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India blocks China's bid to save Pakistan on terror finance scrutiny

Well spotted! :enjoy:

As in always bright illuminating Chinese intellect shines once again. :tup: @SamantK ,@kaku1 , @Echo_419 , @Manindra , @Yogijaat

The decisions take by Plenary of FATF only happen with "VEEEEEEEEEETO" not with consensus of its members

Below is the proof for that in FATF's draft:

http://www.fatf-gafi.org/media/fatf/documents/FINAL FATF MANDATE 2012-2020.pdf

And India is not even member of the Plenary, Only China and Pakistan are, and only they have the "VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETO POWA" :taz:

Below is the proof

Members and Observers - Financial Action Task Force (FATF)

All hail Chinese FATF "VEEEEEEEEEEEEETO POWA" :china:

So basically it was 3 against 2 or better say 1..... sahi hai.....
Whatever the title say about "Blocking", center of the question is China blocking anything against Pakistan, and now US blocking as agreement to india's argument.

China and US should co-ordinate well on the agenda to avoid mutual blocking from happening again.

We are doing you guys a favor
The more India hurt Chinese interests, the more hostile China will become towards India.
Pakistan-Bangladesh-Sri Lanka alliance and string of pearls is one of the methods of containing Indian aggression.

You will also see China support the dozens of separatist movements inside India to destabilise India and collapse it and break it up.

China can hurt India far more than the other way round. Indian regime realises this more than anyone. India being a union of different ethnicities forced to live under one government is a very fragile country.
Plz include Maldives also in your grand alliance its an economic powerhouse and rank much better in "failed state index"

while we place our warships in cam ranh bay in future and allow OHIO class subs to be docked in Andaman Islands.
Well spotted! :enjoy:

As in always bright illuminating Chinese intellect shines once again. :tup: @SamantK ,@kaku1 , @Echo_419 , @Manindra , @Yogijaat

The decisions take by Plenary of FATF only happen with "VEEEEEEEEEETO" not with consensus of its members

Below is the proof for that in FATF's draft:

http://www.fatf-gafi.org/media/fatf/documents/FINAL FATF MANDATE 2012-2020.pdf

And India is not even member of the Plenary, Only China and Pakistan are, and only they have the "VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETO POWA" :taz:

Below is the proof

Members and Observers - Financial Action Task Force (FATF)

All hail Chinese FATF "VEEEEEEEEEEEEETO POWA" :china:
never doubted mighty han IQ.
Srilanka says not to dock any future chinese submarime attempt.

The current government say no, but that will change with a change in government :lol:
China can give some money to those leaders and buy them off.
as some wise guy said some 2300 years back ...Your sucsess in life depends upon what kind of people you make friends with and how you deal with them and others .

In case of china it has made its choice good or bad thats a diffrent matter but repacursions are bound to happen if not now but in future for sure
The current government say no, but that will change with a change in government :lol:
China can give some money to those leaders and buy them off.

Your leaders tell day and night that we will not interfere in any bodies internal affairs ! The change on govt takes several years, by that time india have strong grip in Srilanka.Keep dreaming baby...
There is a proverb in india ' Don't plug banana in your garden, when your house is under fire'.

So don't play indian backyard unnecessarily when you are facing lot of issues in SCS

This guy is damn funny. He knows what will happen in coming five years:lol::lol:
He says in in five years china will do that.
in five years china will do this
in five years china will capture Indian ocean.
In five years China will dock its submarines in India
In five years china will eat all the dogs in Subcontinent
In five years China will isolate India from SAARC
In five years China will isolate india in Brics
In five years
In five Years
In five years
Come on Dude growup.

Because his name contains '2020'
We are doing you guys a favor

Last time China blocked a bid agreeing to Pakistan's position, despite disagreement from US.
This time US "blocks" the bid agreeing to india's argument, despite disagreement from China.
China and US should find common ground on this Pakistan-india issue and avoid mutual UN blocking from happening again.
Your leaders tell day and night that we will not interfere in any bodies internal affairs ! The change on govt takes several years, by that time india have strong grip in Srilanka.Keep dreaming baby...

Chinese influence will increase in Sri Lanka and China can make sure the pro-China factions win those elections.
China has the money to buy off Sri Lanka if China decided to play that game. Which I hope the CPC does.
Sri Lanka and Bangladesh will be in China's side in the not too distant future.

India has not enough economic power or financial power to compete with China.

There is a proverb in india ' Don't plug banana in your garden, when your house is under fire'.

So don't play indian backyard unnecessarily when you are facing lot of issues in SCS

Because his name contains '2020'

China is already increasing its presence in the South Asian Ocean and that will only increase further :lol:
Last time China blocked a bid agreeing to Pakistan's position, despite disagreement from US.
This time US "blocks" the bid agreeing to india's argument, despite disagreement from China.
China and US should find common ground on this Pakistan-india issue and avoid mutual UN blocking from happening again.

Do you really think that can happen
Last time China blocked a bid agreeing to Pakistan's position, despite disagreement from US.
This time US "blocks" the bid agreeing to india's argument, despite disagreement from China.
China and US should find common ground on this Pakistan-india issue and avoid mutual UN blocking from happening again.

Are you feel comfortable if any thing goes terrible mishap in china and india blocking your move for culprits to bring justice !
Your countries unnecessary ego towards india will not be good in long run.There is no single chinese citizen affected in that terrible tragedy.Your countries arrogant and narrow mindset will slowly exposed and you have to think why western world hate china even you have all newly accumulated wealth, good trade figure with west etc.May be you can tell they are envy to china or you don't care etc...
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