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India Blocks Anti Sri Lanka Propaganda

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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India Blocks Anti Sri Lanka Propaganda

International observers say that India’s denial of entry to Fr. S.J. Emmanuel, a leading propagandist for the LTTE, could be viewed as a major setback for the outfit’s attempt to regroup using Tamil Nadu as a base.

Fr. Emmanuel is the President of the UK-based Global Tamil Forum (GTF), a leading LTTE front.

A diplomatic source told the Sunday Observer from Canada that the vociferous LTTE activist who is allegedly a de-facto LTTE leader working through humanitarian and religious fronts collects funds to revive the LTTE. He said Fr. Emmanuel was in Canada on a fund raising mission last month. “He was in Canada and Europe to raise funds and mobilise pro LTTE groups to brush up the anti- Sri Lankan propaganda in the Western world.”

Pro-LTTE websites were the first to report the incident where Fr. Emmanuel was refused entry at the Chennai airport. He was allegedly on his way to deliver a lecture. Due to the refusal to grant landing permission he had to return to Dubai, his point of transit.He is alleged to have possessed a multiple entry visa issued by the Indian High Commission in Germany at the time of his landing in Chennai. In spite of this he was stopped at the immigration counter and sent back.

According to pro-LTTE websites which criticised the Indian action, Fr. Emmanuel had visited India last year to participate in several meetings.

This time he was due to meet the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa Jeyaram and attend other events including seminars at the Chennai University and Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi.

The diplomatic sources said Fr. Emmanuel who glorified suicide bombers as martyrs, is also spearheading the human rights’ campaign against Sri Lanka. The moderate diaspora sections have questioned his role in radicalising another generation of Tamil youth by his preachings and lectures overseas.Although he collected millions of dollars by way of donations from church leaders, he had allegedly not spent even a cent to help in the resettlement, rehabilitation and reintegration of former LTTE cadres. The donors have thus begun to press him to account for these funds given for development, the sources said.

In a recent interview with AP Fr. Emmanuel denied that the LTTE was trying to re-group, calling the claim a ploy of the Sri Lankan Government.

The diplomat said this was a futile attempt by Fr. Emmanuel to whitewash the LTTE, given that many Governments including the Netherlands were making headway in investigations and court cases against LTTE activists, accused of criminal activities and extortion charges.

Security News | Sundayobserver.lk - Sri Lanka

Thanks India...........

:kiss3: :kiss3: :kiss3: :kiss3:

India blocked him not for any good intentions towards Srilanka but for the reason he can cause havoc in secession ridden Tamilnadu.Who are fighting just like Kashmiris to throw away brutal yoke of India. India fears that his presence will act as catalyst in Tamilnadu secession

Time to take your schizophrenia pills and go to sleep !
India blocked him not for any good intentions towards Srilanka but for the reason he can cause havoc in secession ridden Tamilnadu.Who are fighting just like Kashmiris to throw away brutal yoke of India. India fears that his presence will act as catalyst in Tamilnadu secession

Really which "Tamil Nadu" is this?....Alternate universes and wet dreams don't count my dear constipated friend...

Unless, of course there is a province called "Tamil Nadu" in pakistan....in whose case, this is totally understandable...
Really which "Tamil Nadu" is this?....Alternate universes and wet dreams don't count my dear constipated friend...

Unless, of course there is a province called "Tamil Nadu" in pakistan....in whose case, this is totally understandable...

The one near Peru... this is the reason why kids should nt be allowed anywhere near keyboard.

What a waste of life...
India blocked him not for any good intentions towards Srilanka but for the reason he can cause havoc in secession ridden Tamilnadu.Who are fighting just like Kashmiris to throw away brutal yoke of India. India fears that his presence will act as catalyst in Tamilnadu secession

Shhh. Now why do you have to being reality into this?

India created and nurtured LTTE for a long time to cause trouble in Sri Lanka. They only turned against these terrorists when they started creating unrest amongst Indian Tamils.

Any Sri Lankans who think India is doing all this for Sri Lanka's benefit are ignoring history.
India blocked him not for any good intentions towards Srilanka but for the reason he can cause havoc in secession ridden Tamilnadu.Who are fighting just like Kashmiris to throw away brutal yoke of India. India fears that his presence will act as catalyst in Tamilnadu secession

You should stop taking history lessons from Zaid Hamid.
India blocked him not for any good intentions towards Srilanka but for the reason he can cause havoc in secession ridden Tamilnadu.Who are fighting just like Kashmiris to throw away brutal yoke of India. India fears that his presence will act as catalyst in Tamilnadu secession

Kashmiris are fighting india

Assam is fighting india

The northeast is fighting india

Orissa, andhra, jharkhand are fighting india

Now you claim tamils are fighting india

If all these states are fighting india ,Then Wtf is india??
India blocked him not for any good intentions towards Srilanka but for the reason he can cause havoc in secession ridden Tamilnadu.Who are fighting just like Kashmiris to throw away brutal yoke of India. India fears that his presence will act as catalyst in Tamilnadu secession


Please take your head out of the place you have stuffed it into...and that goes for the person who thanked him as well.

I am at a loss of words for such ignorance being peddled out here..


---------- Post added at 10:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:07 AM ----------

Shhh. Now why do you have to being reality into this?

India created and nurtured LTTE for a long time to cause trouble in Sri Lanka. They only turned against these terrorists when they started creating unrest amongst Indian Tamils.

Any Sri Lankans who think India is doing all this for Sri Lanka's benefit are ignoring history.

LOL..Is that what they teach in the madarsahs ? Come say a word regarding India inside Tamil nadu and I bet you wont escape without your rear being french fried and fed to the crows...
India is artificially made country by that always existed in imagination of evil exploitative brahmin class of hindus which alway held majority shudras as their slaves by their brutal racism and genocide.thats the main reason india never existed as country but as 1000s of kingdoms even when it was majority hindus.Main reason for it that a hindu can trust an outsider but not any other hindu, which is evident from their past 10000 years of history where handful of invaders always ruled hindus coz there was never a unity among them. even today they need an italian lady to rule them coz they cant trust other hindu leader.
Today India is just all those 1000 kingdom held together by the brutal genocidal yoke of its brahmin govt.Hence you are seening all these rebellions where these kingdoms are trying to secede from the artificial union as once pakistan was successfully able to do it.

You are a successful product. your teachers will be proud of you.
India blocked him not for any good intentions towards Srilanka but for the reason he can cause havoc in secession ridden Tamilnadu.Who are fighting just like Kashmiris to throw away brutal yoke of India. India fears that his presence will act as catalyst in Tamilnadu secession

:woot: Now this is some thing new. Man from where do you get all this info. This sound some thing like Zaid Hamid talk. LOL.
There is none of the state in India which is ever thinking to separate from it. Even about Kashmir too. Majority too don't want to separate from India. Its only some hand full separatist who are doing for to get some political attention. Cause GOI nor the majority of people doesn't heed to their talks.
Probably you might have read some Zaid Hamid publication.
India is artificially made country by that always existed in imagination of evil exploitative brahmin class of hindus which alway held majority shudras as their slaves by their brutal racism and genocide.thats the main reason india never existed as country but as 1000s of kingdoms even when it was majority hindus.Main reason for it that a hindu can trust an outsider but not any other hindu, which is evident from their past 10000 years of history where handful of invaders always ruled hindus coz there was never a unity among them. even today they need an italian lady to rule them coz they cant trust other hindu leader.

Today India is just all those 1000 kingdom held together by the brutal genocidal yoke of its brahmin govt.Hence you are seening all these rebellions where these kingdoms are trying to secede from the artificial union as once pakistan was successfully able to do it.

Every country in the world right now is the product of their native kingdoms joining together. Furthermore, every nation in the world has been ruled by foreigners
Every country in the world right now is the product of their native kingdoms joining together. Furthermore, every nation in the world has been ruled by foreigners

but there are some exceptions like Nepal & Thailand
Kashmiris are fighting india

Assam is fighting india

The northeast is fighting india

Orissa, andhra, jharkhand are fighting india

Now you claim tamils are fighting india

If all these states are fighting india ,Then Wtf is india??

Dear BanglaBanger

Do u actually know the Number of Insurgents actually left in Assam and Northeast

Well there are less than 70 ULFA cadres left in Assam while rest of Northeast has under 300 Militants
thats coz most of these insurgent outfits have been wiped out or in case of ULFA there leaders have been handed to India by our Stooges in Bangladesh and our friends in Bhutan and Myanmar

Also Andhra Pradesh wiped out the Maoist in 2005 , and i am pretty sure the jamaatis didnot tell u that

As far Tamil Nadu is concerned , u forgot that they hate SriLanka not India

As far as Kashmir is concerned , well the only people getting killed there are Pakistani trying to cross the border illegally , it is similar to what happens in our border with Bangladesh , where people are killed while trying to cross the border illegally , the difference being that BSF first warns the Bangladeshi and then shoot them , But indian army has full liscence to shoot any pakistani intruder without warning coz most likely that intruder is a terrorist while the Bangladeshi at most would be a cattle rustler

as far as Orrisa , Jharkhand and Chatisgarh is concerned , well we will clear the insurgents the way we cleared them in Andhra Pradesh and Punjab

In the last 3 yrs of operation we have reduced Maoist stronghold by 17% , the progress have been slow becoz we are using State police force and Paramilitary , not the Indian Army
India is artificially made country by that always existed in imagination of evil exploitative brahmin class of hindus which alway held majority shudras as their slaves by their brutal racism and genocide.thats the main reason india never existed as country but as 1000s of kingdoms even when it was majority hindus.Main reason for it that a hindu can trust an outsider but not any other hindu, which is evident from their past 10000 years of history where handful of invaders always ruled hindus coz there was never a unity among them. even today they need an italian lady to rule them coz they cant trust other hindu leader.

Today India is just all those 1000 kingdom held together by the brutal genocidal yoke of its brahmin govt.Hence you are seening all these rebellions where these kingdoms are trying to secede from the artificial union as once pakistan was successfully able to do it.

Its been more than 60 years since independence. And now there is no king and Kingdom left in India. India is a Democratic Republic Country. And none of its state even thinking for to separate from it. Cause What more any person, state or country can ask more than democracy. And India is formed basis a Democratic setup. Do you think still any one want more than this. And who told you India was artificially created. Instead Pakistan was Artificially created out of India. It was the brain child of Mr. Jinnah. Cause when he found out there was not much scope of him in the freedom fight. As he was not much actively involved in the freedom movement he and his associate opportunistically brought a new issue of creating a land for Muslims and Islam. And this is how Pakistan was carved out of India's main land.
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