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India behind terrorist attacks - Pak Foreign Minister

Attacking the TTP will automatically rope in the Afghan Taliban into the slugfest along with LeT.The social conditions are ideal for a peoples war in the garb of communalism.By the TTP and Afghan Taliban the leader differs but the base cadre is all the same .It don't see much difference between them

If the Afghan Taliban get roped in by virtue of their support for the TTP then so be it - the Chinese are not going to care much either way since the Afghan Taliban would then be 'friends of their enemies'.

And the Iranians are not going to get much support internationally unless they get back in line over nuclear restrictions.
India had a stable democracy and all of that when it was supporting East Pakistani and LTTE terrorists as well ....

The US had a stable democracy when it supported genocidal regimes and regimes that committed large scale atrocities in Latin America.

Being a stable democracy and the rest of it does not preclude support for terror and the destabilization of other nations, as the history of both the US and India shows us.

Big difference we never allowed our countrymen into those equations so they get new ideas and produce a backlash.My countries leaders had vision in that aspect
If the Afghan Taliban get roped in by virtue of their support for the TTP then so be it - the Chinese are not going to care much either way since the Afghan Taliban would then be 'friends of their enemies'.

And the Iranians are not going to get much support internationally unless they get back in line over nuclear restrictions.

Thats one US gameplan Asim.You add to it the Punjab cadre of Let,Taliban you get the idea
TTP was a mutation of another asset which was strategic as far as your aims are concerned.As for my last sentence you must be able to comprehend it .It is/will be the source of all your woes
It was no mutation - it was its own beast that rose out of the US invasion of Afghanistan.

And if what you meant by your last sentence was its literal meaning, then it is a flawed view, given that nations like the US have expended far more of their own citizens as 'cannon fodder' in pursuit of their nations strategic goals.

Of course for us those citizens are not 'cannon fodder', they are martyrs who died for the cause.
The problem with the TTP theory is that they are too weak.

The attack on RA Bazaar happened despite a lot of security present. The attackers managed to cross across several check posts and hit security personnel.

The TTP just doesn't have the means any more to conduct those attacks, let alone conduct a string of attacks at will.

Perhaps there can be a distinction, but the Iqbal Town attacks were more of a nature to create panic rather than kill people.

Pakistan has always believed there are strong links between the TTP and India, and the Lahore attacks can be explained with that theory.

AA..On Monday there were blasts in Lahore. This must have caused the tighting of security. Even after that we witnessed the yesterdays blast and that in one of the more secured area. Do you feel that in such env, somebody can just walk into the Cant area and blow himself up?
Even for sec we agree that there are link between India and TTP will stil there that who carried out these attacks as you have already said TTP is too weak to carry out such attacks.

Then there must be some local help available to these attackers. Explosive and suicide vests must have been smuggled much before, may be weeks and month before the attack.
If we assume that to be the case, than it means there are sleeper cells are right in the local area.
Which brings us to the q Can India create the sleeper cells in local populance? What will be basis for motivating the local ppl to act against there own? And this again can't be TTP as you have already discounted them.
No matter what one have to say about who is behind this but one thing is for sure these guys are getting logistic as well as targeting orders from out side. With out any doubt in my mind the ring leader is Delhi, although it is beyond my understanding why Pakistan is still holding back the evidence. The Indians are not interested in talks and their recent behavior is a testament to that. The "Defame Pakistan" campaign is in full swing. Pakistan have to stop being apologetic, grow a set of balls and look India in the eye to tell them, up yours!!!
Sooner or later Pakistan will defeat this insurgency, then it is pay back time for Indians. This covert war have to be taken to the enemy and the enemy is India. I make no hiding of the fact that we must take our revenge from Indians.
@Agnostic Muslim

Sir, your assumption that TTP can not do such operation is speculative. Terrorist organizations have shown many times that they are capable of making much bigger plots than Lahore attack (like 9/11 or 26/11) which were unthinkable to all of us. Somehow they have managed to brainwash many young men to be suicide attackers and using them against their declared enemy. You are not ready to listen anything other than Indian hands but the possibility of linkage of TTP with other terrorist organizations like Al-quida never appears in your mind (do you still think they have not included Pakistani establishment in their enemy lists with USA, Israel and India). Those were the days when you turned a blind eye to the jihadees because you thought they were fighting in Kashmir or in Afghanistan. You did not hesitate to recognise Taliban government as soon the seize power in Afghanistan and now expecting they are still thankful to you for that. Can you deny Pakistan did not have moral or materialistic support for those operating in Afghanistan or in Kashmir? But things have changed since you kissed uncle Sam's hands and started taking action against your old pals. No wonder they are bent on avenging the betrayal.

TTP did not appear from thin air untill and unless there were enough ground for them. Who is responsible for sleeping when thousands of young men were being brainwashed for so called Jihad. Remember why US drones used to strike inside your territory so often??? Now you are feighning as if you have just woke up to see India is creating those scums to destroy your country.

Still today, when someone Mr Gul (you know who he is) blatantly attend meeting of Kashmiri militants you say to yourself-' they are Mujahidin and we have moral support for them', but what if tomorrow they also point their guns to you??? Did not you think same about the Taliban when they captured Kabul???

If you think only TTP considers Pakistan an enemy, Afghan Talibans consider America an enemy and LeT-JeM-HuM consider India an enemy you are repeating your old mistake. The lines between them are so thin that anyday all of them may identify Pakistan an enemy along with others.

LeT who carried out Mumbai attack or TTP who are killing your people -all are living in your soil. So urgency from your side to eliminate all of them will be more than anybody else.
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Thats one US gameplan Asim.You add to it the Punjab cadre of Let,Taliban you get the idea
Get what idea? They will be knocked down one by one as the TTP has been in FATA.

Remember that when the TTP was attacked last year there was a similar upsurge in bombings, and 'Pakistan was doomed' - didn't happen and the TTP is a shadow of its old self.

The same with any other group that takes on the State, they will thrash about, lash out and strike as they are decimated and then whimper and fade out.

So while we do get the idea that India is smirking at the sight of its minions spreading terror in Pakistan, we not get the idea that Pakistan will be restricted in any way in taking on these groups and there sponsors, even in Afghanistan, one they are largely controlled in Pakistan.
It was no mutation - it was its own beast that rose out of the US invasion of Afghanistan.

And if what you meant by your last sentence was its literal meaning, then it is a flawed view, given that nations like the US have expended far more of their own citizens as 'cannon fodder' in pursuit of their nations strategic goals.

Of course for us those citizens are not 'cannon fodder', they are martyrs who died for the cause.

Who allowed the flaw to be present in the system certainly not the US.Care to show me where the US or INDIA used droves of its citizens as cannon fodder using communal/ethnic/sectarian methods.Iam quite ignorant of that aspect
Get what idea? They will be knocked down one by one as the TTP has been in FATA.

Remember that when the TTP was attacked last year there was a similar upsurge in bombings, and 'Pakistan was doomed' - didn't happen and the TTP is a shadow of its old self.

The same with any other group that takes on the State, they will thrash about, lash out and strike as they are decimated and then whimper and fade out.

So while we do get the idea that India is smirking at the sight of its minions spreading terror in Pakistan, we not get the idea that Pakistan will be restricted in any way in taking on these groups and there sponsors, even in Afghanistan, one they are largely controlled in Pakistan.
The idea of yours is fine but me is cynical you unleashed for which are too strong to be destroyed by simple military action.For what you said to suceed your countries system must be overhauled at the social ,political and econmical level
Big difference we never allowed our countrymen into those equations so they get new ideas and produce a backlash.My countries leaders had vision in that aspect

The issue was not with allowing our own countrymen to fight for a just cause, but with the mutation of the ideology they absorbed from the Wahabis and Deobandis, along with a host of other factors such as the abandonment of Afghanistan and the chaos, refugees and violence that followed.
Everything is possible, but to get the kind of coordination needed for these attacks somebody powerful like RAW can be assumed to be behind these attacks

Really Asim.. You think these guys are not coordinated enough and still giving a hard time to US forces in Afghanistan or are managing to engage your army in NWFP. Arent these guys coordinated enough to do a mumbai and a pune?? Or a 9/11...?? Wrong assumptions will take you to wrong places. Pakistan should do the investigation with the right mindset and come out with its findings openly and with credible evidence. Why assume??
India knew its getting checkmate in the Afghanistan theatre so had to come up with a new strategy.
The government does not want to launch a dipplomatic offensive against India as they dont want to upset their american masters sitting in Washington. Rest assured as long as we have the current tola, we will continue to suffer and the tola by the way also includes the punjab government since they had information before at hand and they still failed to stop the incident from happening.
I am amazed the way lahories reacted, not even a single protest, its as if people dont care anymore. How can we ever think of stopping such horrific incidents with this kind of pathetic attitude at display here.
The idea of yours is fine but me is cynical you unleashed for which are too strong to be destroyed by simple military action.For what you said to suceed your countries system must be overhauled at the social ,political and econmical level

The necessity for non-military actions to contain the threat is already understood by all State actors in Pakistan, and work on it shall continue to progress.

No doubt destabilizing Pakistan through support for terror so that Pakistan does not achieve those non-military goals is a major focus for India's support for terror in Pakistan.

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