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India becomes world’s largest arms importer

Even we started it back in the 60s, remember HF Marut (if not, then kindly google it), but gradually our dependencies increased on the Russians as the imported weapons from Russia costs less than the domestic R&D. And our army generals and politicians of that era lacked farsightedness and self-confidence to ramp up domestic R&D.
Oh please! your aircrafts of 60s like J-5, J-6, J-7 is anything but Chinese. Only J-8 looks a bit credible but m still dubious:disagree:

J-5 and J-6 were copies, but you gain experience from copying anyways. This is why it's better to study for the test alone, but copying some answers down and memorizing them is far better than no study at all. J-7 was far improved. J-8 is totally different from anything in the world. Due to sanctions on us by both USSR and USA, without an indigenous plane manufacturing and designing industry (along with supporting industries like electronics) we would be in the stone age.

Ever wonder why China was able to produce most of the electronics in the world in "low skill factories" even though technically a 600 USD/year black African or 1000 USD/year Vietnamese should be cheaper? We have a vast reserve of people trained in electronics at the technician level and B.S. level spanning all the way back to 1950's. Our top TV producer and major cell phone producer Changhong also manufactures radars, optoelectrnic tracking and IR seekers for the air force.
I never said anything about your indigenous credibility. All i said that even China was the largest importer of weapons, so criticizing India on the same doesn't make any sense, isn't it?
chinese claim that they are self sufficient in arms and i believed but now i come to know that they are not.
I never said anything about your indigenous credibility. All i said that even China was the largest importer of weapons, so criticizing India on the same doesn't make any sense, isn't it?

No one was criticizing you, I was saying that India's domestic production and design will not mirror China's progression.

chinese claim that they are self sufficient in arms and i believed but now i come to know that they are not.

What you know or think won't change China's production capacity or research.
I never said anything about your indigenous credibility. All i said that even China was the largest importer of weapons, so criticizing India on the same doesn't make any sense, isn't it?

A major problem with India is its inability to accept parity or even an inferior position with regards to other powers. This makes it like the US and makes it unable to make necessary sacrifices to improve economy.

We were in danger of being nuked off the map in the 80's and still accepted a military cut that halved our soldier number, junked thousands of planes, stopped naval building for 2 decades and resulted in 20 years of humiliation. Can India do half of that, to develop its economy first?
Can India do half of that, to develop its economy first?

India can't afford to do that, but there's been significant decrease of defense budget this year which is a step in the right direction. Spending 1.8% of the GDP in defense doesn't hurt much.
No one was criticizing you, I was saying that India's domestic production and design will not mirror China's progression.

What you know or think won't change China's production capacity or research.

did i questioned chinese production capacity or research? i simply said that some chinese in the forum lied to me that china is self sufficient in defence..that's all.
:coffee: Indians are right. China was a largest importer of weapons in the 90s. China imported almost all of the weapons.
China's state-owned military enterprises did not order, almost bankrupt. CAC produces washing machines to make money to feed the workers and technicians. Now CAC is R&D J-20...

1996 was a turning point, American aircraft carrier wake-up the Chinese govt. Since then, Chinese govt only trust themselves.

It takes so long to convince your friends that this was the case. It takes a minute to google and know what is the truth.
A major problem with India is its inability to accept parity or even an inferior position with regards to other powers. This makes it like the US and makes it unable to make necessary sacrifices to improve economy.

We were in danger of being nuked off the map in the 80's and still accepted a military cut that halved our soldier number, junked thousands of planes, stopped naval building for 2 decades and resulted in 20 years of humiliation. Can India do half of that, to develop its economy first?

the economy is still developing at 9 % yoy and poverty too is reducing without doing all those things so what is the need ?

You must realise if you are unbiased that we started the process of rapid growth much later than China so that has pushed us behind.

India still only spends only 2.6% of its gdp on defence which is quite low.

We have territorial disputes with two of our neighbours , we cant afford to ignore our defence , sorry .

Poverty is going and prosperity is coming but when you guys have taken 30 years of rapid growth to reach here , we Indians are no super humans who will do it in just 1 decade of rapid growth.

Chinese still have a lot of poverty to deal with , so stop lecturing us .

Chinese make the same mistake of under-estimating Indians which the Americans used to make wrt China till about a few years back .

Wait for a few more decades and be prepared to be surprised .
No one was criticizing you, I was saying that India's domestic production and design will not mirror China's progression.

What you know or think won't change China's production capacity or research

Just like what you know or think or say wont change the future of India's indigenous weapon's production .
A Pakistani citizen criticizing other nation on the pretext of aid looks ironic to me.
We agree that a significant part of our population is below poverty line, and this aid is in response to address that segment. Unlike some who spent their financial and developmental aid to buy weapons.

did i questioned chinese production capacity or research? i simply said that some chinese in the forum lied to me that china is self sufficient in defence..that's all.

No one lied to you, China is self-sufficient in producing arms for all branches, this doesn't mean that China doesn't import from abroad but it does mean if a complete embargo were placed on China, China would fall back on to older technology but still would be self-sufficent in everything from fighters to ICBMs, to small arms, to tanks, to all category of missiles etc etc.
Yes because India's current trajectory of purchases versus domestic development says so.

That was true for China as well till just about a few years back as admitted by chinese members as well , so what you say is your belief which is founded on practically nothing.
That was true for China as well till just about a few years back as admitted by chinese members as well , so what you say is your belief which is founded on practically nothing.

Let's think about this way. Imagine this graph is about the % of money spent on arms import versus money spent on development, and not about internet TV versus cable regular TV.

China is the blue line, India is the red line. China has been cutting the amount it needs to import, India has poured it's growing budget into more imports.
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