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Featured India-China Poised On A Razor’s Edge

India a great nation? India is # 1 most dangerous country for females. India's hunger index is worst than North Korea and Africa. Don't even get me started with the toilet problem

India will never fight, they are cowards. They can only fight in Bollywood movies.
Our soldiers died in 1962. History of blunder, plunder and surrender is of some other country.

Thats how you defend your self? Pointing fingers at others.

So far you have been humiliated first in Kashmir in Feb 2019, than In Galwan Valley where soldiers died a disgraceful death, you have given up 1000sq km of territory to China without a single bullet.

So don't distort facts, you were humiliated and defeated in 1962. Don't lie on this forum.
so crap domestic products are better than imported ones? Domestic is valuable only when they perform.

Indian domestic products are indeed crap. Chinese ones aren't. That's why we have Huawei and TikTok while you have... heh.
Indian domestic products are indeed crap. Chinese ones aren't. That's why we have Huawei and TikTok while you have... heh.

like a copu of carrier based sukhoi that has underpowered engines and cannot take off on full load from a ski-jump carrier? Like the fighters you have based in ladak now that have the same issue so you know that they can't fly for long because the weak engines that can't perform well in high altitudes? crap domestic products are better dumped for foreign purchases. In many ways it's like Huawei, steal and copy tech to launch 'products'.
like a copu of carrier based sukhoi that has underpowered engines and cannot take off on full load from a ski-jump carrier? Like the fighters you have based in ladak now that have the same issue so you know that they can't fly for long because the weak engines that can't perform well in high altitudes? crap domestic products are better dumped for foreign purchases. In many ways it's like Huawei, steal and copy tech to launch 'products'.

Fighters aren't based in Ladakh. They're based in Xinjiang at sea level and have sufficient range to reach Leh. That's the difference between Chinese and Indians.

It's hilarious that Indians with a bought ski carrier flying Iraqi level Mig-29s are making fun of China with 2 ski carriers. Mig-29 is the shittiest 4th gen plane that's been shot down more than anything else, and you are flying it. We don't touch that shit with a 10 foot pole.
Fighters aren't based in Ladakh. They're based in Xinjiang at sea level and have sufficient range to reach Leh. That's the difference between Chinese and Indians.

It's hilarious that Indians with a bought ski carrier flying Iraqi level Mig-29s are making fun of China with 2 ski carriers. Mig-29 is the shittiest 4th gen plane that's been shot down more than anything else, and you are flying it. We don't touch that shit with a 10 foot pole.

Exactly. We bought two Ski carriers and planes that work well on them. We didn't put bull$hit jets like the J 15 whose engines don't let them take off with a reasonable load only because they're 'domestic'. Domestic products make sense only if they meet the standards. Else they're useless showpieces of no consequence.
Exactly. We bought two Ski carriers and planes that work well on them. We didn't put bull$hit jets like the J 15 whose engines don't let them take off with a reasonable load only because they're 'domestic'. Domestic products make sense only if they meet the standards. Else they're useless showpieces of no consequence.

Mig-29s and work well don't go in the same sentence. Entire Mig family is a joke due to how much the Israelis shot them down.
Mig-29s and work well don't go in the same sentence. Entire Mig family is a joke due to how much the Israelis shot them down.

You're bringing J15 so the sentence makes sense. Sure my Mercedes doesn't go very fast in comparison to a Lamborgini but in comparison to a VW Golf....there really is no comparison. And please don't compare yourself with Israelis. BTW they didn't shoot down the Ks- not that it matters when compared to j 15s.
You're bringing J15 so the sentence makes sense. Sure my Mercedes doesn't go very fast in comparison to a Lamborgini but in comparison to a VW Golf....there really is no comparison. And please don't compare yourself with Israelis. BTW they didn't shoot down the Ks- not that it matters when compared to j 15s.

You're right. PLAAF is incomparably more powerful than the Israeli Air Force. Indian Migs would be worse off than Iraqi ones. Once they see what they're up against Indian pilots will be burying their Migs just like Iraqis did.
Both sides have already brought war supplies to the front, and it would be wasteful not to fight. We should stop wasting. 8-)

All India can do is beg China for talks to withdraw and disengage her troops and to avoid a war with PLA.

Beggars will never fight and win a war.

All they can do is beg beg beg.

For the latest talks they sent both their senior Military and Foreign office personnel to talk to a Junior PLA officer.

That shows their desperation.

"Neither is anyone inside our territory nor is any of our post captured" - Indian PM Narender Modi (aka Surrender Modi)

so crap domestic products are better than imported ones? Domestic is valuable only when they perform.

What will you do once you use up your imported ammunition and missiles in the first week?

China will have unlimited supply of ammunition and missiles as they are locally manufactured in China.

China can fight the war for years while India would be done in a week.
What will you do once you use up your imported ammunition and missiles in the first week?

China will have unlimited supply of ammunition and missiles as they are locally manufactured in China.

China can fight the war for years while India would be done in a week.
In 1962, India was ill-prepared and ill-equipped yet the war lasted for 1 month.

In 1962, India was ill-prepared and ill-equipped yet the war lasted for 1 month.


China was weak in 1962. Not anymore.

Today, China is the Technological, Economical and Military Superpower of the world.

Even US is scared of confronting China.

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