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India behind terrorist attacks - Pak Foreign Minister

Well if you take the polcies of India and US.. it is proven that we differ and are in disagreement with many of the policies which USA undertake. But still americans and indians word carry weight all over the world.. think about it!!!!! Your points with respect to East pakistan and LTTE is mere point scoring statements and nothing more than that..!!!! India fought against LTTE when they become TERRORIST ORGANISATION when they started KILLING PEOPLE.. which nullifies your comments on them but you refuse to accept that..!!!! and In bangladesh India gave help to those who requested for that.. these two things and its scenarios are different we went in there with full force and uprooted you, we fought with your army and not your innocent people...!!! There was clear policy to remove you from East pakistan.. we didnt support the terrorist organisations who killed innocent peopls..!!!!! and we have grown much wiser from that..!!!

But what was your policy..!! Befirend any one with a gun and bomb under his belt and extrimism in his mind.. give fodder for them to grow and plot attacks on innocent people of a soverigen nation..!!!!
We don't talk to terrorists but you do..!!! thats the only difference.. stop talking with them and take action against themm..!!!

Really! how nice of you. Then i guess Mukti bahini must have got weapons from mars, since India was too nice not to provide them with.:disagree: Lay off from this high morality of yours. The fact of the matter is India supported terrorism and does so till date. The reason you dont hear much of this from our side and dispite of the fact that we have been hit hard, government still refues to launch a diplomatic offensive against India is because of the reason i mentioned above, zadari has no interest in what happens in Pakistan, he is merely passing his time, waiting when he might have to leave and go back to where he came from, so does not want to alienate those forces. Its what they say you dont bite the hand that feeds you.
'RAW behind suspected suicide attack in Lahore'


Lahore: A Pakistani provincial minister today alleged that India's RAW was involved in the suspected suicide car bomb attack in Lahore, even as federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik claimed "signatures of India" were there in weapons seized from militants in the tribal areas.

Punjab Province Law Minister Rana Sanaullah alleged that India's Research and Analysis Wing intelligence agency was involved in today's suspected suicide car bomb attack on a special investigation unit that killed 12 people.

"Besides other neighbouring countries, India's RAW agency is also involved. Israel and other countries could also be involved," he told reporters in Lahore.

At the same time, Sanaullah claimed militants against whom Pakistani security forces were conducting operations in the Waziristan tribal region were behind the terrorist attacks.

He claimed these militants were being backed by "foreign hands".

Speaking to reporters here, Interior Minister Rehman Malik identified India as the "foreign hand" behind several attacks in Pakistan.

Asked by reporters to identify the "foreign hand" behind the attacks, Malik said: "I have identified it several times. All the weapons are coming from Afghanistan. The signatures of India are very much there in weapons seized in (Pakistan's) tribal areas."

Malik said Pakistan would present "evidence" of India's alleged involvement in the attacks whenever talks are held between the two sides.

"We have compiled the reports and evidence and whenever India sits for talks, we will raise this issue. We have also raised it several times and will continue raising it.

"That's why we say India should come to the negotiating table and both sides can present their reservations and proof," he added.

Sanaullah was in news recently for meeting and traveling with leaders of the banned Sipah-e-Sahaba terror group while campaigning for by-polls in Jhang district of Punjab.

'RAW behind suspected suicide attack in Lahore' -  International News ? News ? MSN India
I miss President Pervez Musharraf , he would have provide a solid link with out fear of uncle SAM. This govermnet will never engage into a diplomatic war to present Pakistani case against India.

Investigations are not done, and you are quick to jump to suggest an Indian hand. We have a clear stand on terror, we have never resorted to breeding fundamentalists and extremist militant groups on our soil. We do not have that reputation, unlike Pakistan, so we can never be subject to an sort of diplomatic pressure from Sam.
Anyways we are not in a situation where west calls the shots for us, unlike you guys, so no question of pressure.
Why do you guys fail while producing your case internationally? Because unlike India, your case in mostly very weak to find favour.
Ludicrous - Pakistani intelligence and military is providing information for attacks killing its own soldiers, officers, families and children.

This theory is akin to the one of Mumbai attacks being a false flag by India.

Yes it is as ridiculous. These false Flag theories are anyway nothing short of nonsense IMHO..
So should we simply agree that Pakistan is sponsoring terrorism in India aka mumbai and India in Pakistan aka Lahore..

Or let the investigations get completed and discuss then..??

Dont you already or did i miss something out here:rolleyes: Infact you guys knew right within the hour.
It is a difference of labels - soldiers are 'indoctrinated' to fight whatever their nation sends them off to do.

The Mujahideen used patriotism and faith to fight the Soviets - nothing wrong with that.

Soldiers turn to crime, and some of the Mujahideen have done so too - the largest enemy of the Pakistani state however is the TTP, which was neither an asset of Pakistan nor was it indoctrinated by Pakistan.

Big difference was the ideology indoctrinated to fight .Soldiers are never indoctrinated on a steady diet of puratanical wahhabi and Deoband ideology to fight the soviets.TTP was indoctrinated by an asset created by you.not you directly AM the same mullah brigade to whom Jihad against Russia and its allies is the prime thing in Afghan war.Later the US after 26/11 you are also an ally of US AM.Infact the major non-nato ally aren't you AM
Yes you supported all of them and none of them were citizens of their country .Most of the were as you call martyrs who died for Pakistan.I call them cannonfodder .They were indoctrinated pakistanis from the
lower strata.A large amount of essential infrastructure in the form of radical mullahs must have been used and They are the ones producing the backlash certainly not India

Please become a little better informed before engaging in debates - the Mujahideen in Afghanistan were primarily Afghans, not Pakistanis, though Pakistanis assisted.

Similarly the Taliban were primarily Afghan, not Pakistanis, though again Pakistanis assisted.

And the Kashmiri Freedom fighters too were largely Kashmiri, from AK or IK, though Indian propaganda would like the world to believe otherwise.

India's role in this remains one of providing resources, training and intelligence - illiterate Mullah's don't plan complex and coordinated attacks such as the ones on the GHQ, police academies, ISI and elsewhere.
Investigations are not done, and you are quick to jump to suggest an Indian hand. We have a clear stand on terror, we have never resorted to breeding fundamentalists and extremist militant groups on our soil. We do not have that reputation, unlike Pakistan, so we can never be subject to an sort of diplomatic pressure from Sam.
Anyways we are not in a situation where west calls the shots for us, unlike you guys, so no question of pressure.
Why do you guys fail while producing your case internationally? Because unlike India, your case in mostly very weak to find favour.

Its not weak, you have to understand the causes. Government is the one that launches such diplomatic offensive. In Pakistan unfortunately or one can call it our bad luck, government isnt interested, reasons i already gave in my previous post, so you hear nothing. As for your clear stand, we are well aware of this so called clearity in your stance.
Big difference was the ideology indoctrinated to fight .Soldiers are never indoctrinated on a steady diet of puratanical wahhabi and Deoband ideology to fight the soviets.TTP was indoctrinated by an asset created by you.not you directly AM the same mullah brigade to whom Jihad against Russia and its allies is the prime thing in Afghan war.Later the US after 26/11 you are also an ally of US AM.Infact the major non-nato ally aren't you AM

I addressed this in a prior post - radicalization was not merely because of fighting the Afghan war, but a mix of the mutation of wahabi and deobandi ideology taught them along with the abandonment of Afghanistan and the resulting chaos and strife. The ideology on its own was not responsible, nor was the goal of the ideology to become that which it eventually morphed into.
I see nothing rational about your argument that a single neighborhood should somehow be sealed after a terrorist attack in another neighborhood.

Recall that the majority killed in this attack were civilians, not soldiers. If you lot of Indians would bother reading/watching the accounts of the tragedy instead of spreading conspiracy theories of 'inside job' you would realize that there were rickshaws there at the time, shopkeepers unloading supplies and selling wares and various other laborers.

This was not a 'sealed' neighborhood.
I am not the one saying inside job. I think these sleeper cells are civilian and that's why I asked on what ground can India motivate and PK citizen to act against there own?

Correct me If I am wrong the neighborhood targeted yesterday in morning were cant area? Aren't they supposed to be more secure in normal day's? Don't you expect the tight security just after 2 days of blast in the city? Sply when your enemy is attacking mostly at army asset?
If Indian intelligence agencies can so easily and so often do bomb blasts in Pakistan then along with Pakistan's hockey and cricket team Pakistan's intelligence agencies should also be sacked, they're really useless
I am not the one saying inside job. I think these sleeper cells are civilian and that's why I asked on what ground can India motivate and PK citizen to act against there own?
India does not have to motivate - it merely has to provide resources, planning and training.

Correct me If I am wrong the neighborhood targeted yesterday in morning were cant area? Aren't they supposed to be more secure in normal day's? Don't you expect the tight security just after 2 days of blast in the city? Sply when your enemy is attacking mostly at army asset?

The neighborhoods are more secure in terms of preventing blatant crime, but that does not mean it is a military base where every individual goes through a scanner and is searched individually before entering.

Ordinary criminals looking to get away alive would not be very successful in robbing Cantt - suicide bombers on one way tickets are a different issue.
There's plenty of nutcases already, so there's no need for motivation. That's really not something we're accusing india of. We're talking about training, funding (both financial as well as weapons and any other resources needed), and planning the attacks.
If Indian intelligence agencies can so easily and so often do bomb blasts in Pakistan then along with Pakistan's hockey and cricket team Pakistan's intelligence agencies should also be sacked, they're really useless

An intelligence agency would stand a better chance of sponsoring terrorism and concealing it from another intelligence agency than an illiterate Mullah ...
Chidambaram rants and raves against Pakistan in the India Cuntcave, the paid off members of the India Caucus rail against Pakistan, and a series of terrorists attacks are carried out in Pakistan - all coordinated with Karzai's visit to Pakistan and news of Pakistan engaging with NATO and Afghan players to stabilize Afghanistan.

These are terrorist attacks carried out by India through its minions in Pakistan - the TTP and other assorted scum.

All bluffing and no proof you can imagine endless links.
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