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India builds 43 more bridges in border states to boost connectivity to China border


Sep 26, 2018
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India is prepared to inaugurate soon 43 bridges mostly lying in states with the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with China.

A source said, “Of the total 43 brides completed and are waiting for the inauguration, eight bridges are in Arunachal Pradesh, two in Himachal Pradesh, 10 in Jammu and Kashmir, seven in Ladakh, four in Sikkim, and eight in Uttarakhand”.

Four more are being constructed in Punjab, towards the western borders with Pakistan, he said.

Maj Gen SB Asthana (Retd), a defence analyst, says bridges are very important for connectivity in mountains. “Even a small gap keeps you away from the borders and the people living there are not connected with the other parts of the country.”

For the movement of the military and its vehicles, these bridges are the only way to cross the gorges which at times are very deep. This helps in maintaining logistics in these far-flung areas, tell Maj Gen Asthana.

India has made it clear that it will continue to build infrastructure to connect with the far-flung areas as it is through these roads and bridges the services and development can be extended.

China has been protesting against India's infrastructure development along the LAC.

The Border Roads Organisation has built more than 40 bridges between 2018-2019 in Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh (Kargil and Leh), Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Assam, and Arunachal Pradesh.

Past bridge building experiences have not been great for the Indians.

Good for India. Infrastructure at borders are long neglected. Modi is changing that.

Yeah dumping Falun Gong cult propaganda videos that use footage of demolishion vehicles razing down a bridge to proof China is collapsing certainly shows you Indians dont have any serious infrastructual and mental problems.

Pfft, I have seen plenty of videos of your bridges collapsing. your newest highways doing the same. You guys always come up with creative excuses- falun gong, CIA, epoch times, apple one, western media, eastern media....the only thing that is credible is CCP and GlobaTimes. :)
Pfft, I have seen plenty of videos of your bridges collapsing. your newest highways doing the same. You guys always come up with creative excuses- falun gong, CIA, epoch times, apple one, western media, eastern media....the only thing that is credible is CCP and GlobaTimes. :)
Wow! Running to defense of retarded fakenews! Check! Dodging all valid points. Check! Convenient personal anecdote. Check! Anti-China propaganda good Chinese media bad. Check! What an incredibly innovative response from our hardworking Hindutva troll army.
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Wow! Running to defense of retarded fakenews! Check! Dodging all valid points. Check! Convenient personal anecdote. Check! Anti-China propaganda good Chinese media bad. Check! What an incredibly innovative response from our hardworking Hindutva troll army.
Even poor Bangladeshis are cursing at you for making their most expensive bridge as faulty, unusable one. Just look at their cries in BD section.
Your media is full of your Incompetence.
Because Indian media is free and as a democratic country spends far more time exposing negative aspects to make to politicians accountable. In many cases, section of the media is run by opposing parties who single agenda is find govt's incompetency.
India:- lacks bridges
Cheerleaders:- no infrastructure in india, india will suffer

India:- build bridges
Cheerleaders:- india paving way for Chinese, india will suffer

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