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India Building a 2nd Quad with Israel USA and UAE

Indian Hindus have a world class inferiority complex vis an vis all Muslims and will always be "white mans" slave and cannon fodder. They stiffed Iran in oil and Chah Bahar port project to kiss US masters a$$ and Iran has kicked them out of the project which now China will invest in and link up with One Belt. India supported every illegal US sanctions on Iran, unlike Turkey or China. I have worked with Hindus downunder and they are the most devious low lives one can meet, liars and cheats. BTW, Pepe Escobar in Asia Times has regular well informed updates on how the new Eurasian power balance is changing alliances.
So I could be right. India would kiss the US *** even go against Iran. I think i am partially right.
There is no meaning or motive behind the 'Quad'. There never was, there never will be.

I do not see any value in such a partnership, except for giving click bait news titles for the Indian media.
So I could be right. India would kiss the US *** even go against Iran. I think i am partially right.
If this is true, then India would have burned every single bridge they can use to leverage against Pakistan.

Unless India thinks it can leverage the US against Pakistan instead.

But if India succeeds in doing that, then India would have China on the northern border and SouthWest China (Pakistan) on it's western border.

I can't see how this would be to India's benefit.
Does Pakistan not bend over for papa west?
It did in the past 20 years. But not close to the amont Turkey does. Things are changing now. Pakistan has moved to the Eastern block now with China and Russia.
Apart from the click bait titles. It's a business corridor project. Starting with the $7bn Food corridor India, UAE and Israel to be part of. This is going to give some heartburn in all directions. But whatever...
So I could be right. India would kiss the US *** even go against Iran. I think i am partially right.
Indeed. Indians have always kissed the white masters a$$ historically. Why do you think they are spreading anti-China propaganda in every English speaking country?
If this is true, then India would have burned every single bridge they can use to leverage against Pakistan.

Unless India thinks it can leverage the US against Pakistan instead.

But if India succeeds in doing that, then India would have China on the northern border and SouthWest China (Pakistan) on it's western border.

I can't see how this would be to India's benefit.
I don't really understand how Indian mind works these days. They're just being very careless in their foreign policy.
I think they've just sold themselves to the US just to contain China and her allies?
I could be wrong, but this is just my opinion.
Modi is really f**king the country up.
Like you said, This quad could also be for Iran and Pakistan.
I don't really understand how Indian mind works these days. They're just being very careless in their foreign policy.
I think they've just sold themselves to the US just to contain China and her allies?
I could be wrong, but this is just my opinion.
Modi is really f**king the country up.
Like you said, This quad could also be for Iran and Pakistan.

This is from Indiatimes or what not.. It means FAKE NEWS aka fantasized news
There is no meaning or motive behind the 'Quad'. There never was, there never will be.

I do not see any value in such a partnership, except for giving click bait news titles for the Indian media.
True. These are proliferating like Whatsapp groups. Jab ji kara bana diya.
I think journos who cover international politics are on steroids these days. Everything is an earth shaking event. Possible aftermath of Covid isolation in the form of overcompensation.
All bark and no bite! This hinduvta idiots have lots their marbles all together. But hey, please continue with the lunacy at break neck speed.
why 50 cents are getting angry on this

:rofl:did you see anybody angry? everybody is laughing at you, you Indians bring us so much joy.

23 year old singled handedly killed 12 PLA soldiers with bare hand, in the end dragged another 6 down the cliff with him :rofl:

next month please form 2 more QUADs:rofl:

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