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India calls Iran a devil

pakistan is the worst backstabber in this world. they took grants from US. in billions and protected the enemy(osama bin laden).they always living with grants first it was from india in 1947 and u back stabbed us by attacking kashmir,then it was us, now china they are taking there help in ***,,, and at the same time backstabbing them by training terrorists of uruqmi..

Where did pakistan come into discussion? Is this thread about pakistan's aid or what? Keep your frustrations within you, not good for mental health.
pakistan is the worst backstabber in this world. they took grants from US. in billions and protected the enemy(osama bin laden).they always living with grants first it was from india in 1947 and u back stabbed us by attacking kashmir,then it was us, now china they are taking there help in ***,,, and at the same time backstabbing them by training terrorists of uruqmi..

Way off topic. Stop trolling and stick to the thread. You are obviously obsessed by Pakistan as the hatred you have for our nation is obvious. You need to calm down and say something about the topic.
India is trying to suck up to USA hence this statement has been made...
Some of you illiterate fools need to learn the nuanses of English language. When one says ''sup with the devil'' he is not calling the other person devil. What he means is that he is weary of the other person and is being cautious in his dealings.

But literalists like you kill others and cheer their killers because ''thats what the text said'', explaining these things to you is like भैंस के आगे बीन बजाना! (Bhains ke aage been bajana)

And No, I'm not calling you a buffalo, that would be insulting to buffalos!

BTW talking of being cautious in dealing with foreign powers, some other countries can learn a thing or two from us, trusting powerful nations fully, slogans and all, and then getting kicked in the family jewels is not a nice feeling...
^^ Many of here know the meaning of "We will sup with the devil", but they chose to ignore it so as to have a troll fest...and it was more than a success as this silly thread is now 10 pages long.
India is just inviting Americans in and this is the coming of another
"East India Company" for them.
Welcome to another three centuries of
slavery. Thank God we separated our
Rofl. Me equally thankful. :)
Trolling at its best by Pakistanis.

It was Sinha who said Iran was disorganized and devil, not India

Hey why do you always address it to all Pakistani members ? huh do you see us all doing it stop having your itch in the rear show some respect. Why can't you just address the ones who have gave you a headache or say SOME Pakistani members !! i mean really whats your problem.
No one really cares about Iran and Iranians in India..oil is what we need and they get the money in return..thats it.
No one really cares about Iran and Iranians in India..oil is what we need and they get the money in return..thats it.

If you like it or not there are certain sections of people who value our 'friendship' with Iran namely Muslim Groups and Communists, but it doesn't change the facts that India doesn't care about Iran and vice versa except for the oil.
In a twist of events, the true face of Indians have come out. Wiki leaks have revealed that Indian government had called Iran a devil last year during their discussions with US government. Indians had said that their only relation with Iran is because of oil.

Here is the link: Iranian government is worst disorganized :: Weekly Blitz
So what's the big deal? Pakistanis call Indians devils. Call the US of A devils. US of A calls North Korea and Iran, devils. The French call the Libyans, devils. Taiwan calls China, devils. South Korea calls North Korea, devils.

Relax! This news ain't Earth shaking! Move on....
Its not really a big deal but I would expext a diplomat to be more diplomatic. Americans know, Iranisans know, Indians know that in a choice between america and iran india would and does choose america because it wants american assistance because it is worried about china and pakistan. However i wish india pakistan and china would resolve their borders without external interference from western powers who may have ullterior motives and may not wish the neighbourhood well. We have no choice its our neighbourhood we have to live here etc but they can come and go

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