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India basks in a nuclear afterglow

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SATAN said:
Very good. you are a fast learner.:rolleyes:

Now Japan and india are worlds apart, its a civilized peaceful country that lives in peace and harmony with its neighbours. It is also a democracy and a country that gave up nukes and is commited to the peaceful uses of Nuclear energy. If a county such as hindustan wants such a deal, then it should give up its Nukes, give the Kashmiris their rights and their state back, live in peace with its neighbours,stop exporting terrorism , improve the living conditions of its people, sign the NPT and CTBT and foreswear nuclear weapons once and for all.

Wake up.
A Country such as Hindustan has been given this deal already.:cool:
Samudra said:
Wake up.
A Country such as Hindustan has been given this deal already.:cool:

Really? thats pretty amazing. Are you on CRACK?? :lol: :lol: :lol:
The July 18 Agreement.
Watch it being given the Congressional Approval in the next few months.

Too bag they wont give anybody else such a deal.
Samudra said:
The July 18 Agreement.
Watch it being given the Congressional Approval in the next few months.

Too bag they wont give anybody else such a deal.

But you said its already been given and india is now a super nuclear power. What are you trying to say? next few months , congressional approval will be given? or has it been approved? please tell us. And when is USA going to help india become a world power?
SATAN said:
But you said its already been given and india is now a super nuclear power. What are you trying to say? next few months , congressional approval will be given? or has it been approved? please tell us. And when is USA going to help india become a world power?
Its been offered and its going to get congress nod sson.Thats what he is trying to say.

This is one of the steps which US is taking to enterthe good books of India,and its not to make india a world power as u claim.Which power will like to create a new power that will hurt their position.

Alot of it has to do with the changing geo politics,ie as a counter weight to China.
Prashant said:
Its been offered and its going to get congress nod sson.Thats what he is trying to say.

This is one of the steps which US is taking to enterthe good books of India,and its not to make india a world power as u claim.Which power will like to create a new power that will hurt their position.

Alot of it has to do with the changing geo politics,ie as a counter weight to China.

Oh i get it. So US is going to make india fight China ..
And , then why did rice say "we want to make india a world power" ??
so it is giving india nukes to counter China then?
SATAN said:
then why did rice say "we want to make india a world power" ???

Thats to appease the indian mass.

SATAN said:
so it is giving india nukes to counter China then?

We have our own,and when there is so much noise abt civilian nuclear deal imagine what wud happen on a military arms deal.
N-deal gets boost in Senate panel

By Chidanand Rajghatta/TNN

Washington: The US-India nuclear deal got a big boost on Thursday when two top Democratic Senators joined their Republican colleagues in cautiously welcoming the agreement and promising qualified support.
At a crucial hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the first hurdle in a long legislative process to give life to the deal, Senator Joseph Biden, the top Democrat on the committee, and former Presidential candidate John Kerry, supported the Bush administration’s initiative despite some reservations.
Their backing came in contrast to withering criticism of the deal from two other Democrats on the 18-member committee, which has ten Republicans and eight Democrats. California’s Barbara Boxer and Maryland’s Paul Sarbanes both expressed pique and anger at the manner in which the administration had forged the deal and indicated they would attach riders and caveats.
But support from political heavyweights Biden and Kerry, with no outright opposition from the half-dozen Republicans who spoke, means the deal could easily clear the Senate committee.
However, that’s only the first step in a long process. It also has to be cleared by a House committee before it goes up to the full Senate and House. But the Senate hearing could set the tone for the legislative debate.
The breakthrough at Thursday’s hearing, the first step in this long process, came when Senator Biden said he was “probably going to support the deal’’ once he was satisfied that India understood the trust the US was placing on it and did not use the deal to accelerate its nuclearweapons programme
Samudra said:
Japan is a signatory of NPT.They dont need a deal such as this for accessing civillian nuclear technology.All roads to NSG are open for them.Japan's constitution forbids it from producing nuclear weapons.
But its also a major member of the NSG and severey opposed to nukes.
Probably the last country in the entire group to support Indo-US deal.
SATAN said:
WTF?? easy sistah, dont get your T#Ts tied up in a knot. U got a problem? that time of the month? Be respectful and obey the rules.

Just a piece of friendly advice. You're a frequent poster with good posts, but I'm afraid if you continue to insult other members, who btw are as valueable to PFF as you are, mods might have to ban you and that would be shame.
Please avoid abusive language and insults and mocking.
We're all grown ups afterall. ;)

Neo said:
Btw, if the nuce deal with India goes thru, the powerful jewish lobby in Washingtom would want to have a similar deal.
Once that happens, consider Pandoras box to be open...

agreed 100% Israel and Pakistan shud be given the same deal also. but i dont understand why is india being given this nuclear deal? who the hell brainwashed bush to go ahead with it? condim rice is pushing the deal forwardso does it mean that india which gave neuclear technology to saddam and libya as well as iran is being rewarded? and it is involved in illegal nuclear trade and blew up 5 bombs in 1998 and never signed the npt treaty. why ?
and india is the most unstable country in the world after iraq right now with many seperatist movements going on like khalistan nagaland kashmir etc etc and also it is causing terroristism in ceylon and nepal and holding back bangladesh water
Comanche said:
agreed 100% Israel and Pakistan shud be given the same deal also….

On what grounds?...Israeli and Pakistani economies are not affecting global oil prices but the growing Indian and Chinese economies are fueling a massive growth in oil demand. The nuclear deal is to cater to this increasing demand of energy in India. This will sustain the global oil price at affordable levels.
Comanche said:
who the hell brainwashed bush to go ahead with it? condim rice is pushing the deal forwardso does it mean that india which gave neuclear technology to saddam and libya as well as iran is being rewarded? and it is involved in illegal nuclear trade…

Hello…When did India help Iraq?..Besides Lybia, Iran and N. Korea have been helped by Pakistan – remember AQ Khans? So please don’t impose your sins on India.
Comanche said:
….and blew up 5 bombs in 1998 and never signed the npt treaty. why ?

We are not an NPT signatory , just as Pakistan – so why do you blame us alone?
Comanche said:
and india is the most unstable country in the world after iraq right now with many seperatist movements

Yeah right! Maybe this instability is attracting the world economic interest in India.
Comanche said:
and also it is causing terroristism in ceylon and nepal and holding back bangladesh water

This part of your post belongs to the “jokes” thread. “India holding back Bangladeshi water” - this has got to be the funniest allegation once has come across. FYI they Bangladeshis would love if we do that – they have been suffering from annual floods and would like some respite.
sword9 said:

On what grounds?...Israeli and Pakistani economies are not affecting global oil prices but the growing Indian and Chinese economies are fueling a massive growth in oil demand. The nuclear deal is to cater to this increasing demand of energy in India. This will sustain the global oil price at affordable levels.

Hello…When did India help Iraq?..Besides Lybia, Iran and N. Korea have been helped by Pakistan – remember AQ Khans? So please don’t impose your sins on India.

We are not an NPT signatory , just as Pakistan – so why do you blame us alone?

Yeah right! Maybe this instability is attracting the world economic interest in India.
This part of your post belongs to the “jokes” thread. “India holding back Bangladeshi water” - this has got to be the funniest allegation once has come across. FYI they Bangladeshis would love if we do that – they have been suffering from annual floods and would like some respite.

i am not making this up. i read it in the news that india cause floods and drought in bangladesh by holding back its rivers.same thing it will do to pakistan by bilding all those damns. and even if india gets modern reactors form usa it will still need oil in huge quantities beause the demand in india is huge and it is a growing economy like mexico but i dont think the nuclear deal is a good idea because india will just use it to make hydrogen bombs which it cant make on its own. and russia will probably give india that tech. india should just concentrate on cleam energy like solar and wind energy.and im scared that india is giving nuclear help to iran which thretens israel.
Comanche said:
i am not making this up. i read it in the news that india cause floods and drought in bangladesh by holding back its rivers.
We don't have any major dams in that region to cause the floods.
but i dont think the nuclear deal is a good idea because india will just use it to make hydrogen bombs which it cant make on its own. and russia will probably give india that tech.
We already tested our own hydorgen bomb in 1998 and it worked fine. India does not need any Russian designs on this one.
india should just concentrate on cleam energy like solar and wind energy.
That is being done, mainly to non-commercial consumers.
and im scared that india is giving nuclear help to iran which thretens israel.
India has to play according to global rules and so it cannot and will not supply nuclear technology to adversaries of friendly countries.
sword9 said:
We don't have any major dams in that region to cause the floods.

We already tested our own hydorgen bomb in 1998 and it worked fine. India does not need any Russian designs on this one.

That is being done, mainly to non-commercial consumers.

India has to play according to global rules and so it cannot and will not supply nuclear technology to adversaries of friendly countries.

you are just filled with lies and i can understand it because you are from india and are just defending your country.

india just tested a boosted fission bomb in 1998 it wasnt a fusion bomb. india cant make a fusion bomb on its own.

india has build a lot of dam in occupied kashmir like baghliar dam and some others. WB is meditating the dispute currently

i cant believe india when it says it will play by the rules because the last time it was geeting nuclear help fom canada and usa and russia it decieved them and used plutonium from the candu reactor to explode a bomb in 74. so i dont believe india at all im sorry they are just two faced liars.everyone knows india is going to use this civilian tech to make bigger and better bombs because it is refuseing to sign the npt and open up all its facitlties to the IAEA . but i also will say that india needs more enrgy. india wants more bombs and thats why its not opening up its fast breeder program to inspections.

and i hope india doesnt give nuclear help to iran . but then why did usa sanction soem indian entities for giving iran nuclear tech.? i would be in favor of giving india nuclear reactors to produce energy if it signs the npt and returns all the plutuniom and fuel rods back to the country of origin and opens up all its facilites to the IAEA and international inspections.
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