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India builds detention camps for up to 1.9m people ‘stripped of citizenship’ in Assam

Or your puppy Kangal can make them run ...

DailyMail Headline: Kangal kills Ganguz

Hahaha they're scared of dogs. I seriously would like to see our national breed Bully eating these savages alive.
On a side note it's great to see Pakistan all on one side, with the Bengalis joining in and the Indian Muslims fighting it out.
RSS $hit maybe the glue that binds us together.
This may indeed happen.:D:D

Indeed bro :yahoo:

It was all foretold... MaqboozaHindustan is going down. Period.

The RSSGanguMaddness cann't go without Reaction. It never happens.


What a specimen bro, pride of Pakistan.
Hitler was better in one way that at least he fought physically for this cause. The 4ft, fat, cowardly littl7e sanghi wouldn't last as a cook let alone solider, like the RSS he came from.
I get an easy feeling that a major conflict is going to occure between the two nations. Yes, cross border firing has been occuring for many years and mad dog modi will do something so daring that Pakistan will be forced to act and engage in a full scale war. Things will rapidly deteriate, Pakistan army should provide militery training and survival techniques for all abled citizen.
I get an easy feeling that a major conflict is going to occure between the two nations. Yes, cross border firing has been occuring for many years and mad dog modi will do something so daring that Pakistan will be forced to act and engage in a full scale war. Things will rapidly deteriate, Pakistan army should provide militery training and survival techniques for all abled citizen.

Bro military training should be imparted to all young men and women.
My elders have a saying hailing from AJK “ to learn to shoot is to learn to survive”.
Aside the regular forces and reserves Pakistan has private armies in the form of tribes, militia etc.
Bro military training should be imparted to all young men and women.
My elders have a saying hailing from AJK “ to learn to shoot is to learn to survive”.
Aside the regular forces and reserves Pakistan has private armies in the form of tribes, militia etc.
No doubt Pakistan has tough rough rugged tribes and clans from KPK, Balochestan and northern Punjab however these groups need to be organised into diciplined fighting forces. A time may come where Pakistan may need to adopt Turkeys stance of national service or create a fighting force like irans Revolutionary Guard.
I fear that if they provided good toilets, in these camps; then a lot of Indians may apply to be declared illegal immigrants and provided accommodation there.:lol:
Having toilets would automatically make the residents of these camps better off than about 50% of their population.
So I'm afraid your fears aren't misplaced. :( We might even start hearing news about people bribing the authority to get in.
This shows China is always the leader of Asia. Rest of Asia follows what China does. Big brother for all of us.
Where is Western outrage about Indian genocide against Assamese Muslims?


When was the West a vanguard of Muslim suffering around the planet??

Just be glad that they spoke up against the Chinese on the Uyghur issue....otherwise no one would know about it.

At least we have Muslims themselves standing up for Kashmirs.

Oh & here you go:




"The West" is more impartial in its new media than any single country on the planet. But pro-Chinese people like you will always find a fault with the West...


https://nyti.ms/2rTmNWi :D

When was the West a vanguard of Muslim suffering around the planet??

Just be glad that they spoke up against the Chinese on the Uyghur issue....otherwise no one would know about it.

At least we have Muslims themselves standing up for Kashmirs.

Oh & here you go:




"The West" is more impartial in its new media than any single country on the planet. But pro-Chinese people like you will always find a fault with the West...


https://nyti.ms/2rTmNWi :D

Why would the West (US and slaves) tarnish the image of India, their puppet and the best friend of their illegal spawn (Israel?)

Putting pressure on China makes sense as it is their major geopolitical enemy and rival today.

Nightmares of an Islamic, Chinese alliance sends shivers down the backs of the West. They will try everything they can to undo it, and even invent lies and propaganda in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

For us Muslims, we have been given a golden chance to recover our lost dignity and independence by allying with China against the known occupier and destroyer of our brethren all over the world (Western alliance).
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