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India blocks release of film accused of glorifying Indira Gandhi’s assassination

A month or 2 back another Movie based on 84 Riots was released & no one made fuzz about it. This Movie should have been released too, so that people know kutti kanjri Indra nu maran wale asal ch kaum de heere ne.....
you can't glorify killers of a prime minister who simply put down rebellion by terrorist scums

I know. :P
I just had some chopsuey and feeling meh :(

India hanged Nathuram Godse too.
Indira Gandhi should have been tried. That way we would have been saved from the Gandhis once and for all - for good.
whats wrong with gandhis bro??
A month or 2 back another Movie based on 84 Riots was released & no one made fuzz about it. This Movie should have been released too, so that people know kutti kanjri Indra nu maran wale asal ch kaum de heere ne.....

There are two sides to the coin:

1. Indira Gandhi should have understood how sacred Golden Temple is to Sikhs, just like Mecca to Muslims, she as a PM could have devised other alternative to the crisis.

2. Also, it was a great breach of trust on the part of the security guards, when intel agencies warned Gandhi of retaliation & ask to remove Sikhs from her security, she said that I thought India was a secular country. So, even after all this, Mrs. Gandhi had full trust in her guards, which they clearly breached.
you can't glorify killers of a prime minister who simply put down rebellion by terrorist scums

whats wrong with gandhis bro??
The Gandhis gave us this -

Dobara mat poochna :P
what kind of punjabi is this?

Normal Punjabi!

you can't glorify killers of a prime minister who simply put down rebellion by terrorist scums

It was Indira Gandhi who propped up Bhindrawala for Political gains. All the Mess in Punjab was her creation. Hence, she was rightly assassinated for her sins.

There are two sides to the coin:

1. Indira Gandhi should have understood how sacred Golden Temple is to Sikhs, just like Mecca to Muslims, she as a PM could have devised other alternative to the crisis.

2. Also, it was a great breach of trust on the part of the security guards, when intel agencies warned Gandhi of retaliation & ask to remove Sikhs from her security, she said that I thought India was a secular country. So, even after all this, Mrs. Gandhi had full trust in her guards, which they clearly breached.

You know my Views. I'm pro Indian & not a Khalistani. I just hate this Bitch!
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It was Indira Gandhi who propped up Bhindrawala for Political gains. All the Mess in Punjab was his creation. Hence, he was rightly assassinated for her sins.

Normal Punjabi!
Mrs. Gandhi had to pay - no doubt. But it would have been better and would not be a matter of dispute if she had been tried in the court. That would have allowed justice, but I was not even born that time, so can't comment about the halaat about the times.

But assassinating the PM is high treason, so can't complain about the death sentence.

Glad that the present generation on both sides have moved on. Even in the mid nineties I remember Sikhs in Kashmir had doubts about us. Slowly however things changed (after a dozen of Sikh civilians were gunned down). East Kashmir was never a Congress bastion. So the reconciliation was quick.
I certainly hope this film is banned.

If not banned, at least make sure the name of the film is changed. To call a couple of cowards who shot dead an unarmed women who was entrusted to their care by the people of India, "kaum de heer" is an insult to their kaum. I hope somebody in their kaum has the intelligence to recognize this.
There are two sides to the coin:

1. Indira Gandhi should have understood how sacred Golden Temple is to Sikhs, just like Mecca to Muslims, she as a PM could have devised other alternative to the crisis.

2. Also, it was a great breach of trust on the part of the security guards, when intel agencies warned Gandhi of retaliation & ask to remove Sikhs from her security, she said that I thought India was a secular country. So, even after all this, Mrs. Gandhi had full trust in her guards, which they clearly breached.

3. How they able to store such arms and ammo in holy place?

Is Hiding in holy places with such arms and ammo justified?....Why not anyone from same community stop them from doing that?....why those rebels don't had same respect as @Sidak have for her religion?....R we giving religion an upper hand over nation?.
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Mate, we should be Thankful to the Gandhis from our heart..............

If it was not about the FEAR of seeing Papu at the HELM...............India would have never seen a MAJORITY BJP Govt.
Yes - boon in disguise. :D But that's only because they made him speak. Initially they followed a smart policy - Rahul's silence plus Digvijay's inane remarks. That made Rahul look like smart and a kind of a thinking man. :P
3. How they able to store such arms and ammo in holi place?

Is Hiding in holi places with such arms and ammo justified?....Why not anyone from same community stop them from doing that?....why those rebels don't had same respect as @Sidak have for her religion?....R we giving religion an upper hand over nation?.

No one is keeping religion above nation or vice-versa...................why can't both go hand in hand???

& the BEST religion that does this is SIKHISM.

I am not a sikh, but one religion i have greatest respect for is Sikhism where respect for nation is same as respect for religion. It has given greatest Generals of Army to India, forms 10+% of the army of India when population is less than 2%.

Even after what was done to there Greatest RELIGIOUS symbol in 84, sikhs are very much part of the nation they were born in & always be.

I think story of 1984 cannot be JUST seen as the Murder of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, we have to see the other side as to what made that happen.
Normal Punjabi!

It was Indira Gandhi who propped up Bhindrawala for Political gains. All the Mess in Punjab was her creation. Hence, he was rightly assassinated for her sins.

You know my Views. I'm pro Indian & not a Khalistani. I just hate this Bitch!
Actually I have read on this matter and found it quite interesting. Though there were Khalistani terrorists, the assassins of Indira Gandhi were not Khalistanis. It was only after they got deeply hurt by the destruction of the Akal Takht did they decide on their course of action.

Even then shooting the old woman dead was an emotional outburst that I can't quite accept. After that many innocents were targetted. Jammu had remained quite till then. After the assassination, my uncles' godowns were filled with Sikh women and children who were given refuge.

The Congress goons used to threaten that whoever saved them will be burnt down. Not one Sikh woman/child was surrendered to these goons.

The men went into hiding by shaving their beards. I heard these stories when I grew older. Hindus were also massacred in Punjab etc etc. The mess was created by Congress itself to post a counterweight to Akali Dal's growing influence. They never knew that Bhindranwale will turn against them.

We never would have lost Punjab - militarily that would not have happened, but we almost lost the trust of the Sikh people. We have restored that, I am glad.

We have annual celebrations of the Sikh families who were saved by the cloth merchants (my uncle included) every year in Jammu. Any local would know :) We even got a Winchester rifle as a gift that we still have in our home in Mattan.

I was born much later :D
No one is keeping religion above nation or vice-versa...................why can't both go hand in hand???

& the BEST religion that does this is SIKHISM.

I am not a sikh, but one religion i have greatest respect for is Sikhism where respect for nation is same as respect for religion. It has given greatest Generals of Army to India, forms 10+% of the army of India when population is less than 2%.

Even after what was done to there Greatest RELIGIOUS symbol in 84, sikhs are very much part of the nation they were born in & always be.
who is denying that?....i m not...what i mean is that it is responsibility of every man to not allow anyone(rebels or criminals) to use holy places as hideouts. Coz those rebels only care about their motives not religion's sensitivity.
Double standards ???

'Pulipaarvai will Glorify Cause of LTTE' -The New Indian Express

  • Praveen-Gandhi.jpg

  • Praveen Gandhi (centre), director, Pulipaarvai addressing a press conference, in the city on Wednesday | r satish babu
CHENNAI: It may have just been an unfortunate coincidence, but the director of controversial film Pulipaarvai found himself reiterating that his film would magnify and glorify the cause of the Tigers (LTTE) and the great leader Prabhakaran” on the day Congressmen celebrated as Rajiv Gandhi’s 70th birth anniversary. “When every Tamilian watches this film it will light a fire in him and he will feel a righteous anger because of what happened there (in Sri Lanka),” said the film’s director Pravin Gandhi, with an extra gust of emotion.

Pulipaarvai, a film that is based on the last days of the LTTE’s struggle against the Sri Lankan army and is based on Channel 4’s footage of Prabhakaran’s son being killed, has been at the receiving end of pro-Eelam groups. Just like Santosh Sivan’s Inam, groups have accused Pulipaarvai of essaying the Tigers and Eelam Tamils in a poor light. The producer, director and the actor essaying the role of Balakumaran Prabhakaran spoke to the press in the wake of a massive protest when the film’s audio was launched last Saturday.

A lot of the outrage has been over the depiction of the LTTE supremo’s son as a child soldier. Gandhi said that the scenes had been removed. “As per Seeman’s suggestion, we have removed those scenes. It was only supposed to be imagined by one of the characters, but we have done away with it now.” Seeman and Pazha Nedumaran were shown the film in a special screening recently.

In an attempt to pacify the protestors, producer S Madhan said that he would not release the film until every protestor had withdrawn objection. “Both Seeman and Nedumaran have suggested some cuts and we are making the changes. I invite every person from these groups to watch the film and unless they are all right with it, I will not release it,” he said.

He let on to Express that at least three scenes had to be reshot, while at least 50 changes needed to be effected - between scene cuts and edits.

Source: Rahul's speech on his fathers birthday | Page 3
Oh C'mon Mr. Narendra Modi If you will do what Congress would have done then whats the DIFFERENCE???

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