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India China Border: Chinese military positions

Chinese proverb:There are not two tigers in a mountain.
Modi ji is a brave man.From the Chinese perspective.But he fell into the trap of our country.
We plan to repair the road. Wouldn't we do the worst?
India is locked in a stalemate with China.India will feel tired.We will act like poisonous snakes.Kill the lax Indian soldiers.
You can ask the Vietnamese.This is the endurance of the dragon.
India always said :Chinese are back stabbers and the worse racists one can find anywhere.
Maybe you are right.

You talk of the endurance of the dragon.Go back to 1987 standoff ,we held you eyeball to eyeball for 8 years until 1995.Ask the pakistanis who have been trying to bleed us in kashmir with proxy war for 20 yrs,and India is still immoveable.So we can keep this going for years,and decades if need be.That is the endurance of the elephant.
You talk of the endurance of the dragon.Go back to 1987 standoff ,we held you eyeball to eyeball for 8 years until 1995.Ask the pakistanis who have been trying to bleed us in kashmir with proxy war for 20 yrs,and India is still immoveable.So we can keep this going for years,and decades if need be.That is the endurance of the elephant.
It's India always try to find trouble with China, and we are a peace loving nation as always.

It's you cause all these mess after back stabbed China in year 1962.

India screw it up.
It's India always try to find trouble with China, and we are a peace loving nation as always.

It's you cause all these mess after back stabbed China in year 1962.

India screw it up.

I don't blame china for 1962.They did what was in their interest and its true nehru provoked them.
I blame China for its behaviour afterwards.Thats on you people alone.If China has shown mature behaviour we could have ended this border dispute shit long ago.Aksai chin for Arunachal - and sealed.Asian century back on track.But china wants to push its weight around,so we respond in kind.It wants to rule Asia ,not be an inspiration to it.It will never dictate terms to India,we are too big,too old and too strong for that.Its time the chinese understood that.
I don't blame china for 1962.They did what was in their interest and its true nehru provoked them.
I blame China for its behaviour afterwards.Thats on you people alone.If China has shown mature behaviour we could have ended this border dispute shit long ago.Aksai chin for Arunachal - and sealed.Asian century back on track.But china wants to push its weight around,so we respond in kind.It wants to rule Asia ,not be an inspiration to it.It will never dictate terms to India,we are too big,too old and too strong for that.Its time the chinese understood that.
Don't blame your ambitions on China.
As a Chinese, I hold a different view about how this border disputes began.
However, I hold the same view that no war should started.
I always suspected that Indian military started this thing for BJP election...
Both countries should now focus on economical development, a major border with each other will be stupid, only American got benefits. Does India want to pay another hundreds of billions for military equipments?
yes , funds can be managed very easily , Bharat is not what you see on your state controlled propaganda media . after all there are many paybacks china deserve or for that matter longing for , and this will happen in this decade , . moreover we dont need china for o u r development , we are developing and will develop even faster in coming years . best she can do is open other fronts with bharat on the border as they are not as strong as doklam is for us . chinese army will be like a roasted chicken in doklam in case of any act full of insanity and aggression by them , bye for now

Chinese proverb:There are not two tigers in a mountain.
Modi ji is a brave man.From the Chinese perspective.But he fell into the trap of our country.
We plan to repair the road. Wouldn't we do the worst?
India is locked in a stalemate with China.India will feel tired.We will act like poisonous snakes.Kill the lax Indian soldiers.
You can ask the Vietnamese.This is the endurance of the dragon.
India always said :Chinese are back stabbers and the worse racists one can find anywhere.
Maybe you are right.
ok try it and stop barking , forget about modi ji , you talk about xi jin ping and your so called brave army as both of them will face humiliation at the end of this episode , let the time tell who is in whose trap .
It's just a political game by Modi to hide his economic failure, for the upcoming election 2019.

They apparently have no capability to understand it so keep jumping up and down with yelling "Nuke 'em all!" like they are the only nuclear-armed power....

The 2019 election 2 years away and has already been lost, the fisticuffs on that sliver of land where China invades and builds roads for the sole purpose of threatening a country 1500 times smaller, plays zero influence on that. If you have any idea at all about the Indian electorate its all about internal matters.

I have seen no Indians here talking about nuking the Chinese first. I have seen your countrymen from Pakistan however endlessly suggest China should nuke India.

So you see, you are lying at multiple levels
I don't want to sound rude, but neither India nor Pakistan has a history of being able expand infrastructure in a massive way.

The is the same argument of SCS all over again, we don't built and build fast because we are aggresive, we are jus so much better and richer than you guys are. This applies to all manners of infrastructure all over China and the world.

if this the only road china is building and this quickly, that would support your argument, but based on Chinas history, it is nothing out of the ordinary.

This is exactly why we are better, we don't need your stats to be fake, we don't need your army to be weak, we don't need your country to be in anarchy. No matter how good you think you are we are just that much better.
It does not matter if this is the only road or not. This is very stupid argument, ofcoarse they are building more roads, objection is that the road is build to capture territory and poses threat to India.
I can feel it, india is going to get spanked so hard, loosing tens of thousands of poor soldiers at the hands of China's military superiority. War is unavoidable and india simply has no chance of winning.
A small piece of land belonging to Bhutan where Chinese on one fine day decide to build a road to bring military fortifications to threaten a country a thousand five hundred times smaller (Bhutan), Sikkim equally small and want the means to cut off access to north east India.
You don't get a greater example of egregious cartographic aggression, even hitler's stormtroppers would not belittle themselves by threatening a country 1500 times smaller.
It is a matter of national ego, pride and respect. It has nothing to do with size. Merely the fact that India has plucked up the courage to fight on behalf of Bhutan speaks volumes about India's intentions. China will not let it happen at any cost.
You talk of the endurance of the dragon.Go back to 1987 standoff ,we held you eyeball to eyeball for 8 years until 1995.Ask the pakistanis who have been trying to bleed us in kashmir with proxy war for 20 yrs,and India is still immoveable.So we can keep this going for years,and decades if need be.That is the endurance of the elephant.
Pakistan is 4 times smaller and you cant controll us, how will you control China which is 4 times more powerful ?
The 2019 election 2 years away and has already been lost, the fisticuffs on that sliver of land where China invades and builds roads for the sole purpose of threatening a country 1500 times smaller, plays zero influence on that. If you have any idea at all about the Indian electorate its all about internal matters.

I have seen no Indians here talking about nuking the Chinese first. I have seen your countrymen from Pakistan however endlessly suggest China should nuke India.

So you see, you are lying at multiple levels

2019 election already lost? Lost by whom? If the elections were held right now, Modi would win.
Pakistan is 4 times smaller and you cant controll us, how will you control China which is 4 times more powerful ?

Indian military is not weak in front of china as you are trying to portray it. Problem with india wrt china is infrastructure. At some places, we almost have no infrastructure till border.

Regarding to sikkim or chicken neck area, china can come only but never will get out. its a suicide.

We have no intention to control you, you have enough gun powder in side pakistan.
India couldn't beat Pakistan to take back Kashmir Pakistan that claimed by India. How in the hell india will defeat china in an all out war?

Indian do seem to have the delusional of granduer.
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