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India Bans Zakir Naik’s Islamic Propaganda Channel Peace TV.

Zakir Naik has been responsible for converting massive amounts of Hindus to Islam - so this isn't surprising.

There is not a single one of his sermons in which he encourages terrorism.
110 crore Hindus laughed at your post. First understand this man - You believe Hindus are impressed by his speeches and words? This is the real problem. Since some of his followers gets excited and believes that even Hindus will be convinced of the so called greatness of Islam just by hearing his speeches and drama, you are wrong.
What is your reference and source of information?
invite him and hiss channel to pakistan that will ....... and FYI i watch peace TV and it is largely anit-terrorist with special programs against terrorism ....... you have just pved the way for terrorist to make moderate muslims join their filthy campaign

If Muslims become terrorists for such a flimsy reason then god save Muslims.

Zakir Naik has been responsible for converting massive amounts of Hindus to Islam - so this isn't surprising.

There is not a single one of his sermons in which he encourages terrorism.

You know how it is right? Staged drama so that some more loonies start watching that channel...

Except extremists, no one actually came out in support of him in India, thousands of UP Muslim mullahs want him thrown out and his channel banned.
lol one must be a dumb fu*k and gullible of highest order to believe that this comedian converted significant no. of hindus to Islam.

on topic: Better late than never. we need to curb the growing radicalism of indian muslims in its nascent stage, to protect the internal security of this nation.
The worst are the ones that create the spawns. The low key, innocent ones. Muslims countries themselves need to root these type of people out.
If Muslims become terrorists for such a flimsy reason then god save Muslims.
of course muslims wont for this reason but the ones who are already terrorist will use this like they use donald trump ....... all i m saying is that peace tv is largely anti-terrorist and we should use such type of moderate muslims to counter the radical ones ..... the rest sir is India's choice and i know the no matter what public opinion might be the ones running your country is not fool enough .... i m pretty sure this ban is just temporary ..... just an opinion its a problem within india and you guys have to handle it i m just a farigh insan giving my opinion in literaly everything

on topic: Better late than never. we need to curb the growing radicalism of indian muslims in its nascent stage, to protect the internal security of this nation
exactly and we have to use anti-terrorist motives inside muslims i.e peace tv ........
plz note i m backing Peace TV not zakir naik

The worst are the ones that create the spawns. The low key, innocent ones. Muslims countries themselves need to root these type of people out.

all they could do was ban his show....pussy *** nation
Insecure Indian Hindus were waiting for this moment for a long time.

I hope the pakistani members here defending zakir naik have not heard all of his crooked sermons like the one posted just above coz if they have and they are still defending him...it paints a very depressing picture of their mindset and the educated pakistani society. I am ofcourse assuming that most members here are well educated
of course muslims wont for this reason but the ones who are already terrorist will use this like they use donald trump ....... all i m saying is that peace tv is largely anti-terrorist and we should use such type of moderate muslims to counter the radical ones ..... the rest sir is India's choice and i know the no matter what public opinion might be the ones running your country is not fool enough .... i m pretty sure this ban is just temporary ..... just an opinion its a problem within india and you guys have to handle it i m just a farigh insan giving my opinion in literaly everything

exactly and we have to use anti-terrorist motives inside muslims i.e peace tv ........
plz note i m backing Peace TV not zakir naik
Perhaps you folks have not gone through his videos if serman that is why you lot are denying what a Muslim should do. Deny the hate space it wants in society, but hey we don't have any hopes from you lot either. Thanks.
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