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India, Boeing haggle over aircraft deal

well that comes by blood i guess...as if" bargaining is my birth right" ;)

and yet ur country is begging us to buy anything and evrything ...from defence to groceries...how true......... :)...

Who's begging? I see you are begging to buy it at 1/4 price. I see a lot of beggars in India, not here.
Back to the topic, Indians are known cheapskates. Why do you deny your nature?

Yess, because India is the only South Asian country that matters :)

Chinese and Jews are also cheap :)

Plus you are never gonna insult us by calling us cheap. lool We take as a compliment. Thank you for noticing :)

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ok that's enough with this cheap-skates vs. "ballers" talk.......every country has a defence budget based on its own needs. Stop comparing budgets and prices.

-- and to respond to an immature earlier post -- Pakistan does INDEED pay for the vast majority of its defence products....when not paid upfront, we pay in installments or using credit facility (and that includes the F16s which we paid for which were embargo'd in 1990s)
ok that's enough with this cheap-skates vs. "ballers" talk.......every country has a defence budget based on its own needs. Stop comparing budgets and prices.

-- and to respond to an immature earlier post -- Pakistan does INDEED pay for the vast majority of its defence products....when not paid upfront, we pay in installments or using credit facility (and that includes the F16s which we paid for which were embargo'd in 1990s)

Although off topic, I completely agree to the statement that the embargoed F16's were actually paid by Pakistani national Funds
US transfers military equipment Under 5 payment categories; 1.Complete Foreign Military Assistance , 2. Mix of FMS and Pakistani National Funds, 3. Pakitani National Funds alone. 4. Excess Defense Articles 5.Coalition Support Fund.

Major post-2001 defense supplies provided, or soon to be provided,

under FMF include:

! eight P-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft and their refurbishment (valued at $474 million, four
delivered, but two of these were destroyed in a March 2011 attack by Islamist militants);
! about 6,312 TOW anti-armor missiles ($186 million; at least 2,007 delivered);
! more than 5,600 military radio sets ($163 million);
! six AN/TPS-77 surveillance radars ($100 million);
! six C-130E transport aircraft and their refurbishment ($76 million);
! the Perry-class missile frigate USS McInerney, via EDA ($65 million for refurbishment;
! 20 AH-1F Cobra attack helicopters via EDA ($48 million, 12 refurbished and delivered); and
! 121 refurbished TOW missile launchers ($25 million).

Supplies paid for with a mix of Pakistani national funds and FMF include:

up to 60 Mid-Life Update kits for F-16A/B combat aircraft (valued at $891 million, with $477
million of this in FMF, Pakistan currently plans to purchase 45 such kits and 8 have been
delivered to date); and
! 115 M-109 self-propelled howitzers ($87 million, with $53 million in FMF).

Notable items paid or to be paid for entirely with Pakistani national funds include:

! 18 new F-16C/D Block 52 combat aircraft (valued at $1.43 billion; all delivered);
! F-16 armaments including 500 AMRAAM air-to-air missiles; 1,450 2,000-pound bombs; 500
JDAM Tail Kits for gravity bombs; and 1,600 Enhanced Paveway laser-guided kits, also for
gravity bombs ($629 million);
! 100 Harpoon anti-ship missiles ($298 million);
! 500 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles ($95 million); and
! six Phalanx Close-In Weapons System naval guns ($80 million).

Major articles transferred via EDA include:

14 F-16A/B combat aircraft; and
! 59 T-37 military trainer jets.

Under Coalition Support Funds (part of the Pentagon budget),

Pakistan received 26 Bell 412 utility helicopters,
along with related parts and maintenance, valued at $235 million. Under Section 1206, Frontier Corps, and Pakistan
Counterinsurgency Fund authorities, the United States has provided 4 Mi-17 multirole helicopters (another 6 were
provided temporarily at no cost), 4 King Air 350 surveillance aircraft, 450 vehicles for the Frontier Corps, 20
Buffalo explosives detection and disposal vehicles, helicopter spare parts, sophisticated explosives detectors, night
vision devices, radios, body armor, helmets, first aid kits, litters, and other individual soldier equipment. Through

International Military Training and Education and other programs,

the United States has also funded and provided
training for more than 2,000 Pakistani military officers.
. .
well that comes by blood i guess...as if" bargaining is my birth right" ;)

and yet ur country is begging us to buy anything and evrything ...from defence to groceries...how true......... :)...
He is Pakistani not American.
Comeon everyone, why is this hullabaloo over who is paying and who is getting charity. Even when US was doling out sophisticated weapons to Pakistan, it was hoping for a foothold in Afghanistan, so it expected something in return if not money. What did they say about free lunches.
As for Indian side, its the 30% cut on salary :cry: (Income Tax) of people like you and me that finances all these deals. So if i were the man in charge of negotiations, i would like to get best bargain. If that makes me a cheap stake, then so be it.
From our experience in India you have to always take anything Indian shop keepers say with a grain of salt. They must have thought my family and I were stupid and were trying to rip us off royally lol.

Indians know how to haggle, but its all part of business, Indians know how extremely good these helicopters are and trust me they will both meet in the middle where both parties will feel happy with the deal.

Its all part of business, especially when you are dealing in billions of $$$$. And at least India is getting the best of the best and not to mention they are getting original tech, not some crap copies.

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