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India builds detention camps for up to 1.9m people ‘stripped of citizenship’ in Assam

I only speak truth buddy. the source is western media. Why is it not fake news??? The western source also claimed Chinese kept Uighurs in camps for torture. :lol:
Ask this hypocrite @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan
I have always been vocal with my support of Pakistan as I love it as a brotherly Muslim country.

But because I called out their hypocrisy regarding our Uyghur brethren & spoke out against Chinese atrocities in Xinjiang, I suddenly became an anti-Pakistani troll.
Hindi-Chini bhai bhai ;) ;)
Wrong. India is taking page from nazi Germany and following Israel model. China want to re educate the Muslim population not get rid of them and then will invest billions to local economy.

The Indian government is building mass detention camps after almost two million people were told they could be effectively stripped of citizenship.


Around 1.9m people in the north-eastern state of Assam were excluded when India published the state’s final National Register of Citizens (NRC) list in August.

Those excluded from the register will have to appeal to prove they are citizens. The UN and other international rights groups have expressed concern that many could be rendered stateless.

The citizenship list is part of a drive to detect illegal immigrants in Assam.

The Indian government claims that the migrants have arrived from neighbouring Muslim-majority Bangladesh.

Critics say that the register has upended the lives of Muslims who have lived legally in the state for decades.

Those appealing to be put on the register will need to provide documentation, such as birth certificates, dating back decades.

Record keeping in parts of rural India is poor and many, including those building the camps, have been caught out by the NRC’s stringent requirements.

“We don’t have birth certificates,” Malati Hajong, one of the labourers working at a site near the village of Goalpara, told the Reuters news agency.

The Goalpara camp is one of at least 10 planned detention centres, according to local media reports.

It is around the size of seven football pitches and designed to hold 3,000 people.

Officials plan to have a school and hospital at the centre, as well as a high boundary wall and watchtowers for the security forces.

Critics have accused the Modi administration of using the NRC to target Assam’s large Muslim community.

But the government says it is simply complying with an order from India’s Supreme Court, which said the NRC had been delayed for too long and set a strict deadline for its completion.

Government sources say those excluded from the list retain their rights and have 120 days to appeal at local “Foreigners Tribunals”. If that fails, they can take their cases to the High Court of Assam and ultimately the Supreme Court. What happens to those who fail at all levels of appeal is yet to be decided, they said.

The camp is expected to hold around 3,000 people (Reuters)
Last month the local chapter of India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party expressed dismay after it became apparent that many Hindus had also been excluded from the list.

Officials said the government may pass legislation to protect legitimate citizens.

The government is already in the process of bringing legislation to grant citizenship to Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist immigrants from neighbouring countries.

Muslim immigrants are not included in the law.

The nationalist, hardline Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) group also called for genuine citizens to be included in the list after it emerged that Hindus had been affected. The RSS and BJP are closely affiliated.

Gift for Hasina she should keep whining about 1971 and talk shit about Pakistan when her husband **** her in the ***. Now wait for bangla morons start attacking me for telling the truth.
Wrong. India is taking page from nazi Germany and following Israel model. China want to re educate the Muslim population not get rid of them and then will invest billions to local economy.
India is as guilty Israel & the west regarding their treatment of Muslims. And as long as China will prosecute Uyghurs, I'll equate itself with India, Israel & US as well.
You see, I used to be quite the Chinese supporter when I was younger.Because I thought of China as a counter to Indian hegemony in this region.
I was even supportive of giving China access to one of our islands to be used as a naval base to counter Indian naval ambitions in the Bay.
But after their brutal treatment of Uyghurs, I have understood that they're no different than any other oppressors.
India is as guilty Israel & the west regarding their treatment of Muslims. And as long as China will prosecute Uyghurs, I'll equate itself with India, Israel & US as well.
You see, I used to be quite the Chinese supporter when I was younger.Because I thought of China as a counter to Indian hegemony in this region.
I was even supportive of giving China access to one of our islands to be used as a naval base to counter Indian naval ambitions in the Bay.
But after their brutal treatment of Uyghurs, I have understood that they're no different than any other oppressors.
Do Chinese even support Kashmir?
India is as guilty Israel & the west regarding their treatment of Muslims. And as long as China will prosecute Uyghurs, I'll equate itself with India, Israel & US as well.
You see, I used to be quite the Chinese supporter when I was younger.Because I thought of China as a counter to Indian hegemony in this region.
But after their brutal treatment of Uyghurs, I have understood that they're no different than any other oppressors.
Chinese are atheists. They want to bring development. India is hindu right wing country who want to get rid of Muslim population.
Do Chinese even support Kashmir?
I believe so.After all, CPEC passes through Kashmir.

Chinese are atheists. They want to bring development. India is hindu right wing country who want to get rid of Muslim population.
Hindu or atheist, doesn't matter.They are both prosecuting innocent Muslims.That makes them both same to me.
I believe so.After all, CPEC passes through Kashmir.

Hindu or atheist, doesn't matter.They are both prosecuting innocent Muslims.That makes them both same to me.
China is famous for cultural revolution. Once they done fixing up that part of china it will flourish. When india is done with muslims your fav hasina will just take it like a good wifey. Bd will have 20 million bengali muslim refugees by 2025. Thats the difference.
Where is the outrage by major Saif Ali Khan and the rest of the Muslim Bollywood commandos? These celebrities become spartans when they have to attack Pakistan but vanish during indias troubled internal problems.
They are busing making films about surgical trike on Mughal sultanate . Lolx
China is famous for cultural revolution. Once they done fixing up that part of china it will flourish. When india is done with muslims your fav hasina will just take it like a good wifey. Bd will have 20 million bengali muslim refugees by 2025. Thats the difference.
Yes the cultural revolution that wiped out about 45 millions of their population.
Of course I expect nothing better from a maniac who supports killings of little kids because of their family name.
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Yes the cultural revolution that wiped out about 45 millions of their population.
Of course I expect nothing better than a maniac who supports killings of little kids because of their family name.
Ouch. I am going to cry lol.
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