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INDIA: Building a Modern Arsenal in India

To add to my earlier point, u hv mentioned under qualified officials.....
thats the worst part of all I guess....India produces some absolute gems in the IIT's and IIM's and other institutions where foreign companies hire these graduates to the tune of crores of rupees still can't harness a few of them to meet its demand....surely not all of them want to work outside India and want the money offered...every yr there must be atleast 1% of them who want to do something for the country and wud like to provide their services in such demanding fields albeit with less money(although govt. can always improve pays to make it attractive).....
Is there a feeling among the babus that if few highly educated, highly qualified and highly ethos centric people come they may lose the monopoly??
Why doesn't the govt. itself visit these campuses to attract those guys??whose stopping them??? there have instances where the public sector companies visit such campuses then why not ministries??
Although I must say the recent example of Infosys chairman Nilekaani was a very pleasing and satisfying one!!

Hmmmm that’s a very complex issues and without going into too much details lets see –

1) With more and more private opportunities available to graduates, attracting them towards the government is tough and it wont be fair to blame the Indian government for that. We have seen big hikes in pay over the last 5 years with the ongoing pay commission and salary hikes but again competing with the private sector is always tough.
2) You must keep in mind that the Indian Government employs the second highest number of officials in the world. Its payroll is huge and just to make a point, our railways have their own budget, that’s the sheer size of the Indian Government.
3) IIT and IIM grads are truly among the best in the world for sure, I have worked with them and their level is truly unmatched no matter what other people say. But keep in mind that lot of people know that specially private enterprises and that is why it is so tough to get hold of these grads. But the trends are changing, more and more grads and staying in India and infact many are going back from the United States. I myself will be moving back soon lol
4) India is coming out a of shell of 50years of communist attitude and it will take us sometime to get over that. We are on the right path and we are moving. I know people here who criticize out democracy by using isolated events as an example but the fact is that democracy is the worst way of governance but it is also the best, its slow but it moves.
5) The youth of India is a very active one and wants to do something for the country. As we have seen many times that the youth is changing the country. It will take sometime for them to get into the public sector properly but once they realize the amount of perks and benefits of it, im sure there will be no shortage.
6) Just for information the ICS exams held in India still have the lowest percentage of acceptance in the country with only an average of 1 out of 500 making it, that shows that the interest is surely there.

Give India sometime bro, I know there are problems but they are being worked on and the trend is very positive. Hope that helps and again feel free to ask .
Hmm ok here we go

On the whole you might hear that the MRCA is too slow or a failure or useless but the ground fact is that the deal is running very smoothly and is mostly on schedule. And by what I am heard from the MOD, the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet has already been chosen because of its diversity and the ongoing relationship between India and USA.:cheesy: Lets see what happens. Hope that answered everything again feel free to ask bro

There it goes.. I hope that happens... Either F/A 18 or Rafale.

Can you clarify do Rafale or Typhoon have any chances ?
On the whole you might hear that the MRCA is too slow or a failure or useless but the ground fact is that the deal is running very smoothly and is mostly on schedule. And by what I am heard from the MOD, the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet has already been chosen because of its diversity and the ongoing relationship between India and USA. Lets see what happens. Hope that answered everything again feel free to ask bro

Self Goal once more.
There it goes.. I hope that happens... Either F/A 18 or Rafale.

Can you clarify do Rafale or Typhoon have any chances ?

And there you go.........

As i Already mention in my Past post in MMCA tread that


We are Fu@ked up........
We will not get Full TOT and if relation goes wrong with USA then no spair Parts of the F-18"

THAT'S BULL SH!T:suicide2:
And there you go.........

As i Already mention in my Past post in MMCA tread that


We are Fu@ked up........
We will not get Full TOT and if relation goes wrong with USA then no spair Parts of the F-18"

THAT'S BULL SH!T:suicide2:

The relationship never go wrong between US and England, Japan, Korea, Canada, Spain and Australia. US never have to withheld any technology to these countries. If US feel a need to withheld parts or tech from India, than the government of India should compare itself to those countries I mentioned above and see what its doing wrong. India should have some self inspection if US and the international community have sanctions against India.:usflag::usflag:
There it goes.. I hope that happens... Either F/A 18 or Rafale.

Can you clarify do Rafale or Typhoon have any chances ?

Ya i hope its the F-18 because im not a very big fan of the Rafale and typhoon, both for the same reasons.
1) both are too expensive and do not justify their cost
2) Are not battle proven yet unlike the F-18 which is a proven platform
3) Rafale and typhoon have failed to find any big customers. I know the Saudi has some Typhoon's if i am not wrong but other than that there are not major non-European customers.
4)India needs to get their hands on some western tech as that will help us progress faster and diversify out forces which have been mainly Russian and French till now.

f-18 is also reasonably priced to what it bring to the table. All parts suppliers have also agreed to set up production facilities in India which would be a big boom for us. Let hope for the best. :cheers:
And there you go.........

As i Already mention in my Past post in MMCA tread that


We are Fu@ked up........
We will not get Full TOT and if relation goes wrong with USA then no spair Parts of the F-18"

THAT'S BULL SH!T:suicide2:

Don't be so pessimistic .

The recent posh to get a GTRE/SCHEMA kaveri engine, should show you that, whole competition is in Dassault's favor right now.

People only believe that F-18 will be inducted due to growing US-Indo ties , but The Fact that India can so no to the Russians, shows you that India is also capable of saying no to the Americans.

Plus Zharkozy has made real push to get India to buy the Rafael.
And there you go.........

As i Already mention in my Past post in MMCA tread that


We are Fu@ked up........
We will not get Full TOT and if relation goes wrong with USA then no spair Parts of the F-18"

THAT'S BULL SH!T:suicide2:

Gettting TOT is a complex issue, and it is not the only thing to way when It comes to the MRCA deal. From what I have heard the MOD is trying to work out a favorable deal so that the Americans are fine with it also. I am not sure if full TOT will be granted as the American do not normally do that but even if we manage to get close enough I would still rather go with the F-18 because of the reasons I mentioned above. The f-18 is quite a hassle free jet to maintain and require quite less maintenance compared to the SU-30MKI that India currently maintains. That is why even with the existence of the F-22 and the JSF, USAF is still going to procure hundreds more F-18s. We would easily get full TOT with the Mig-35 but that’s useless as that would make us almost 100 dependant on Russian parts which have a history of being rather problematic. The Rafael and the Typhoon on paper look very easy when it comes to part but when you consider the price you must also consider that the part would also be very expensive. The French also do not yet have a strong infrastructure in place to support such a huge order for their jet as exports have been next to nothing. TOT again is not just 3 letters lol the amount of work and negotiations that go behind getting it is massive and im sure the MOD is quite capable to handle that. :cheers:
Don't be so pessimistic .

The recent posh to get a GTRE/SCHEMA kaveri engine, should show you that, whole competition is in Dassault's favor right now.

People only believe that F-18 will be inducted due to growing US-Indo ties , but The Fact that India can so no to the Russians, shows you that India is also capable of saying no to the Americans.

Plus Zharkozy has made real push to get India to buy the Rafael.

LOL do you the amount of lobbying that the American are doing to get this deal. From hosting parties for your diplomats every other day to honoring our PM, the Americans really want this bad. Officials from the American embassy in Delhi are routinely stopped in the south block in Delhi which houses all the offices of the chiefs and defense minister, atleast that’s what I am told by my friends. Infact the rumor going around is the final decision will be announced when Obama visits India next year. Right now the competition is only between the Rafael and F-18 but by what I hear the balance is heavily in favor of the F-18. let see what happens :cheers:
Cobham to Enhance its Presence in India — Press Release

Filed under: Business Line, Cobham Defense Electronic Systems, Companies, Countries, Events, India, Press Releases
Cobham to Enhance its Presence in India

DELHI, India – Cobham is significantly enhancing its existing presence in India through the establishment of a wholly owned subsidiary, Cobham India Private Limited. With offices in New Delhi and Bangalore, Cobham India Private Limited will open during the first quarter of 2010.

“Cobham is committed to building a significant long-term investment in India,” said Andy Stevens, who takes over as CEO of Cobham plc in January 2010. “We already knew that India was one of our most important export markets, however, our Liaison Office in New Delhi, which we opened in 2008, has given us a much better understanding of the needs of our customers and partners. As a result, we have decided to significantly enhance our permanent presence in India in 2010. Looking to the future, we plan to increase our industrial participation, strengthening cooperation with both public and private sector companies.”

Cobham India Private Limited will provide all Indian customers with a single point of contact resulting in closer working relationships with key customers and partners such as Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Bharat Electronics Limited and the Indian armed forces. Focusing on long-term strategic partnerships that create sustainable value to Indian industry, Cobham is also actively engaged in pursuing technical and business partnerships with private Indian companies and institutions.

Andy Stevens adds, “We recognise that defence offset is an important issue for the Indian Government. Part of the remit of Cobham India Private Limited includes putting in place structures and processes to ensure that we are well positioned to respond to defence offset commitments.”

Cobham is currently pursuing opportunities across all sectors of the Indian market: defence, security and commercial aerospace.

About Cobham:

Cobham’s products and services have been at the heart of sophisticated military and civil systems for 75 years, keeping people safe, improving communications, and enhancing the capability of land, sea, air and space platforms. The Company has four divisions employing more than 12,000 people on five continents, with customers and partners in over 100 countries and annual revenue of more than £1.4bn / $2.1 billion.


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Media Relations
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Contact these people if anyone needs a job :P
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Hi desidog,
I am a big fan of naval ships specially with Indian tricolor ones, so guess u can enlighten about a few future deals,

1. There were rumors that IN is interested in British Queens class AC, were these true? and if yes, is it outright buying or just the design that the navy is interested in?
2. what about the second line of conventional submarines?? I know RFP is released but nothing of sorts seems to have been done after that(atleast media hasnt reported)??
3. What about the second Akula SSN? is that on cards or was that just a rumor?
4. What about the additional three Talwar frigates that were to be ordered?? Nothing seems to be signed!!
5. Apart from navy what about the additional 40-90 Sukhoi-30 MKI that were supposed to be ordered from Russia?

I know there may be limitations to the extent u can answer but wud be grateful if u can clear a few doubts...



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