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India blocks release of film accused of glorifying Indira Gandhi’s assassination

I would rather slit my wrists and put my hand down a toilet then join the failed state shithole that is Pakistan.
Ne sarkare tere kam nekame ne, taaheo taan singh kharku jamme ne.

I am not a fan of Mrs Gandhi don't you think it is wrong to highlight killers,yes she was a B***h but also the PM

There are two sides to the coin:

1. Indira Gandhi should have understood how sacred Golden Temple is to Sikhs, just like Mecca to Muslims, she as a PM could have devised other alternative to the crisis.

2. Also, it was a great breach of trust on the part of the security guards, when intel agencies warned Gandhi of retaliation & ask to remove Sikhs from her security, she said that I thought India was a secular country. So, even after all this, Mrs. Gandhi had full trust in her guards, which they clearly breached.

This could have been totally avoided the khalistanis could not have amassed that kind of weaponry in a day or two,if only she would have intervened earlier things could have gotten the right way
Normal Punjabi!

It was Indira Gandhi who propped up Bhindrawala for Political gains. All the Mess in Punjab was her creation. Hence, she was rightly assassinated for her sins.

You know my Views. I'm pro Indian & not a Khalistani. I just hate this Bitch!
jesus christ r u serious???
she was your prime minister…. she did what was best for her country…. bhindrawala and his goons were rightly put down.

and no it wasn't normal punjabi… never heard of any of the words you used..

The Gandhis gave us this -

Dobara mat poochna :P
he's better then modi
I know. :P
I just had some chopsuey and feeling meh :(

India hanged Nathuram Godse too.
Indira Gandhi should have been tried. That way we would have been saved from the Gandhis once and for all - for good.

Not many talk about the fact that it was the Punjab Congress which backed Bhindranwale to the hilt just so that they could flip SAD from their perch. If he wasn't given the incessant backing, he'd never be the political force that he came to be.

Everyone remembers Indira Gandhi, the bold Thatcherite lady who took all the bold decisions, but not many talk about Indira Gandhi the power-hungry despot who often took dumb decisions to hold on to power by hook or by crook.
ill give you one
we are sexier

Dude..I was reading reading your post...why do you always use slangs and bad words in your post?...Even some of the staunch Pakistan Islamist posters do not use such bad words to others...Why are you so special dude? Something is missing from you?....
jesus christ r u serious???
she was your prime minister…. she did what was best for her country…. bhindrawala and his goons were rightly put down.

and no it wasn't normal punjabi… never heard of any of the words you used..

he's better then modi

No Sidak is right...Bhindrawale was her own creation...and that is even i also read with some of the artcile..It is like USA propped up Taliban and when your kids grows older, then kids do not listen to parent...So same thing has happened with Indira and Bhindarwale issue...
It was banned due to the bribery scam in the censor board. Movie will be released soon, good publicity for the movie though was looking forward to watch it.
This is a very difficult topic for me in as far as my views are very mixed. On one hand I have to be impressed by Indira's tough stance on Pakistan and for the victory of the '71 war however she also created the Emergency and, worst of all, launched a military offensive against the holiest site in Sikhism.

For what she did she, it has to be said, got what was coming to her.

It goes without saying though you will not find a more patriotic community than the Sikhs.

The most saddening part to this is all the hype around this banning/movie will overshadow the real issue, the real gaping wound not just in Sikhs' history but India's history- the aftermath of her death, the deliberate targeting of innocent Sikhs and inflicting the most barbaric treatment to them. There are very very few Indians who would not want to see the scum who committed those crimes punished especially the leaders of such who are still around today.
Dude..I was reading reading your post...why do you always use slangs and bad words in your post?...Even some of the staunch Pakistan Islamist posters do not use such bad words to others...Why are you so special dude? Something is missing from you?....
cuz im sexier
There is no glory in killing an unarmed women, you have been assigned to protect..and in the process unleash the worst communal riots on your community in the past 37yrs.

After Blue Star fiasco..Indira Gandhi was advised to remove sikhs from her security detail..she replied that she had utmost faiths in her sikh bodyguards and that sikh community of India understands that what was done was necessary to preserve integrity of the nation.

But unfortunately religion blinds people to the obvious.
Seem to be very good movie going by trailer.

very good song

This movie will be blockbuster.

Sade lei Delhi door nai, a warnning to hindu baniya
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