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India-China border talks put off after row over Dalai Lama

New Delhi: A major row has erupted between India and China over the Dalai Lama's conference in Delhi next week.

Sources have told NDTV that China has raised objections to the Dalai Lama's address at the Buddhist conference being held in the capital next week - the same time when India and China were scheduled to hold talks. The Chinese side, sources say, want the event to be scrapped.

Calling the Chinese demand "outrageous", New Delhi decided not to cave in and has put off the boundary talks which were to take place on Monday and Tuesday next week.

This is the first time that talks have been put off between the two sides in this manner.

Sources say both sides are now trying to work out a mutually convenient date.

The 15th round of Special Representative-level talks were to debate the long-pending boundary problem.

Chinese Special Representative Dai Bingguo was to travel to Delhi for talks with his Indian counterpart Shivshankar Menon to follow up on their talks in Beijing in November last year.

Mr Dai and Mr Menon were expected to discuss putting in place a mechanism for border management mooted by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao during his visit to India last year.

A decision to set up the mechanism was taken at a meeting Wen had with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at Sanya in April.

Earlier this month, government sources had said that India would be hosting the Special Representatives talks in November-end. This dialogue is a three-stage process which started in 2005 with the declaration of the Guiding Principles and Political Parameters.

The second stage was identifying the framework for resolution of the boundary dispute and the third stage to apply that framework.

The mechanism was established in 2003, when Menon was India's ambassador to Beijing.
There were Uncertainty In Talks !! There was some Chinese Demand [Which is Not Known Yet - May be related to Dalai Lama] to which India Didnt Agree !
if India this admantly support Dalai Lama's so called government in exile,China should seriously think about financial and military aid to India's Maoist rebels.

All these are caused by the US war criminals. They are using the divide and rule policy and instilling hate and division in Asia and among Asian countries. A strong China and united Asia are against the geo strategic interest of the US and the West.
if India this admantly support Dalai Lama's so called government in exile,China should seriously think about financial and military aid to India's Maoist rebels.


China should behave more like a man than a child. A deliberate attempt indeed and a good reply
if India this admantly support Dalai Lama's so called government in exile,China should seriously think about financial and military aid to India's Maoist rebels.


He was addressing a Buddhist conference. So what has that got to do with you? You cannot dictate anything inside our country. HH is free to travel and give all spiritual discourses he likes. But yeah... you should start worrying about ETIM and other emerging groups rather than bothering to fund Maoists who are going extinct daily. :lol:

---------- Post added at 10:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 PM ----------

All these are caused by the US war criminals. They are using the divide and rule policy and instilling hate and division in Asia and among Asian countries. A strong China and united Asia are against the geo strategic interest of the US and the West.

No one is against China. US has done nothing. Our problem with CCP (not China) was long before US was ever on our side. We were fully on NAM at that time. Same goes for Viets, Japanese, Koreans and others who have issues.

US is simply taking advantage of the situation which ANY country in its place would do. Otherwise it is only the Chinese government that has to blame itself for creating such apprehensions all over the eastern continent.
if India this admantly support Dalai Lama's so called government in exile,China should seriously think about financial and military aid to India's Maoist rebels.

lol u call this support?hahah
yes of course go ahead...anyway
but this time arnd the one burning wont be the Tibetan monks.:flame:
Boundary talks between China and India that were to begin on Monday have been postponed at the last minute, because New Delhi pushed Beijing back on the Dalai Lama. China wanted India to prevent the Dalai Lama from addressing a Buddhist convention, which will be attended by at least 900 delegates from across the world. The convention is scheduled for next week in the Capital.

Beijing fears the conference, which has the support of the ministry of external affairs’ public diplomacy division, could be used for “political activities” due to the presence of the Tibetan spiritual leader.

The Indian side is believed to have conveyed to China that the congregation was of a religious nature and not a political event and it cannot cancel it. India’s stated position is that the Dalai Lama is a “spiritual leader and an honoured guest” and that it won’t allow Indian soil to be used for anti-China political activities. Beijing holds the Dalai Lama as a “separatist”.

China demand on Dalai meet leads to boundary talks cancellation - Hindustan Times

Good job. Dalai is important, not talks with the Chinese, which eventually goes down the toilet
It looks like India did not learn the lesson of 1962. :lol:

It was their meddling in the Tibet issue in 1959, that led to the utter defeat of India in 1962. And which led to China helping Pakistan to acquire nuclear weapons.

It was India who chose to turn us into an enemy in 1959, and the result is now that they cannot even stand up to Pakistan, as we clearly saw in 2008.
It looks like India did not learn the lesson of 1962. :lol:

It was their meddling in the Tibet issue in 1959, that led to the utter defeat of India in 1962. And which led to China helping Pakistan to acquire nuclear weapons.

It was India who chose to turn us into an enemy in 1959, and the result is now that they cannot even stand up to Pakistan, as we clearly saw in 2008.

Wonder if it was an utter defeat why did China not take all the lands it keeps claiming now?

If you won then why the whining going on now, If it was an utter defeat how come China is still asking for negotiations, were the Chinese stupid to not take what they claim after having defeated India completely!!
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