Indian Soldiers are,

Low muscle mass makes Indians disease prone
" at least 3 kg less of skeletal muscle than Chinese and European men "
Indian Soldiers only good when fighting Naga women and others when GANG RAPING them.
Not surpri
Like you surrendered in thousands during 1971 war
lol cheap hindus, that's how you dodge genuine question when you lose an argument by diverting to another topic. Your *** get beaten in the 60s then by the Pakistani then recently again by China. Coward is the only word can be used to describe your kind.
Not surpri

lol cheap hindus, that's how you dodge genuine question when you lose an argument by diverting to another topic. Your *** get beaten in the 60s then by the Pakistani then recently again by China. Coward is the only word can be used to describe your kind.

Coward suits to you.people who don't claim the dead bodies of their fallen soldiers and call them mujaheedins is behind the height of shamelessness.
Coward suits to you.people who don't claim the dead bodies of their fallen soldiers and call them mujaheedins is behind the height of shamelessness.
Yawn.....another fake rubbish spill from your cheap kind.
look at you pussies getting chased away by the Chinese lol.

Stop acting though and think yourself like a superpower, you have more than 60 years after your independence even until today you don't even have enough toilets for your loads. Now go home and throw all your made in China stuffs out, be a man of your own words! lol

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