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India basks in a nuclear afterglow

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Comanche said:
agreed 100% Israel and Pakistan shud be given the same deal also. but i dont understand why is india being given this nuclear deal? who the hell brainwashed bush to go ahead with it? condim rice is pushing the deal forwardso does it mean that india which gave neuclear technology to saddam and libya as well as iran is being rewarded? and it is involved in illegal nuclear trade and blew up 5 bombs in 1998 and never signed the npt treaty. why ?

Do some soul searching as to why india and not pakistan??if u get the answer post it.

By the way can u post the report of indian -libyan-iraq-iran nuclear rapport.i wud like to read that.
Prashant said:
Do some soul searching as to why india and not pakistan??if u get the answer post it.


er..why? that was the dumbest thing coming out of a indian memeber of this forum. i mean really dumb.:crazy2:
Comanche said:
and even if india gets modern reactors form usa it will still need oil in huge quantities beause the demand in india is huge and it is a growing economy like mexico .

Rt now only 3% of india electricity needs are met by nuclear power which is suppose to raise to 25% by yr 2050.india has limited amount of coal reserves.So if india can get his it will reduce the dependeance of india on diesel power,coal power,gas power.And by this emissions from india will come down (India's carbon emissions increased 61 percent between 1990 and 2001, surpassed only by China) and also the demand from india for gas/fuel will go down tremendously.

Comanche said:
india should just concentrate on cleam energy like solar and wind energy..

Do u know where India stands in this field?pls do ur homework and then pst such wild things.:crazy2:

India passed 1,500 MW of total installed wind power capacity in 2001 and is the third largest wind power producer in the world after Europe and the United States

india genrates 40,000KW of solar energy and is the worlds fourth largest generator of suvh energy.

Comanche said:
india is giving nuclear help to iran which thretens israel.

And this very isreal's mossad is training india's RAW to create trouble in baluchistan.

Wow i never knew israel was so generous that inspite of india helping iran to threaten Israel they are so kind to us .
india cant be trusted. period. No Nuclear deal for india!
Comanche said:
i can understand it because you are from india and are just defending your country. .
the same logic applies for you also,right?

Comanche said:
why did usa sanction soem indian entities for giving iran nuclear tech.? .

is this the same USA thats trying to give india a nuclear deal.
Prashant said:
is this the same USA thats trying to give india a nuclear deal.

thts the important question which you need to asked urself, As we know very well US never takes any step that dosnt suits her. Now one can clearly understand that why US had offered such a deal to India.
To grab a big market, create more jobs for her own people.
and apart from this use India for carrying forward her hegmonic policy.
Dont for get the China and CARs factor dear.although most of u dont agree with it but its a fact.
Jana said:
thts the important question which you need to asked urself, As we know very well US never takes any step that dosnt suits her. Now one can clearly understand that why US had offered such a deal to India.
To grab a big market, create more jobs for her own people.
and apart from this use India for carrying forward her hegmonic policy.
Dont for get the China and CARs factor dear.although most of u dont agree with it but its a fact.

totally agreed but its also to rope india in and make it dependent on usa. once it sells weapons to india then they have it under their foot. india is giving away its independce because historically india has been very difficult for the usa to control and had no leverage with it. this way it gets both. and even if the deal is approved by congress , it still has to be aproved by the nsg and the seperation plan to happen. by then bush will be out of the office and hilary clinton will be in office.

but still, india can never be trusted! so im against this deal.
Comanche said:
you are just filled with lies and i can understand it because you are from india and are just defending your country.
Watch your tongue lad?
india just tested a boosted fission bomb in 1998 it wasnt a fusion bomb. india cant make a fusion bomb on its own.
Believe what ever you want. I just hope the day never dawns when we have to use it.
india has build a lot of dam in occupied kashmir like baghliar dam and some others. WB is meditating the dispute currently
Ignorance at its best – please check where is Bagliar dam and where is Bangladesh.

Besides Bagliar dam is a run-of-the-river type and has no effect on the flow of the river. That dam is to help generate electricity that will earn the state of J&K valuable revenue.
sword9 said:
Watch your tongue lad?

Believe what ever you want. I just hope the day never dawns when we have to use it.

Ignorance at its best – please check where is Bagliar dam and where is Bangladesh.

Besides Bagliar dam is a run-of-the-river type and has no effect on the flow of the river. That dam is to help generate electricity that will earn the state of J&K valuable revenue.

once again you are filled with lice and i know its becaz you are fram india and just defending ure country. but can india make ANYTHING without russian or foriegn help? and bagliar damn is in indian occupied and terrorized kashmir and bangladesh is in the east right above the bey of bengal. see i know where it is.
Comanche said:
once again you are filled with lice and i know its becaz you are fram india and just defending ure country. but can india make ANYTHING without russian or foriegn help?
Since you are so worried maybe the US is helping India.
and bagliar damn is in indian occupied and terrorized kashmir and bangladesh is in the east right above the bey of bengal. see i know where it is.
Just asked because you blamed us for floods in Bangladesh and then mentioned Bagliar.

....do you get protiens in your diet?:rolleyes:
sword9 said:
Since you are so worried maybe the US is helping India.

Just asked because you blamed us for floods in Bangladesh and then mentioned Bagliar.

....do you get protiens in your diet?:rolleyes:

im sorree again but i cant understand your indianess.and you sound very smart.must be all that woc eniru. but again im very concerned about this deal becauz india will use the tech to make WMD and india can not be trusted. and congress and the senate know this thats why theres a problem in the deal passing u know.
Comanche said:
im sorree again but i cant understand your indianess.and you sound very smart.must be all that woc eniru. but again im very concerned about this deal becauz india will use the tech to make WMD and india can not be trusted. and congress and the senate know this thats why theres a problem in the deal passing u know.

yes yes very right.:rolleyes:
Samudra said:
The July 18 Agreement.
Watch it being given the Congressional Approval in the next few months.

Too bag they wont give anybody else such a deal.

Didnt know you people could tell the future. Must be really special. :lol:
Neo said:
Just a piece of friendly advice. You're a frequent poster with good posts, but I'm afraid if you continue to insult other members, who btw are as valueable to PFF as you are, mods might have to ban you and that would be shame.
Please avoid abusive language and insults and mocking.
We're all grown ups afterall. ;)


Thanks neo, i am now begining to realize the power of these Bhindians lurking about on this forum..idenifiable only when they blink or show their teeth. I was just responding to a really offensive statement form a member names Zeeshan.s who was defending his pimp Prashant. But i will try to be more sensitive from now on. Who knows maybe 90 percent of the people on PFF are bhindians. ;)
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